Pathology: Knowledge Compilation and Notes
I. Drug-Induced Lung Injury
- Risk factors:
- Age > 60
- Preexisting lung disease (interstitial pneumonia)
- Decreased respiratory function
- History of lung resection
- Oxygen therapy
- Radiation exposure
- Renal impairment
- Smoking
- Note:
- Drug-induced lung injury is a serious concern that can lead to respiratory failure and even death.
- Close monitoring of patient’s respiratory function during drug use is crucial.
- Healthcare professionals should stay updated on the respiratory side effects of drugs, particularly new ones.
- The website []( provides comprehensive information about drug-induced lung injury.
- Drugs causing cardiogenic pulmonary edema:
- Diltiazem
- Propanolol
- Albumin
- Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema:
- Aspirin
- Methotrexate
- Lung injury due to Methotrexate:
- Risk factors:
- Diabetes mellitus
- Low albumin
- Older age
- Pleural effusion due to rheumatic fever
- Mechanism:
- Allergic reaction
- Cough due to angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors:
- More common in women > men
- Latency period up to 15 months
II. Pulmonary Embolism
- Risk factors:
- Estrogen-containing medications (contraceptives)
- Antipsychotic medications
III. CO2-induced Myasthenia
- Drugs causing myasthenia:
- Aminoglycosides (Amikacin)
- Penicillin A
- Procainamide
IV. Jaundice
- Pre-jaundice:
- Duration of 1 week
- Mild fever, not associated with colds
- Flu-like symptoms
- Jaundice:
- Duration of 2-6 weeks
- Increased jaundice, dark yellow urine
- Fever subsides, no fever
- Routes of transmission of hepatitis virus:
- HAV: fecal-oral route
- HBV, HCV, HDV: blood, skin and mucous membrane contact, sexual intercourse, mother to child
- HEV: fecal-oral route
V. Liver Failure
- Classification:
- Fulminant hepatic failure: < 7 days
- Acute hepatic failure: 8-28 days
- Subacute hepatic failure: 4 weeks – 28 weeks
- Acute hepatitis AST, ALT:
- Cirrhosis: AST/ALT > 1
- Alcoholic hepatitis: AST/ALT > 2
VI. Hepatocellular Failure Syndrome
- Symptoms:
- Sleep, digestion, and clotting disorders
- Jaundice, yellow eyes
- Spider angiomas
- Erythema, palmar erythema
- Bilateral leg edema
- Ascites
- Decreased albumin, cholesterol
- Increased globulin, bilirubin
VII. Portal Hypertension Syndrome
- Symptoms:
- Ascites
- Splenomegaly
- Portal-systemic shunt
- Hemorrhoids
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- Hypersplenism
VIII. Iron Overload and Copper Overload
- Iron overload:
- Skin pigmentation
- Copper overload (Wilson):
- No specific symptoms
IX. Diagnosis of Cirrhosis
- Gold standard: liver biopsy
X. Classification of Hepatitis
- Based on clinical and paraclinical features (hepatocellular failure, portal hypertension)
- Stage diagnosis based on gastrointestinal bleeding, jaundice, ascites, infection, hepatic encephalopathy (compensated – decompensated)
- None: shrunken liver
XI. Urinalysis
- False positive: myoglobinuria
- False negative: urine contains ascorbic acid, nitrites, high protein, pH < 5
- Sample collection: first urine of the morning, midstream
XII. Proteinuria
- Not causing proteinuria: minimal change glomerulonephritis
XIII. Red Blood Cell Casts
- Suggestive of: renal tuberculosis
XIV. Hematuria
- Not causing hematuria: bilirubin, porphyrin, myoglobin, hemoglobin
- Causing hematuria: bilirubin, porphyrin, myoglobin, hemoglobin
XV. Important Tests in Renal Edema
- Proteinuria
XVI. Blood Pressure Grading
- >= 18 years old:
- Primary chronic hypertension
- Not using antihypertensive medications
- No acute disease
XVII. Calcium Channel Blockers (Blood Pressure)
- Used for elderly patients (along with thiazides):
- Side effects: facial flushing, palpitations, leg edema, nocturia
XVIII. Beta Blockers
- Caution:
- Abrupt discontinuation of medication
- Bradycardia
- Patients with asymptomatic hypoglycemia
XIX. Effective Volume Depletion
- Causes:
- Heart failure
- Infection
- Ascites
