Vaccination Contraindications and Postponements

Vaccination Contraindications and Postponements

Vaccination Contraindications:

  • Shock or severe reaction after vaccination: Vaccination should be avoided if the child has had a severe reaction to a previous vaccination.
  • High fever above 39°C with seizures: Vaccination should be avoided if the child has a high fever above 39°C and seizures.
  • Signs of neurological/meningeal disease or cyanosis with difficulty breathing: Vaccination should be avoided if the child has signs of neurological/meningeal disease or cyanosis with difficulty breathing.
  • Congenital Immunodeficiency (CID) or family members with HIV or severe CID: Live attenuated vaccines (like BCG) should be avoided for children with congenital immunodeficiency or family members with HIV or severe CID.
  • Children born to mothers with HIV who did not receive good preventive treatment, mother-to-child transmission: BCG vaccination should be avoided for children born to mothers with HIV who did not receive good preventive treatment, resulting in mother-to-child transmission.

Vaccination Postponements:

  • Organ dysfunction (coma, etc.): Vaccination should be postponed if the child is in a state of organ dysfunction (such as coma) and resumed when the child stabilizes.
  • Acute illnesses or infections: Vaccination should be postponed if the child has acute illnesses or infections and resumed when the child stabilizes.
  • Fever above 37.5°C or hypothermia below 35.5°C (axillary): Vaccination should be postponed if the child has a fever above 37.5°C or hypothermia below 35.5°C (axillary).
  • Recent use of immune globulin within 3 months (except anti-VGB serum): Postpone live attenuated vaccines.
  • Currently or recently finished high-dose corticosteroid treatment (prednisolone >2mg/kg/day) and chemotherapy/radiotherapy within 14 days: Do not use live attenuated vaccines.

Screening at the hospital and vaccination at the hospital:

  • Newborns under 2000g: Require screening at the hospital and vaccination at the hospital.
  • History of increasing reactions to the same type of vaccine: Require screening at the hospital and vaccination at the hospital.
  • Congenital or chronic diseases, unstable organ cancer: Require screening at the hospital and vaccination at the hospital.

Vaccination postponement at the hospital:

  • Children with congenital heart disease or chronic diseases with pulmonary hypertension above 40: Vaccination should be postponed at the hospital.

Screening at the hospital and vaccination:

  • Premature infants under 34 weeks with HBsAg (+) or mothers without testing: Require screening at the hospital and vaccination.

Postponement outside the hospital:

  • Premature infants under 34 weeks and mothers with HBsAg (-): Postpone VGB vaccination.

Postponement of vaccination:

  • Premature infants <34 weeks: Postpone BCG vaccination. Resume vaccination when the infant reaches 34 weeks.

Postponement of vaccination at the hospital for newborns:

  • Children requiring emergency care: Postpone vaccination and resume when the child stabilizes.
  • Children with gestational age less than 28 weeks: Postpone VGB vaccination and vaccinate when the child reaches 28 weeks.
  • Children with gestational age less than 34 weeks: Postpone BCG vaccination and resume vaccination when the child reaches 34 weeks.
  • Weight below 2000g and mother HBsAg (-): If the mother has no test or HBsAg (+), vaccinate.
  • Congenital heart disease with pulmonary hypertension above 40: Postpone vaccination at the hospital.

Screening and vaccination at the hospital:

  • Children under 2000g and mothers with HBsAg (+) or no test: Require screening and vaccination at the hospital.
  • Children under 34 weeks and HBsAg (+) or no test: Require screening and vaccination at the hospital.


  • Consult with a pediatric specialist for advice on a vaccination schedule suitable for the child’s health condition.
  • Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent disease and protect children from dangerous illnesses.
  • Always ensure that the vaccination schedule is followed fully and on time to achieve optimal health protection.

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