
Multiple Choice Quiz: Premature Birth

Multiple Choice Quiz: A Compilation of Questions Related to Premature Birth


  • Answers marked with >> are the correct answers.
  • Questions marked with @ are open-ended questions requiring additional information.
  • Questions with additional information are written in italics.

I. Definition and Classification

  1. 815. An infant born with a weight ranging from 500g to 900g is called:
    1. Miscarriage.
    2. Extremely premature birth.
    3. >> C. Premature birth.
    4. Post-term birth.
  2. 818. A newborn with a weight of 1100g – 2000g is called:
    1. Extremely premature birth
    2. >> C. Premature birth
    3. Full-term birth
    4. Post-term birth

II. Causes of Premature Birth

  1. 823. The following maternal medical conditions during pregnancy can be a cause of premature birth, EXCEPT:
    1. Maternal infections
    2. Severe and chronic anemia
    3. Pelvic surgery
    4. >> D. Maternal diabetes
  2. 839. Which of the following medical conditions is generally not associated with the risk of premature birth?
    1. Uterine malformations.
    2. Urinary tract infections.
    3. >> C. Anencephaly .
    4. Incompetent cervix.
  3. 840. The following uterine conditions can cause premature birth, EXCEPT:
    1. Uterine malformations, uterine fibroids
    2. Poorly developed uterus.
    3. >> C. Anterior uterine flexure.
    4. Incompetent cervix.
  4. 847. Premature birth can occur in the following scenarios, EXCEPT:
    1. Twins or multiple pregnancies.
    2. Placenta previa,
    3. Oligohydramnios.
    4. >> D. Ovarian cysts.
  5. 853. The most common cause of premature birth is:
    1. Premature rupture of membranes, premature rupture
    2. Placenta previa
    3. Multiple pregnancies
    4. Polyhydramnios
    5. >> A. Premature rupture of membranes, premature rupture
  6. 854. Ultrasound can diagnose the following causes of premature birth, EXCEPT:
    1. Uterine malformations
    2. >> B. Diagnosing ruptured membranes
    3. Detecting fetal abnormalities
    4. Assessing the amniotic fluid status

III. Symptoms and Management

  1. 817. The most accurate treatment guidance and advice for pregnant women with signs of threatened premature birth is:
    1. Continue to work normally
    2. >> B. Hospitalization for monitoring and treatment
    3. Use antispasmodic medications
    4. No treatment is required
  2. 829. In threatened premature birth, when the cervix is not dilated, treatment only requires antispasmodic medication and no need to take time off work.
    1. True
    2. >> B. False
  3. 843. Preterm labor includes the following symptoms, EXCEPT:
    1. Intermittent abdominal pain
    2. Cervical effacement >80%
    3. >> C. Feeling dizzy and lightheaded
    4. Ruptured membranes
  4. 844. Find the FALSE statement about the management of threatened premature birth:
    1. The risks and benefits should be weighed before deciding to maintain the pregnancy
    2. Need to rest, diet to avoid constipation
    3. Use antispasmodic drugs and hormones
    4. >> D. It is necessary to be very aggressive in treating to maintain the pregnancy even when the cervix has dilated >2cm
  5. 855. Treatment of threatened premature birth does not require:
    1. Bed rest
    2. Antispasmodic medication
    3. >> C. Frequent vaginal examinations
    4. Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent amniotic infection
  6. 865. The only scenario where threatened premature birth and premature birth should be treated at the primary care level is:
    1. Cervical dilation > 4cm
    2. Cervical dilation, 4 cm
    3. Thin cervical effacement
    4. >> D. Long, closed cervix
  7. 866. Choose the FALSE statement regarding preterm labor:
    1. > 50% of preterm births are of unknown etiology
    2. The incidence of malpresentations is higher than in full-term pregnancies
    3. >> C. Contraindication for vacuum extraction
    4. Perineal incision is not required during delivery of a preterm infant if the infant is small

IV. Characteristics of Preterm Infants

  1. 819. Preterm infants have all the following external characteristics, EXCEPT:
    1. Limbs in a more extended posture than flexed.
    2. Few wrinkles on the soles of the feet.
    3. In baby girls, the clitoris and labia minora are hidden by the labia majora.
    4. >> D. In baby boys, the testicles have not descended into the scrotum.
  2. 820. The most common symptom in preterm infants is:
    1. The child moves a lot.
    2. Long fingernails and toenails.
    3. Increased muscle tone.
    4. >> D. Skin with a lot of hair and vernix.
  3. 821. The most dangerous medical condition in preterm infants is:
    1. Hypoglycemia.
    2. Prolonged jaundice.
    3. Gastrointestinal bleeding.
    4. >> D. Hyaline membrane disease.
  4. 824. Characteristics of a preterm infant are, EXCEPT:
    1. The infant is weak, susceptible to injury
    2. The child is prone to respiratory distress
    3. The ear cartilage is underdeveloped
    4. >> D. Reflexes are fully developed
  5. 833. Preterm infants have the following characteristic: Thick layer of subcutaneous fat
    1. True
    2. >> B. False
  6. 834. Preterm infants have the following characteristic: Weak reflexes
    1. True
    2. >> B. False
  7. 850. An atypical physiological characteristic of preterm infants is:
    1. High gastric acidity.
    2. Low prothrombin levels in the blood.
    3. >> C. Underdeveloped subcutaneous fat layer, making them prone to heat loss.
    4. Neonatal jaundice is usually more severe and prolonged compared to full-term infants.