- Acute pancreatitis
- Third-space loss
XX. True Volume Depletion
- Causes:
- Gastrointestinal-intestinal inflammation
- Chronic diarrhea
- Excessive diuretics
- Poor nutrition
XXI. Prevention of Drug-Induced Nephrotoxicity from Contrast Media
- Use:
- Lowest dose
- No additional imaging for 24-48 hours
- Do not use NSAIDs or diuretics for at least 24 hours
- Check kidney function 24-48 hours
XXII. Acute Tubular Necrosis
- Drugs causing necrosis:
- Aminoglycosides
- Amphotericin B
XXIII. Drugs causing hemolysis
- Drugs causing hemolysis:
- Colchicine
- Ciprofloxacin
- Paracetamol
XXIV. Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
- Risk factors:
- Use of acetaminophen, aspirin > 1g > 2 years
XXV. Risk Factors for Acute Kidney Injury from Contrast Media
- > 60 years old:
- Diabetes mellitus
- Heart failure
- Infection
- Reduced circulatory volume
- Underlying kidney disease > 60 ml/min
XXVI. Prevention of Drug-Induced Kidney Damage
- Use:
- Measure drug concentration
- Use substitute drugs if possible
- Adjust risk factors if possible
- Supplement fluids before and during treatment
- Assess kidney function before treatment (MDRD)
- Monitor and adjust drug dosage (Cockroft-Gault)
- Avoid combining nephrotoxic drugs
XXVII. Drugs that exacerbate hypertension
- Erythropoietin
- Cyclosporine
- Ergotamine
- Estrogens
- Corticosteroids
- Alcohol
- Cocaine
- Anticholinergics
XXVIII. Risk factors for increased peptic ulcer disease in Hp-infected individuals
- CagA & Vac A bacterial infection:
- High salt intake
- Canned food consumption
- NOT a risk factor: alcohol
XXIX. Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Classification:
- ST-segment elevation MI
- Non-ST-segment elevation MI
- Unstable angina
XXX. Causes of Coronary Artery Disease
- Atherosclerosis:
- Takayasu’s disease, Kawasaki disease
- Hyperthyroidism
- Thrombosis, embolism
- Hypercoagulability disorders
XXXI. Risk factors for coronary artery disease
- Increased LDL:
- Decreased HDL
- HbA1c
- Systolic blood pressure
- Smoking
XXXII. Classification of MI
- 5 types:
- Type 1: occurs naturally (primary)
- Type 2: secondary MI due to myocardial oxygen imbalance
- Type 3: sudden death MI
- Type 4a: MI related to intervention, procedures
- Type 4b: MI related to stent intervention
- Type 5: MI related to coronary artery bypass surgery
XXXIII. Optimal aspirin dose for coronary artery disease
- 75-150 mg
XXXIV. Most sensitive test for coronary artery disease
- Exercise electrocardiogram
XXXV. Drug group improving prognosis for patients with chronic coronary artery disease
- Statins:
- Aspirin
XXXVI. Drug group improving symptoms of coronary artery disease
- Beta blockers:
- Calcium channel blockers
- Nitrate group
XXXVII. Mechanism of Diarrhea
- Osmotic diarrhea:
- Secretory diarrhea
- Inflammatory diarrhea (exudative diarrhea)
- Diarrhea due to intestinal motility disorders (IBS, hyperthyroidism, adrenal insufficiency) -> chronic diarrhea
XXXVIII. Causes of acute diarrhea
- Infection:
- Toxic infection
- Food poisoning, medication
XXXIX. Dysentery
- Blood and mucus in stool:
- Amoebic dysentery – parasite: no fever
- Bacillary dysentery – bacteria (Shigella): fever
XL. Pathogenesis of Constipation
- Slowed transit in the colon:
- Defecation disorder
- False perception of bowel habits
XLI. Causes of Constipation
- Tumors, inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome:
- Pregnancy
- Hypothyroidism
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hypokalemia
- Lead poisoning
XLII. Helicobacter pylori (Hp)
- Gram-negative spiral bacterium:
- Has flagella
- Located beneath the mucous layer of the gastric mucosa
- Secretes urease enzyme that hydrolyzes urea into NH3 & CO2, neutralizing acid
XLIII. Classification of Hp
- Toxic – moderately toxic – non-toxic:
- Cag (+): toxic
- Cag (-): non-toxic
- pH > 7 transforms from spiral bacterium -> coccus (inactive form)
XLIV. Factors to be noted in the diagnosis of cirrhosis
- Cause:
