Quick Knowledge Summary of Medical Conditions
Quick Knowledge Summary of Medical Conditions
1. Spleen and Lymph Nodes:
- Spleen:
- Tests: Blood tests and tissue biopsy.
- Lymph Nodes:
- Tests: Observation of cell morphology.
2. Acute Pulmonary Edema:
- Symptoms:
- Dyspnea (shortness of breath) in two stages
- Coughing up pink frothy sputum
3. Acute Glomerulonephritis:
- Duration: A few weeks to less than 3 months.
4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
- Cause: Compression of the median nerve in the wrist.
5. Osteoarthritis:
- Physical therapy duration: 30 minutes – 1 hour.
6. Cozen’s Test:
- Diagnosis: Lateral epicondylitis (inflammation of the tendons attached to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus).
7. Major Blood Vessel Complications of Diabetes:
- Affected Areas: Cardiovascular system, brain, kidney (rare), upper/lower limbs.
8. Heart Sounds in Systole:
- Types of heart sounds: Click-ejection, click-VHL, rapid-fire cannon.
9. Heart Sounds in Diastole:
- Types of heart sounds: S3, gallop, click-VHL.
10. Edema due to the Use of Antihypertensive Medications:
- Drugs causing edema: Calcium channel blockers (CCBs – …dipin).
11. Complications of Aortic Dissection Except:
- Excluded complication: Difficulty breathing.
12. Loss of Heat/Pain Sensation Affecting:
- Affected area: Posterior horn of the spinal cord.
13. Charles-Bell’s Sign:
- Manifestation: Inability to close the eye, eyeball pulled upwards…
- Nerve affected: Facial nerve (VII).
14. Evaluation of Cerebellar Gait:
- Examination: Finger-to-nose test.
15. Barré and Mingazzini Tests:
- Barré: Examines both upper and lower limbs. The side with paralysis falls first. However, it only checks the muscle strength of the upper limb.
- Mingazzini: Examines the lower limb. It differs from Barré in that the leg is bent.
16. Heberden’s Nodes:
- Location: Distal interphalangeal joint (DIP joint).
17. Suspected Liver Tremor:
- Condition: Liver abscess.
18. Low Iron, Normal or Increased Ferritin:
- Cause: Infection.
19. Edema Often Associated With:
- Manifestation: Weight gain.
20. Risk Factors for Chronic Airway Obstruction:
- Conditions: Asthma, COPD, tuberculosis…
- Excluded condition: Bronchitis.
21. Most Accurate Expression of Lumbar Spine Range of Motion:
- Test: Schober.
22. Common Bacterial Complications of Diabetes:
- Conditions: Pulmonary tuberculosis, skin infections, urinary tract infections.
- Excluded condition: Meningitis.
23. Characteristics of Edema Due to Vitamin B1 Deficiency:
- Manifestation: Accompanied by peripheral edema of the lower limbs.
24. Characteristics of Enlarged Liver in Right Heart Failure:
- Characteristics: Blunt edge, tender to palpation.
25. Characteristics of Enlarged Liver in Liver Abscess:
- Characteristics: Blunt edge, soft consistency, sharply tender to palpation.
26. Thalassemia:
- Characteristic: Small platelets.
27. Cell and Fluid Tests:
- Cells: T test.
- Fluid: B test.
28. Mouth sores, Difficulty Swallowing, Spoon-shaped Nails:
- Condition: Iron deficiency anemia.
29. Nephrotic Syndrome with Edema:
- Cause: Leakage.
30. Kernig’s Test:
- Positive angle: 40 degrees.
31. Increased Bilirubin:
- Increased unconjugated bilirubin: Gilbert’s disease, Crigler-Najjar syndrome.
- Increased conjugated bilirubin: Cholestasis, post-hepatic such as due to rifampicin use, common bile duct stones, Dubin-Johnson syndrome.
32. Complications of Diabetes – Oral Except:
- Excluded complication: Tooth decay.
33. Claude Bernard Horner Syndrome:
- Manifestation: Ptosis (drooping eyelid), enophthalmos (retraction of the eyeball), miosis (constriction of the pupil).
- Cause: Cervical sympathetic nervous system disorder.
34. Biermer’s Disease:
- Condition: Megaloblastic anemia.
35. Hemoglobin Levels in Young Women Not in the Childbearing Period:
- Value: Below 120 g/l.
36. Splenic Index:
- Dimensions: 6-7/9-(10)-11-12/15.
- 9: Anterior pole
- 11: Posterior pole
- 12: Length
- 120-150: Weight
- 6-7: Width
37. Zieh-Neelsen a.k.a AFB:
- Examination: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Bacillus…).
38. Fever Temperature:
- Mouth: 37.8 degrees Celsius.
- Rectal: 38.2 degrees Celsius.
This information should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.
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