Reproductive Health and Menstrual Disorders Quiz

Reproductive Health and Menstrual Disorders Quiz

Reproductive Health and Menstrual Disorders Quiz

Question 1: Which of the following ages in women is considered primary amenorrhea, despite having reached puberty and developed secondary sexual characteristics normally?

A. After 13 years old

B. After 16 years old

C. After 18 years old

D. After 25 years old

Question 2: Primary dysmenorrhea is common in the following women, EXCEPT:

A. Endometriosis

B. Cervical stenosis after cervical cauterization

C. Excessive anteflexion or retroflexion of the uterus

D. History of cervical insufficiency

Question 3: Uterine adhesions can lead to which of the following consequences:

A. Hypermenorrhea

B. Dysmenorrhea

C. Amenorrhea

D. Oligomenorrhea

Question 4: The following are common causes of ovarian amenorrhea, EXCEPT:

A. Bilateral oophorectomy

B. Ovotesticular syndrome

C. Bilateral tubal ligation

D. Turner syndrome

Question 5: The menstrual cycle involves ovulation, which occurs due to the interaction of which of the following hormones:

A. hCG and FSH

B. FSH and Estrogen

C. FSH and LH

D. LH and FRF

Question 6: Secondary amenorrhea is the condition of continuous absence of menstruation for:

A. 3 months or longer

B. 6 months or longer

C. 9 months or longer

D. 1 year or longer

Question 7: The following are symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, EXCEPT:

A. Headache

B. Edema

C. Breast tenderness

D. Shortness of breath, dizziness

Question 8: Precocious puberty is defined as the onset of menstruation at:

A. < 8 years old

B. From 10 to 12 years old

C. From 13 to 16 years old

D. When breast development is not fully complete

Question 9: Premature menopause is the absence of menstruation before:

A. 35 years old

B. 40 years old

C. 45 years old

D. Between 45 and 50 years old

Question 10: Oligomenorrhea occurs when the menstrual cycle length is longer than:

A. 30 days

B. 35 days

C. 40 days

D. 45 days

Question 11: Polymenorrhea occurs when the menstrual cycle length is shorter than:

A. < 20 days

B. < 21 days

C. < 25 days

D. < 28 days

Question 12: Menorrhagia refers to a menstrual cycle with a duration of bleeding longer than:

A. > 4 days

B. > 5 days

C. > 7 days

D. > 10 days

Question 13: Physiological amenorrhea is a correct diagnosis in the following cases, EXCEPT:

A. Pregnancy

B. Breastfeeding

C. Menopause

D. Intact hymen

Question 14: The following are correct principles for the management of menorrhagia, EXCEPT:

A. Blood transfusion if significant anemia

B. Uterine contractions, uterine curettage if married

C. Hormonal treatment for young unmarried women

D. Hormonal treatment for perimenopausal women is mandatory

Question 15: The following are all causes of secondary dysmenorrhea, EXCEPT:

A. Abnormal uterine position due to adhesions

B. Uterine fibroids blocking menstrual flow

C. Cervical stenosis

D. Easily irritated, prone to pain, and easily emotional

Question 16: The following are correct measures to prevent secondary dysmenorrhea, EXCEPT:

A. Hygiene during menstruation and sexual intercourse

B. Prenatal hygiene

C. Ensuring sterility during childbirth

D. Intrauterine device (IUD) insertion to prevent uterine adhesions

Question 17: FSH and LH levels in the blood of menopausal women change as follows:

A. FSH increases and LH increases

B. FSH increases and LH decreases

C. FSH decreases and LH decreases

D. FSH decreases and LH increases

Question 18: In postmenopausal women, an ultrasound diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia is made when the endometrial thickness is:

A. >10 mm

B. >09 mm

C. > 06 mm

D. > 04 mm

Question 19: The following causes can all lead to prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding, EXCEPT:

A. Intrauterine device (IUD).

B. Use of oral contraceptives.

C. Pelvic inflammatory disease.

D. Uterine fibroids.

Question 20: All of the following are physical causes of menstrual disorders, EXCEPT:

A. Genital cancer

B. Genital tuberculosis

C. Hormonal imbalance.

D. Uterine fibroids.

Question 21: The main cause of anovulatory cycles is:

A. Prolonged luteal phase.

B. Ovarian insufficiency.

C. Absence of estrogen with a change in progesterone levels.

D. Absence of progesterone with a change in estrogen levels.

Question 22: In cases of anovulatory cycles, patients often seek medical attention because of:

A. Difficulty conceiving.

B. Abdominal pain.

C. Increased vaginal discharge.

D. Heavy menstrual bleeding.

Question 23: Treatment of anovulatory cycles can involve ovulation induction using one of the following methods in all cases:

A. Clomiphene citrate.

B. Ovarian wedge resection.

C. hCG.

D. Depending on the specific case, there is a suitable method.

Question 24: Functional menorrhagia is:

A. Abnormal bleeding from the genital tract.

B. Due to excessive uterine curettage.

C. Common in puberty or perimenopause.

D. Common in those with blood disorders.

Question 25: The following statement is incorrect regarding the general characteristics of functional menorrhagia:

