Multiple Choice Quiz: A Compilation of Questions Related to Premature Birth
- Answers marked with >> are the correct answers.
- Questions marked with @ are open-ended questions requiring additional information.
- Questions with additional information are written in italics.
I. Definition and Classification
- 815. An infant born with a weight ranging from 500g to 900g is called:
- Miscarriage.
- Extremely premature birth.
- >> C. Premature birth.
- Post-term birth.
- 818. A newborn with a weight of 1100g – 2000g is called:
- Extremely premature birth
- >> C. Premature birth
- Full-term birth
- Post-term birth
II. Causes of Premature Birth
- 823. The following maternal medical conditions during pregnancy can be a cause of premature birth, EXCEPT:
- Maternal infections
- Severe and chronic anemia
- Pelvic surgery
- >> D. Maternal diabetes
- 839. Which of the following medical conditions is generally not associated with the risk of premature birth?
- Uterine malformations.
- Urinary tract infections.
- >> C. Anencephaly .
- Incompetent cervix.
- 840. The following uterine conditions can cause premature birth, EXCEPT:
- Uterine malformations, uterine fibroids
- Poorly developed uterus.
- >> C. Anterior uterine flexure.
- Incompetent cervix.
- 847. Premature birth can occur in the following scenarios, EXCEPT:
- Twins or multiple pregnancies.
- Placenta previa,
- Oligohydramnios.
- >> D. Ovarian cysts.
- 853. The most common cause of premature birth is:
- Premature rupture of membranes, premature rupture
- Placenta previa
- Multiple pregnancies
- Polyhydramnios
- >> A. Premature rupture of membranes, premature rupture
- 854. Ultrasound can diagnose the following causes of premature birth, EXCEPT:
- Uterine malformations
- >> B. Diagnosing ruptured membranes
- Detecting fetal abnormalities
- Assessing the amniotic fluid status
III. Symptoms and Management
- 817. The most accurate treatment guidance and advice for pregnant women with signs of threatened premature birth is:
- Continue to work normally
- >> B. Hospitalization for monitoring and treatment
- Use antispasmodic medications
- No treatment is required
- 829. In threatened premature birth, when the cervix is not dilated, treatment only requires antispasmodic medication and no need to take time off work.
- True
- >> B. False
- 843. Preterm labor includes the following symptoms, EXCEPT:
- Intermittent abdominal pain
- Cervical effacement >80%
- >> C. Feeling dizzy and lightheaded
- Ruptured membranes
- 844. Find the FALSE statement about the management of threatened premature birth:
- The risks and benefits should be weighed before deciding to maintain the pregnancy
- Need to rest, diet to avoid constipation
- Use antispasmodic drugs and hormones
- >> D. It is necessary to be very aggressive in treating to maintain the pregnancy even when the cervix has dilated >2cm
- 855. Treatment of threatened premature birth does not require:
- Bed rest
- Antispasmodic medication
- >> C. Frequent vaginal examinations
- Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent amniotic infection
- 865. The only scenario where threatened premature birth and premature birth should be treated at the primary care level is:
- Cervical dilation > 4cm
- Cervical dilation, 4 cm
- Thin cervical effacement
- >> D. Long, closed cervix
- 866. Choose the FALSE statement regarding preterm labor:
- > 50% of preterm births are of unknown etiology
- The incidence of malpresentations is higher than in full-term pregnancies
- >> C. Contraindication for vacuum extraction
- Perineal incision is not required during delivery of a preterm infant if the infant is small
IV. Characteristics of Preterm Infants
- 819. Preterm infants have all the following external characteristics, EXCEPT:
- Limbs in a more extended posture than flexed.
- Few wrinkles on the soles of the feet.
- In baby girls, the clitoris and labia minora are hidden by the labia majora.
- >> D. In baby boys, the testicles have not descended into the scrotum.
- 820. The most common symptom in preterm infants is:
- The child moves a lot.
- Long fingernails and toenails.
- Increased muscle tone.
- >> D. Skin with a lot of hair and vernix.
- 821. The most dangerous medical condition in preterm infants is:
- Hypoglycemia.
- Prolonged jaundice.
- Gastrointestinal bleeding.
- >> D. Hyaline membrane disease.
- 824. Characteristics of a preterm infant are, EXCEPT:
- The infant is weak, susceptible to injury
- The child is prone to respiratory distress
- The ear cartilage is underdeveloped
- >> D. Reflexes are fully developed
- 833. Preterm infants have the following characteristic: Thick layer of subcutaneous fat
- True
- >> B. False
- 834. Preterm infants have the following characteristic: Weak reflexes
- True
- >> B. False
- 850. An atypical physiological characteristic of preterm infants is:
- High gastric acidity.
- Low prothrombin levels in the blood.
- >> C. Underdeveloped subcutaneous fat layer, making them prone to heat loss.
