Plant Midterm Exam 70% (Part I)

Plant Midterm Exam 70% (Part I)


1. What are the characteristics of a valvular capsule?

  • The number of sepals is twice the number of carpels.
  • The seed-bearing axis is in the middle of the fruit, detaching from the pericarp.

2. What is a squirrel tail inflorescence?

  • It’s a spike that bears only unisexual flowers.

3. What type of fruit is formed from a multi-locular ovary, where each locule develops into a drupe when mature?

  • A multiple fruit (aggregate fruit).

4. Describe the characteristics of a spike inflorescence.

  • Flowers are small.
  • A spike has many flowers.
  • Flowers are sessile, arranged in two different rows.

5. What is the function of protective tissue?

  • Protection, prevention of water loss, regulation of gas exchange, and secretion of metabolic compounds.

6. What is a bract?

  • A leaf that bears a flower in its axil.

7. What type of inflorescence has a long peduncle that elevates the flowers to the same plane?

  • A raceme.

8. In a seed with endosperm, where can the embryo (plantlet) be located?

  • Inside the endosperm.
  • Outside the endosperm.
  • Surrounding the endosperm.

9. The anatomical structure of a thorn shows the following tissues: “epidermis, cortical parenchyma, phloem, and xylem arranged in a continuous circle.” Where does this thorn originate from?

  • Branch.

10. What type of pollination is shown in this figure?

  • Cross-pollination.

11. What happens when a flower has an inferior ovary?

  • The ovary is always attached to the floral receptacle.
  • The number of carpels can be few or many, fused or free.

12. Describe the characteristics of onion plants.

  • Fibrous roots.
  • Flowers with 3-merous symmetry.
  • Smooth roots.

13. What is the following description: “male gametes migrate to fertilize the female gamete”?

  • Syngamy.

14. How is the distribution of stomata in Magnolia leaves?

  • More on the lower surface than on the upper surface of the leaf.

15. From where does a seedling develop?

  • The combination of the first male gamete with the egg cell.

16. What parts does the floral receptacle bear?

  • Perianth, androecium, gynoecium.

17. Angiosperms and gymnosperms both reproduce by seeds, but how is pollen dispersed in gymnosperms for fertilization?

  • It falls on the pollen chamber.

18. How does the perisperm differ from the endosperm?

  • It is located outside the endosperm.
  • It is diploid.

19. After fertilization, which cell of the zygote develops into the embryo (plantlet)?

  • The inner cell.

20. What is the hilum?

  • The scar left by the funicle attached to the ovule.

21. What does the term dioecious refer to?

  • A plant species with male and female flowers on two different plants.

22. What are multiple fruits?

  • Breadfruit, jackfruit, fig, mulberry.

23. What can be the protective tissue in roots?

  • Cork, root cap, cork cambium.

24. Where does the phloem around the pith originate from?

  • Pith cambium.

25. An ovary formed by two carpels creates a bicarpellary ovary. When mature, it splits along the midrib of the carpels. How many sepals does the plant have?

  • 2.

26. What is an aril?

  • It is formed from the development of the funicle.
  • It is fleshy, enclosing or not enclosing the seed.
  • It is found in the Sapindaceae and Passifloraceae families.

27. How does a sympodial branching pattern differ from a monopodial one?

  • The main axis of the stem is formed from different segments from a series of consecutive buds.

28. What is the wing of a winged fruit formed by the development of?

  • The pericarp.

29. What characteristics indicate that a plant is at a lower evolutionary position?

  • Flowers are usually solitary.
  • Floral parts are arranged spirally.
  • Anthers are filamentous and narrow.

30. Which of the following fruits have a number of sepals twice the number of carpels?

  • Valvular capsule, loculicidal capsule, fruit of the Orchidaceae family.

31. What is the characteristic of stomata with a subsidiary cell?

  • The Ranunculaceae family.

32. What is the function of the endodermis in roots?

  • It reduces the entry of water from the cortex into the stele.

33. When the medicinal part of some medicinal plants is the leaf, which characteristics of the leaf are important for examining the leaf drug?

  • Epidermis, stomata, hairs.

34. What is a polyandrous androecium?

  • Stamens fused into multiple bundles.

35. Sepals can have the following pre-anthesis:

  • Spiral, valvate, contorted, imbricate, quincuncial.

36. A fruit formed from a flower with one carpel or multiple fused carpels is called what?

  • Simple fruit.

37. Describe the characteristics of adventitious roots.

  • They grow from branches.
  • They are radially symmetrical.
  • The central cylinder occupies about 1/3.
  • The vascular bundles are radial.

38. When are stamens sterile?

  • Stamens lack anthers.
  • Anthers lack pollen grains.
  • They are modified into petals.
  • They are modified into nectar glands.

39. In the Umbelliferae family, the taproot has 4 rows of lateral roots. Why is that?

  • There are 2 primary xylem bundles.
  • There are secretory sacs on the apex of the xylem pole.

40. When looking at the plant cell wall, you see fibers arranged in parallel and intersecting at an angle of 60-90 degrees. What is this component?

  • Cellulose.

41. Among the different types of anther dehiscence, which one is most common?

  • Longitudinal dehiscence.

42. What does a flower with a gynoecium stipe mean?

  • The floral receptacle is elongated and bears the androecium and gynoecium.

43. What does the embryo of a Magnolia seed consist of?

  • Radicle, plumule, cotyledons, and two cotyledons.

44. The xylem of a mature Magnolia tree trunk can be divided into two zones. What are they?

  • Sapwood is the living wood while heartwood is the dead wood.

45. Bark is the medicinal part in some medicinal plants. Anatomically, what tissues does it consist of?

  • Cork and cortical parenchyma.

46. Where are sieve tubes with companion cells found?

  • Plants of the Magnoliophyta class.

47. What type of placentation is shown in the figure?

  • Axile placentation.

48. What are the characteristics of meristematic cells?

  • Cells have thin walls.
  • Small vacuoles.
  • Small size, isodiametric.

49. To what group of fruits does the rice fruit belong?

  • Indehiscent dry fruits.

50. What are the types of regular and sympetalous corollas?

  • Campanulate, rotate, tubular, cruciform.

51. The following cases have bisexual flowers but still experience cross-pollination:

  • Stamens and pistils do not mature at the same time.
  • Stamens are shorter than the pistil.
  • The fleshy stigmatic lobes are small and cannot hold large pollen grains.

52. What is a didynamous androecium?

  • It has 4 stamens, two long and two short.

53. What is the structure composed of living cells, long, with sieve-like perforated cross walls, arranged in vertical rows in a plant?

  • Sieve tube.

54. What can the reserve substances in seeds be?

  • Starch, lipids, aleurone.

55. How do drought-adapted plants store water in their cells?

  • Cuticularized cell walls.

Note: These are the questions for the exam. You can find the answers by looking for further information in textbooks or reference materials.

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