Physical and Language Development in Children from 0 to 6 Years Old

Physical and Language Development in Children from 0 to 6 Years Old

Newborn Stage (0-1 Month)

  • Newborns primarily rely on natural reflexes like extension, flexion, turning, and stretching.
  • They begin to have spontaneous movements and cry to express their needs.
  • From week 2-3, they can already follow their mother with their eyes.

2-3 Month Stage

  • Their neck begins to strengthen, allowing them to lift their head momentarily. By the end of the third month, they can hold their head up.
  • They cry purposefully to express discomfort and begin to make sounds like “oo” and “ah” in response to sounds.
  • They start to gaze intently, smile, and follow moving bright objects.

4-5 Month Stage

  • They learn to roll over and can sit with support.
  • They look at colorful objects, put their hands in their mouths, and start to pronounce vowel sounds.
  • They laugh out loud.

6 Month Stage

  • They can sit but not yet independently, grasp objects with their palm, and reach for objects.
  • They make sounds like “ba” and “ma,” recognize familiar people.

7-8 Month Stage

  • They can sit upright, transfer objects between their hands, put their hands in their mouths, pronounce “ba ba,” “ma ma,” differentiate strangers from familiar people, and wave goodbye.

9 Month Stage

  • They crawl, stand with support, grasp objects with their thumb and index finger, pronounce 2-3 syllables.

10-12 Month Stage

  • They stand firmly, walk by holding onto things, point with their index finger, pronounce “grandma,” “mom,” “dad” (single words), understand the word “no,” recognize distinct objects, wave goodbye, and blow kisses.

13-15 Month Stage

  • They walk by holding onto things very well, take a few steps independently, open boxes by themselves, stack 2 blocks, pronounce 4-6 single words, understand simple commands, and imitate others.

18-24 Month Stage

  • They walk well, run a few steps, stack 4 blocks, pronounce two-word sentences, know how to ask for the toilet, imitate others, have more skillful finger dexterity, feed themselves, point to body parts.

2-Year-Old Stage

  • They run well, climb stairs with help, imitate simple actions, speak 2-3 word sentences, their vocabulary increases, ask to use the toilet, have a developing symbolic world.

3-Year-Old Stage

  • They run fast, ride a tricycle, draw straight lines, build tall towers, wash and dry their hands, dress with help, speak 2-3 word sentences, have a vocabulary of 250 words, know how to ask questions, sing short songs, enjoy dancing and singing, know pronouns.

4-6 Year-Old Stage

  • They ride a two-wheeled bicycle, climb up and down stairs, mold and draw, dress themselves, brush their teeth, speak longer sentences, enjoy telling stories, count numbers.

This is just a possible translation, and you can adjust it further based on your specific needs and the intended audience.

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