V. Caring for Preterm Infants

  1. 851. The following statements about caring for preterm infants are all true, EXCEPT:
    1. Vitamin K1 should be administered immediately after birth to prevent bleeding.
    2. >> B. Do not wrap the infant in too much clothing as preterm infants have difficulty losing heat.
    3. Strict aseptic techniques should be followed when caring for the infant.
    4. Breast milk is the best food.
  2. 852. Which of the following symptoms is commonly found in preterm infants:
    1. Skin with a lot of lanugo and vernix
    2. White, sick skin
    3. The child moves a lot
    4. Long fingernails and toenails
    5. >> A. Skin with a lot of lanugo and vernix

VI. Open-ended Questions

  1. 825. Gestational age < 38 weeks
  2. >> A. True
  3. 826. Fetal weight < 500gr
  4. >> B. False
  5. 827. The nervous system of the child is not fully developed @True False
  6. >> True
  7. 835. Premature birth is labor that occurs before …….(week 37) ……….of gestation (calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period)**
  8. >> Premature birth is labor that occurs before week 37 of gestation (calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period).
  9. 836. List the benefits of ultrasound in cases of premature birth:
  10. >> Benefits of ultrasound in cases of premature birth:
    • Estimate fetal weight
    • Detect uterine – fetal malformations.
    • Determine the location of the placenta and amniotic fluid
    • Ultrasound measurement of cervical length to assess the risk of preterm birth.
  11. 837. List some laboratory tests required in case of suspected maternal fever:
  12. >> Required tests:
    • Urine culture
    • Cervical swab for bacterial culture
    • Blood tests for malaria parasites.,CRP, blood culture
  13. 838. One of the causes of premature birth that is well known even before pregnancy, especially in mothers with a history of premature birth is……(Incompetent cervix).**
  14. >> Incompetent cervix
  15. 841. If the infant is born before 32 weeks, the risk of neurological complications is:
  16. >> A. 1/3
  17. 842. The fetus and its appendages can cause premature birth, choose the incorrect statement:
    1. Multiple pregnancies
    2. Placenta previa
    3. Abruptio placentae
    4. >> D. Nuchal cord
  18. 845. Which of the following side effects is not caused by Salbutamol (in the treatment of threatened premature birth):
    1. Hyperglycemia
    2. Hypokalemia
    3. Tachycardia
    4. >> D. Hypotension
  19. 846. Choose the most accurate statement regarding Magnesium sulfate in the treatment of threatened premature birth:
    1. It is a Beta-mimetic drug
    2. The drug can be administered orally
    3. >> C. Loss of tendon reflexes is a sign of drug toxicity
    4. Indicated in patients under 35 years old
  20. 848. The most common cause of vaginal bleeding in premature birth is:
    1. Vaginitis.
    2. Uterine contractions.
    3. >> C. Cervical dilation.
    4. Polyhydramnios
  21. 849. The sucking reflex starts to develop at around:
    1. 32 weeks of gestation.
    2. 34 weeks of gestation.
    3. >> C. 36 weeks of gestation.
    4. 38 weeks of gestation.
  22. 856. A pregnant woman has a history of two late miscarriages in the second trimester with the following characteristics: sudden rupture of membranes, rapid labor. The management approach for this pregnancy is:
    1. Cervical cerclage at week 6.
    2. >> B. Cervical cerclage at week 14.
    3. Treat with antispasmodic drugs.
    4. Complete bed rest until the 6th month of pregnancy.
  23. 857. All the following statements about premature birth are true, EXCEPT:
    1. If there is a history of preterm birth, the risk of recurrence is up to 25%.
    2. >> B.. With current treatments, there has been a significant reduction in the number of preterm births before 37 weeks.
    3. About 50% of preterm births are of unknown etiology.
    4. The incidence of malpresentations is higher in premature birth than in full-term pregnancies.
  24. 858. In a case of preterm labor, all of the following should be done, EXCEPT:
    1. Deliver the baby systematically.
    2. Perform extensive perineal incision.
    3. >> C. Use sedatives and pain relievers during labor.
    4. A neonatal resuscitation physician should be present at delivery.
  25. 859. The rate of premature birth in the total number of deliveries:
  26. >> A. 5 -15%
  27. 860. Corticosteroid use in mothers reduces the risk of hyaline membrane disease in newborns by:
  28. >> E. 40-60%
  29. 861. Ritodrine has the side effect of:
    1. Hypoglycemia
    2. >> B. Hypokalemia
    3. Fetal tachycardia
    4. Hypertension
  30. 862. In a case of a 28-week pregnancy, placental abruption. Which of the following treatment options would you choose:
    1. Cervical cerclage
    2. Antibiotics, observation
    3. >> C. Cesarean delivery
    4. Induction of labor.
  31. 863. For preterm infants weighing between 1,500 – 2,000g, the most appropriate incubator temperature is:
    1. 280 – 300
    2. >> B. 330 – 340
    3. 350 – 360
    4. 370
  32. 864. Causes of dystocia due to fetal appendages, EXCEPT:
    1. Polyhydramnios
    2. Chorioamnionitis
    3. Placenta previa
    4. >> D. Uterine fibroids


  • This quiz is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
  • Consult with a qualified medical professional for advice and best healthcare practices.

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