- Neonatal jaundice is usually more severe and prolonged compared to full-term infants.
V. Caring for Preterm Infants
- 851. The following statements about caring for preterm infants are all true, EXCEPT:
- Vitamin K1 should be administered immediately after birth to prevent bleeding.
- >> B. Do not wrap the infant in too much clothing as preterm infants have difficulty losing heat.
- Strict aseptic techniques should be followed when caring for the infant.
- Breast milk is the best food.
- 852. Which of the following symptoms is commonly found in preterm infants:
- Skin with a lot of lanugo and vernix
- White, sick skin
- The child moves a lot
- Long fingernails and toenails
- >> A. Skin with a lot of lanugo and vernix
VI. Open-ended Questions
- 825. Gestational age < 38 weeks
- >> A. True
- 826. Fetal weight < 500gr
- >> B. False
- 827. The nervous system of the child is not fully developed @True False
- >> True
- 835. Premature birth is labor that occurs before …….(week 37) ……….of gestation (calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period)**
- >> Premature birth is labor that occurs before week 37 of gestation (calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period).
- 836. List the benefits of ultrasound in cases of premature birth:
- >> Benefits of ultrasound in cases of premature birth:
- Estimate fetal weight
- Detect uterine – fetal malformations.
- Determine the location of the placenta and amniotic fluid
- Ultrasound measurement of cervical length to assess the risk of preterm birth.
- 837. List some laboratory tests required in case of suspected maternal fever:
- >> Required tests:
- Urine culture
- Cervical swab for bacterial culture
- Blood tests for malaria parasites.,CRP, blood culture
- 838. One of the causes of premature birth that is well known even before pregnancy, especially in mothers with a history of premature birth is……(Incompetent cervix).**
- >> Incompetent cervix
- 841. If the infant is born before 32 weeks, the risk of neurological complications is:
- >> A. 1/3
- 842. The fetus and its appendages can cause premature birth, choose the incorrect statement:
- Multiple pregnancies
- Placenta previa
- Abruptio placentae
- >> D. Nuchal cord
- 845. Which of the following side effects is not caused by Salbutamol (in the treatment of threatened premature birth):
- Hyperglycemia
- Hypokalemia
- Tachycardia
- >> D. Hypotension
- 846. Choose the most accurate statement regarding Magnesium sulfate in the treatment of threatened premature birth:
- It is a Beta-mimetic drug
- The drug can be administered orally
- >> C. Loss of tendon reflexes is a sign of drug toxicity
- Indicated in patients under 35 years old
- 848. The most common cause of vaginal bleeding in premature birth is:
- Vaginitis.
- Uterine contractions.
- >> C. Cervical dilation.
- Polyhydramnios
- 849. The sucking reflex starts to develop at around:
- 32 weeks of gestation.
- 34 weeks of gestation.
- >> C. 36 weeks of gestation.
- 38 weeks of gestation.
- 856. A pregnant woman has a history of two late miscarriages in the second trimester with the following characteristics: sudden rupture of membranes, rapid labor. The management approach for this pregnancy is:
- Cervical cerclage at week 6.
- >> B. Cervical cerclage at week 14.
- Treat with antispasmodic drugs.
- Complete bed rest until the 6th month of pregnancy.
- 857. All the following statements about premature birth are true, EXCEPT:
- If there is a history of preterm birth, the risk of recurrence is up to 25%.
- >> B.. With current treatments, there has been a significant reduction in the number of preterm births before 37 weeks.
- About 50% of preterm births are of unknown etiology.
- The incidence of malpresentations is higher in premature birth than in full-term pregnancies.
- 858. In a case of preterm labor, all of the following should be done, EXCEPT:
- Deliver the baby systematically.
- Perform extensive perineal incision.
- >> C. Use sedatives and pain relievers during labor.
- A neonatal resuscitation physician should be present at delivery.
- 859. The rate of premature birth in the total number of deliveries:
- >> A. 5 -15%
- 860. Corticosteroid use in mothers reduces the risk of hyaline membrane disease in newborns by:
- >> E. 40-60%
- 861. Ritodrine has the side effect of:
- Hypoglycemia
- >> B. Hypokalemia
- Fetal tachycardia
- Hypertension
- 862. In a case of a 28-week pregnancy, placental abruption. Which of the following treatment options would you choose:
- Cervical cerclage
- Antibiotics, observation
- >> C. Cesarean delivery
- Induction of labor.
- 863. For preterm infants weighing between 1,500 – 2,000g, the most appropriate incubator temperature is:
- 280 – 300
- >> B. 330 – 340
- 350 – 360
- 370
- 864. Causes of dystocia due to fetal appendages, EXCEPT:
- Polyhydramnios
- Chorioamnionitis
- Placenta previa
- >> D. Uterine fibroids
- This quiz is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
- Consult with a qualified medical professional for advice and best healthcare practices.
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