Pregnancy Test: Prenatal Care and Pregnancy Management
This article provides information on prenatal care and pregnancy management, including multiple-choice questions and correct answers.
1. Vaccination:
- Question 235: Which of the following routine vaccinations should pregnant women receive?
- Answer: B. VAT (Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine)
2. Nutritional Supplements:
- Question 236: Which of the following substances should pregnant women supplement with during pregnancy?
- Answer: D. Calcium
3. Tetanus Immunization:
- Question 237: The correct administration of tetanus vaccine is:
- Answer: A. The second dose is given one month after the first dose.
4. Rest Before Delivery:
- Question 238: Pregnant women need to stop working before delivery:
- Answer: C. One month
5. Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy:
- Question 239: The most important clinical symptom accompanying bleeding in suspected ectopic pregnancy is:
- Answer: C. Lower abdominal pain
- Question 240: The characteristic of vaginal bleeding in ectopic pregnancy is:
- Answer: D. Black blood with a coffee-ground appearance
6. Diagnosis of Miscarriage:
- Question 241: In a miscarriage, vaginal bleeding is usually:
- Answer: D. Red bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain
7. Prenatal Checkup Schedule:
- Question 242: Currently, the Ministry of Health regulates that women must have a minimum of prenatal checkups during pregnancy:
- Answer: A. 3 times
- Question 243: In prenatal checkups, the most important history to ask pregnant women is:
- Answer: A. Obstetric history
- Question 244: Prenatal checkups in the last 3 months need to detect in pregnant women:
- Answer: B. Symptoms of hypertension
8. Pregnancy Management:
- Question 245: When is the best time to register for pregnancy management:
- Answer: B. As soon as pregnancy is detected
- Question 246: After a prenatal checkup, you should:
- Answer: D. All of the above (schedule the next appointment, consult with a specialist, give instructions to the pregnant woman)
- Question 247: The most accurate target group of women for pregnancy management is:
- Answer: D. All pregnant women
- Question 248: If the pregnancy is developing normally and the mother is healthy, there is no need to re-examine until labor and delivery, then go to the hospital:
- Answer: B. False
- Question 249: You should always remind pregnant women to re-examine immediately if they have any abnormal symptoms, not according to the scheduled appointment:
- Answer: A. True
- Question 250: Good pregnancy management can reduce maternal and neonatal mortality, and reduce obstetric complications:
- Answer: A. True
- Question 251: Classifying pregnancy as normal or high-risk is the responsibility of pregnancy management:
- Answer: A. True
- Question 252: In pregnancy management: Pregnancy management is carried out until the end of the postpartum period.
- Answer: A. True
- Question 253: When late menstruation is accompanied by abdominal pain and black bleeding, you should immediately think about ectopic pregnancy (Ectopic Pregnancy):
- Answer: A. True
- Question 254: Each pregnancy, a woman must have at least …()… prenatal checkups.
- Answer: 3 times
- Question 255: The first prenatal checkup is in ……, the second is in ….. the third is in ……
- Answer: (the first trimester)
(the second trimester)
(the third trimester)
9. Fetal Malformations:
- Question 256: The risk of fetal malformations due to medication is highest in which stage of pregnancy?
- Answer: A. The first 8 weeks after conception.
- Question 257: All of the following antibiotics are contraindicated during pregnancy EXCEPT:
- Answer: B. Penicillin
10. Diagnosis of Molar Pregnancy:
- Question 258: Theca lutein cysts in the ovaries are most commonly seen in:
- Answer: C. Molar pregnancy
- Question 259: When a molar pregnancy is definitively diagnosed, you must:
- Answer: C. Have the patient undergo necessary tests before terminating the pregnancy.
- Question 260: In a missed abortion in the first trimester, a characteristic sign seen on clinical examination is:
- Answer: C. Uterus smaller than gestational age
11. Purpose of Prenatal Checkup:
- Question 261: The purpose of the first prenatal checkup in the first trimester is:
- Answer: B. Confirm pregnancy and register for pregnancy management
- Question 262: During prenatal checkup, urine is tested for proteinuria:
- Answer: C. Test during every prenatal checkup
- Question 263: Normal fetal heart rate is in the range of:
- Answer: C. 120-160 beats per minute, clear and regular.
- Question 264: The purpose of prenatal checkups in the first trimester is to:
- Answer: A. Confirm pregnancy for pregnancy management.
12. Labor During Pregnancy:
- Question 265: During pregnancy, women can still:
- Answer: C. Perform normal work, avoid heavy lifting.
13. Medications Used During Pregnancy:
- Question 266: Which of the following medications can be used during pregnancy without fear of harm to the fetus:
- Answer: D. Insulin
14. Diagnosis of Molar Pregnancy:
- Question 267: The most important clinical symptom accompanying bleeding in molar pregnancy is:
- Answer: C. Uterus size larger than gestational age and soft
15. Steps in Prenatal Checkup:
- Question 268: How many steps are there in performing a prenatal checkup:
- Answer: D. 9 steps
16. Measuring Uterine Height:
- Question 269: When a pregnant woman is examined, she forgets her last menstrual date, and her uterine height is measured to be 24cm, this corresponds to a pregnancy of:
- Answer: C. 7 months
17. Blood Pressure Monitoring:
- Question 270: When examining an 8-month pregnant woman, her initial blood pressure during pregnancy was measured at 120/70 mmHg, and currently her blood pressure is measured at 140/80, you should:
- Answer: B. Have her rest at home, re-examine after 1 week or if she has any abnormal symptoms
18. Energy Needs:
- Question 271: Pregnant women need an average of about:
- Answer: C. 2500 – 3000 kcalo per day
19. Tetanus Immunization:
- Question 272: Choose one correct sentence about tetanus immunization for pregnant women:
- Answer: B. 2 doses, the first dose from the 4th month onwards and the second dose at least 1 month after the first dose and at least 1 month before delivery.
20. Predicting Fetal Weight:
- Question 273: A pregnant woman comes for a prenatal checkup, her uterine height is measured at 32cm, her abdominal circumference is 95cm. The estimated fetal weight of this pregnant woman is:
- Answer: B. 3200g.
21. Benefits of Pregnancy Management:
- Question 274: Good care and pregnancy management will ……., correctly manage ……… and lower ……. low birth weight babies.
- Answer: (identify high-risk pregnancies)
(will reduce mortality and morbidity for both mother and fetus as well as neonate)
(perinatal mortality rate)
This article provides basic information on prenatal care and pregnancy management. However, to ensure the health of both mother and fetus, you should consult with a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology.
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