Respiratory Pathophysiology
1. Structure of the Respiratory System:
- Thorax:
- Consists of the spine, ribs, and sternum.
- Inpiratory Muscles:
- Normal: Diaphragm and external intercostals.
- Forced: Scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, serratus anterior (cheek, tongue, nasal wing muscles).
- The diaphragm accounts for 2/3 of the inhaled air.
- Expiratory Muscles:
- Normal: No muscles involved, no energy required.
- Forced: Internal intercostals and abdominal wall muscles.
- Airways:
- Includes the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and terminal bronchioles.
- Classification by structure:
- Cartilaginous Airways:
- From the trachea to the bronchioles.
- Collapsing lumen: due to secretion production by wall cells.
- Membranous Airways:
- Terminal bronchioles.
- Reissesell muscle: constricts/dilates lumen.
- Classification by function:
- Conducting Airways:
- From the trachea to the bronchioles.
- Lined with mucous membrane.
- Nourishment: bronchial arteries.
- Gas Exchange Airways:
- The end portion of terminal bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli.
- Nourishment: pulmonary circulation.
- Lungs:
- 300-500 million alveoli.
- The number of alveoli depends on height and exercise.
- Alveoli surface: lining cells, surfactant-producing cells.
- Anatomical surface area: 80 m2.
- Functional surface area: 70 m2 (area used for respiration).
- Pleura:
- Consists of two layers, one cavity (containing a thin layer of fluid).
- Negative pressure within the pleural cavity is crucial for inspiration.
- When punctured, air enters –> lung collapse.
- Circulatory System:
- Nutritional system:
- Originates from the systemic circulation.
- Nourishes lung parenchyma and bronchi.
- Functional system:
- Originates from the pulmonary circulation.
- 6000-7000 liters/day.
2. Respiratory Function:
- Supply oxygen, eliminate CO2.
- 4 stages:
- Ventilation (breathing):
- Performs gas exchange between alveoli and the external environment through two actions: inhalation and exhalation.
- During inhalation: alveolar pressure < atmospheric pressure.
- During exhalation: alveolar pressure > atmospheric pressure.
- Function: renewal of air in the alveoli, maintaining stable pCO2 and pO2 in residual air.
- Diffusion:
- Passive gas exchange between alveoli and blood across the diffusion membrane.
- Dependent on:
- Pressure difference across the alveolar-blood membrane.
- Total alveolar surface area.
- Thickness of the alveolar-blood membrane.
- Solubility of each gas.
- Transport:
- Delivers O2 from lungs –> cells, carries CO2 from cells –> lungs.
- Dependent on: blood function, circulatory system.
- Exchange across cell membrane – cellular respiration:
- Dependent on: pressure difference of gases on both sides of the membrane (cellular respiration intensity).
- The oxygen consumption rate of the cell determines the rate of oxygen uptake into the cell.
- Cellular respiration intensity determines the level of oxygen uptake from the external environment into the body.
3. Respiratory Regulation:
- Respiratory Center: medulla oblongata, pons.
- Includes 3 groups of neurons –> 3 centers: inspiration, expiration, regulation: regulates automatic activity.
- Cerebral cortex: controls forced respiration.
4. Respiratory Function Testing:
- Spirometry:
- Ventilation capacity testing:
- 3 basic parameters: VC, FEV1, Tiffeneau index.
- Expanded parameters: FVC, TLC, RV.
- Assessing lung parenchyma function through gas exchange volume.
- Assessing airways through air flow rate.
- Diffusion capacity testing:
- Measuring blood pCO2, pO2: assessing diffusion.
- Comparing blood and alveolar pCO2, pO2 –> more accurate.
5. Ventilation Disorders:
- Classification by mechanism:
- Restrictive: decrease in the number of alveoli involved in gas exchange with the external environment.
- Anatomical decrease: lobectomy, emphysema in the elderly, lung collapse…
- Functional decrease:
- Thoracic cage damage: kyphosis, scoliosis, diaphragm paralysis, intercostal neuralgia.
- Lung parenchyma disease: pneumonia, pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrosis.
- Functional testing:
- Decreased volume parameters.
- Decreased/normal flow rate parameters.
- Obstructive: airway narrowing –> affecting gas exchange in a large number of alveoli.
- Due to high airways: laryngeal edema, diphtheria, large foreign bodies.
- Due to cartilaginous airways: small foreign bodies.
- Due to membranous airways:
- Temporary Reissesell muscle contraction: asthma.
- Bronchial wall hypertrophy, secretion production: chronic inflammation, chronic smoke poisoning.
- Functional testing:
- Normal/decreased volume parameters.
- Decreased flow rate parameters.
6. Diffusion Disorders:
- Factors affecting the diffusion process:
- Decreased exchange membrane surface area.
- Ventilation-perfusion mismatch.
- Increased exchange membrane thickness.
- Reduced pressure gradient.
7. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):
- Disease separation:
- Previously, COPD included 3 diseases: asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema.
- Since 2001, COPD, asthma, chronic bronchitis are separate diseases, but share common symptom manifestations, emphysema is a consequence.
- Causes:
- Genetics: alpha 1 deficiency, bronchial hypersensitivity to stimuli.
- External environment: smoking, dust, environmental pollution.
- There are 4 stages:
- Stage 0: chronic cough, sputum production, normal respiratory function.
- Stage 1: FEV1 >= 80%, FEV1/FVC < 70%.
- Stage 2: 30% < FEV1, 80%.
- Stage 2a: FEV1 > 50%.
- Stage 2b: FEV1 < 50%.
- Stage 3: FEV1 < 30%.
8. Respiratory Failure:
- A condition where the body cannot meet the body’s oxygen supply and CO2 elimination requirements.
- There are 3 types:
- Respiratory failure due to decreased blood oxygen when PaO2 <= 60mmHg.
- Increased blood CO2 when PaCO2 >= 50 mmHg accompanied by acidosis pH < 7.35.
- Mixed type: decreased blood oxygen and increased blood CO2.
- Classification according to:
- Severity:
- Grade I: dyspnea occurring during heavy exertion.
- Grade II: decreased pO2 during moderate exertion.
- Grade III: decreased pO2 during mild exertion.
- Grade IV: decreased arterial blood pO2 even at rest.
- Location of control and execution.
- It’s easy to confuse with heart disease, need respiratory function testing, rule out heart disease, measure arterial blood pO2.
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