Strongyloides stercoralis (Threadworm)
Strongyloides stercoralis (Threadworm)
1. Routes of transmission of threadworm:
- D. Walking barefoot (similar to hookworm and whipworm).
2. Location of adult threadworm:
- C. Small intestinal mucosa.
3. Sample for threadworm examination:
- C. Stool
4. Food of threadworm in the human body:
- B. Intestinal substances
5. Medication for threadworm infection:
- A. Thiabendazole
6. Major harm of threadworm:
- D. Small intestinal inflammation, diarrhea.
7. The indirect development cycle of Strongyloides stercoralis occurs when:
- A. Favorable climate conditions, high temperature.
8. The auto-infection cycle of Strongyloides stercoralis is important because:
- B. The patient is always ill.
9. People get Strongyloides stercoralis infection due to:
- A. Larvae penetrating the skin.
10. Clinical manifestations of Strongyloides stercoralis infection:
- A. Duodenitis, persistent watery diarrhea.
11. Diagnostic test to confirm Strongyloides stercoralis infection:
- B. Stool examination using Baermann’s technique.
12. Technique for concentrating Strongyloides stercoralis larvae:
- C. Baermann.
13. Stage of Strongyloides stercoralis larvae that infect humans:
- B. II (L2).
14. Threadworm larvae resemble the larvae of:
- D. Hookworm/whipworm.
15. Location of male threadworms:
- C. Upper respiratory tract.
16. Prevalence of threadworm infection in Vietnam:
- A. ? 2%.
17. Threadworm prevention is similar to the prevention of:
- A. Hookworm/whipworm.
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