Respiratory Physiology – Summary of Knowledge

Respiratory Physiology – Summary of Knowledge

Respiratory Physiology – Summary of Knowledge

1. Normal Inhalation:

  • Alveolar pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure.
  • The parietal pleura and visceral pleura separate as the lung expands.
  • The diaphragm contracts, raising the rib cage, creating negative pressure in the pleural cavity, helping the lungs expand.

2. Respiratory Air Volumes:

  • Tidal Volume: The amount of air exchanged during each normal breath.
  • Vital Capacity: The maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after exhaling completely.
  • Inspiratory Capacity: The amount of air inhaled after a normal exhalation.
  • Expiratory Capacity: The amount of air exhaled after a deep inhalation.
  • Expiratory Reserve Volume: The amount of air that can be exhaled after a normal exhalation.
  • Residual Volume: The amount of air remaining in the lungs after exhaling completely.
  • Total Lung Capacity: The total amount of air contained in the lungs after a maximum inhalation.

3. Factors Affecting Ventilation:

  • Pressure Gradient: Transpulmonary pressure is the primary factor that drives lung expansion.
  • Lung Elasticity: Helps the lungs return to their original volume after expansion.
  • Airway Resistance: Affects the speed of ventilation.
  • Respiratory Muscle Activity: The diaphragm and external intercostal muscles participate in inhalation, while the internal intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles participate in exhalation.
  • Surfactant: Helps reduce alveolar surface tension, preventing alveolar collapse.

4. Respiratory Regulation:

  • Respiratory Center: Located in the medulla, automatically regulates breathing rhythm.
  • Chemoreceptors: Located in the carotid bodies, aortic bodies, and cerebrospinal fluid, sensitive to the levels of O2, CO2, and blood pH.
  • J Receptors: Located in the lung interstitium, respond to lung distention.
  • Neural Factors: The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems regulate breathing.

5. Gas Transport:

  • Oxygen: Mainly transported by hemoglobin in red blood cells, with a small portion dissolved in plasma.
  • Carbon Dioxide: Transported in the form of bicarbonate ions (HCO3-), dissolved in plasma, and bound to hemoglobin.

6. Gas Exchange:

  • Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli, through passive diffusion, from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.

7. Respiratory Parameters:

  • Minute Ventilation: The amount of air exchanged in one minute.
  • Alveolar Ventilation: The amount of air that reaches the alveoli.
  • Respiratory Rate: Number of breaths per minute.
  • Dead Space: Non-gas-exchanging area in the airway.

8. Respiratory Disorders:

  • Pneumonia: Infection in the lungs.
  • Asthma: Bronchospasm due to allergy.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Decline in lung function due to airway obstruction.
  • Respiratory Failure: Reduced gas exchange capacity.

Note: This is a brief summary of respiratory physiology. For a deeper understanding of specific aspects of respiratory physiology, you should consult more specialized literature.

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