Category: Uncategorized

  • The Neural Tube: From Neural Plate to Brain The Neural Tube: From Neural Plate to Brain The Neural Tube: From Neural Plate to Brain The formation of the nervous system occurs very early in embryonic development. Week 3: Day 18: The neural plate appears. End of week: The neural tube is formed from the neural…

  • The Evolution of Life Through Geological Eras The Evolution of Life Through Geological Eras Precambrian: The emergence of algae. Paleozoic: Cambrian: Differentiation of algae, marine algae dominate. Silurian: Vascular plants appear, animals move to land. Devonian: Ferns appear, diversification of bony fish, emergence of amphibians and insects. Carboniferous: Seed plants appear, diversification of animal phyla,…

  • The Five Aggregates: An Introduction to Mind, Intention, and Action The Five Aggregates: An Introduction to Mind, Intention, and Action The Five Aggregates: An Introduction to Mind, Intention, and Action This article will delve into an analysis of the Five Aggregates, particularly the concepts of Mind, Intention, and Action as they relate to them. 1.…

  • The Circulatory System The Circulatory System The Circulatory System # Arteries General Structure: Inner coat: Endothelium: includes endothelial cells, subendothelial layer (loose connective tissue), and internal elastic membrane (with fenestrae that allow for the passage of substances). Middle coat: Thickest layer, containing circularly arranged smooth muscle fibers, elastic lamellae, elastic fibers, collagen fibers, and proteoglycans.…

  • The Effects of Some Medicinal Herbs The Effects of Some Medicinal Herbs The Effects of Some Medicinal Herbs This article presents the effects of some common medicinal herbs used in traditional medicine: 1. Antibacterial, treating diseases: Euphorbia pilulifera: Kills tuberculosis, leprosy. Garlic: Treats hypertension, atherosclerosis, bronchitis. Betel nut: Contracts pupils, lowers intraocular pressure (treats glaucoma),…

  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: An Autoimmune Disease Affecting Multiple Organs Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: An Autoimmune Disease Affecting Multiple Organs Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: An Autoimmune Disease Affecting Multiple Organs Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in various organs throughout the body. The immune system of people with SLE attacks healthy tissues…

  • Table of Properties of Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs Table of Properties of Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs Table of Properties of Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs Below is a table summarizing the properties of some commonly used traditional Chinese medicine herbs, categorized by flavor, nature, and meridian: | Herb | Flavor | Nature | Meridian | Notes…

  • Structure and Function of Salivary Glands Structure and Function of Salivary Glands Structure and Function of Salivary Glands 1. Structure of the Mouth: External: Hard Palate: Formed by two bones, the maxilla in front and the palatine bone in the back. Soft Palate: Includes the uvula, palatoglossal arch, palatopharyngeal arch, and connects to the back…

  • Subject of Study and Historical Development of Medical Microbiology Subject of Study and Historical Development of Medical Microbiology Subject of Study and Historical Development of Medical Microbiology 1. Concept of Microorganisms: Microorganisms are tiny living organisms that are invisible to the naked eye and can only be observed with a microscope. They include the following…

  • Syndromes Related to Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids Syndromes Related to Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids Syndromes Related to Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids This article will analyze syndromes related to Qi, blood, and body fluids, including their causes, symptoms, and treatment methods. I. Qi Qi is one of the fundamental elements that make up…