A. Menstrual cycle is disrupted to some extent.

B. Excessive uterine bleeding, very difficult to treat, often requiring hysterectomy.

C. General condition shows signs of anemia due to heavy bleeding.

D. 30% of functional menorrhagia in menopause requires monitoring for precancerous conditions.

Question 26: Which of the following should not be done in the diagnosis of functional menorrhagia:

A. Medical history, physical examination.

B. Gynecological examination.

C. Uterine curettage.

D. Laparoscopy for diagnosis.

Question 27: The average age of menopause:

A. Between 40 – 45 years old.

B. Between 45 – 50 years old.

C. Between 40 – 50 years old.

D. Between 45 – 55 years old.

Question 28: Dysmenorrhea typically:

A. Only occurs in women who have never given birth

B. Abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa

C. Can cause abdominal pain before, during, or after menstruation

D. Severe abdominal pain, episodic, with a feeling of fainting

Question 29: The menstrual cycle is calculated from:

A. The end of menstruation to the first day of the next menstrual cycle.

B. The first day of this menstrual cycle to the end of the next menstrual cycle.

C. The first day of this menstrual cycle to the first day of the next menstrual cycle.

D. The end of this menstrual cycle to the end of the next menstrual cycle.

Question 30: FSH and LH are hormones produced by:

A. Hypothalamus

B. Pituitary gland

C. Ovaries

D. Adrenal glands

Question 31: Choose the correct statement about amenorrhea:

A. Primary amenorrhea is defined as the absence of menstruation by the age of 18.

B. Pseudomenorrhea is defined as a cause originating from the ovaries rather than the uterus.

C. One possible cause is adrenal hyperplasia.

D. Can only be treated with hormones.

Question 32: In the case of polymenorrhea (frequent menstruation), what is the treatment approach?

A. Use estrogen at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and add progesterone when menstruation is about to occur.

B. Use progesterone at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and add estrogen when menstruation is about to occur.

C. Use estrogen around the middle of the menstrual cycle.

D. Use progesterone around the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Question 33: Menstruation is a bleeding phenomenon caused by the decline of Estrogen and Progesterone, leading to shedding of the uterine lining, resulting in bleeding from the uterus to the outside.

Question 34: Name the four main syndromes causing primary amenorrhea:

A. Turner Syndrome

B. Adrenogenital syndrome

C. Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome

D. Female pseudohermaphroditism

Question 35: The occurrence of monthly menstruation in women of reproductive age can only require:

A. Decreased progesterone

B. Decreased estrogen and progesterone

C. Increased progesterone

D. Increased estrogen

Question 36: Hormone level measurements in blood plasma reveal low estrogen, low progesterone, high FSH, and high LH. Which of the following conclusions is most accurate:

A. Pituitary insufficiency

B. Ovarian insufficiency

C. Hypothalamic insufficiency

D. None of the options are suitable

Question 37: A 25-year-old woman has not had her period for 3 months. The first step is:

A. Induced menstruation.

B. Sex hormone measurement.

C. Rule out pregnancy.

D. Identify genital tract pathology.

Question 38: Among the following causes of amenorrhea, the cause with the highest chance of successful treatment is:

A. Uterine adhesions

B. Pituitary gland

C. Ovaries

D. Intact hymen

Question 39: Hypomenorrhea can occur due to:

A. Prolonged use of antibiotics

B. Prolonged use of combined estrogen and progestogen contraceptives

C. Prolonged use of progestogen contraceptives

D. Prolonged use of corticosteroids

Question 40: In cases of anovulatory cycles, patients often seek medical attention because of:

A. Difficulty conceiving

B. Abdominal pain

C. Increased vaginal discharge

D. Heavy menstrual bleeding

Question 41: Functional menorrhagia is:

A. Abnormal bleeding from the genital tract

B. Due to excessive uterine curettage

C. Common in puberty or perimenopause

D. Common in those with blood disorders

Question 42: The causes of delayed puberty include:

A. Hypothalamic causes

B. Pituitary causes

C. Ovarian causes

D. Both B and C are correct

Question 43: Menstruation is caused by:

A. Increased FSH

B. Increased LH

C. Decreased Gn-RH

D. A sudden drop in Estrogen and Progesterone

Question 44: How is menorrhagia in puberty usually treated?

A. Progesterone.

B. Estrogen.

C. Androgen.

D. Vitamin K.

Question 45: Treatment of anovulatory cycles can involve ovulation induction using one of the following methods in all cases:

A. Clomiphene citrate

B. Ovarian wedge resection

C. hCG

D. Depending on the specific case, there is a suitable method

Question 46: Case study 1:

(1). A 15-year-old girl comes to the hospital for lower abdominal pain. List 3 questions to ask:

A. Nature of abdominal pain

B. Medical history

C. Menstrual history

(2). After questioning, you learn that the pain occurs monthly and she has not had her period yet. What is the preliminary diagnosis? Menstrual retention

(3). If this is the case, what should you pay attention to during the physical examination? Check for genital abnormalities

Question 47: Case study 2:

(1). A woman who had an abortion 2 months ago comes to the hospital because she has not had her period again. List 3 possible diagnoses:

A. Pregnancy.

B. Not menstruating again.

C. Uterine adhesions

(2). To rule out these diagnoses, what tests and investigations should be done?

A. Hormonal tests

B. hCG.

C. Uterine sounding.

D. Hysterosalpingography.

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