- Complications
- Child Pugh classification
- EXCLUDING: prognosis
XLV. The underestimation of drug-induced lung injury is due to
- There are too many drugs that cause TDP on the respiratory system
XLVI. How to stay updated on TDP drugs on the respiratory system?
XLVII. The reason why UT drugs are more likely to cause TDP on the lungs
- The symptoms of the disease are easily mistaken for TDP from the drug
XLVIII. The most common lung injury caused by drugs
- Bronchospasm
XLIX. Factor that cannot cause coronary artery disease
- Increased supply, decreased demand
L. Ischemic colitis cannot occur in patients with
- Hypercoagulability state
LI. Symptoms of colitis
- Pain decreases after defecation:
- Abdominal pain on rectal examination
- Defecation multiple times when the entire colon is inflamed
LII. Mild ulcerative colitis
- Defecation < 4 times
LIII. Pseudomembranous colitis
- After taking antibiotics for 7-10 days
LIV. History of chronic kidney disease, which antibiotic is contraindicated?
- Gentamycin
LV. Patient with chronic kidney disease, gout is contraindicated?
- Paracetamol (NSAIDs)
LVI. Classification of albuminuria AER
- A1 < 30:
- A2 30-300:
- A3 > 300:
LVII. Classification of eGFR
- 1 > 90:
- 2 60-89:
- 3A 45-59:
- 3B 30-44:
- 4 15-29:
- 5 < 15:
LVIII. Description of rheumatoid arthritis
- The most common chronic inflammatory arthritis:
- Leaves many sequelae
- Manifests in joints and extra-jointly
- Peak incidence 25-55 years old
- 0.5-1% of the population
- Women > men (2-3:1)
LIX. Pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis
- Interaction of environment, genetics, and immunity:
- Exact mechanism unknown
- Macrophages secrete cytokines
LX. Organ damage in rheumatoid arthritis
- Mental disorders:
- Reproductive dysfunction
- Coronary artery disease
- NO: pericardial effusion
LXI. Patient with red urine, what test needs to be done to confirm the diagnosis?
- Microscopic examination of urine sediment with centrifugation
LXII. Drugs that worsen congestive heart failure
- Corticosteroids:
- Class 1 antiarrhythmics
- Carbenoxolone
- Verapamil, Diltiazem
- Alpha blockers
- NO: Losartan, Spironolactone
LXIII. Drugs toxic to cardiomyocytes
- Doxorubicin:
- Mitomycin
- Mitoxantrone
- Paclitaxel
- NO: Enalapril
LXIV. How do NSAIDs cause congestive heart failure?
- Retention of salt and water leading to increased circulatory volume
LXV. Factors suggestive of constipation due to serious medical conditions
- Weight loss:
- Continuous and worsening progression
- Family history of colorectal UT
- Age > 40
- NO: straining and using fingers to remove stool
LXVI. In chronic colitis, endoscopy helps to
- Rule out malignancy
LXVII. Characteristic of the acute phase of rheumatoid arthritis
- VS & CRP
LXVIII. Which joints are commonly affected in rheumatoid arthritis?
- Wrist, finger metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal joints
LXIX. Effect of immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory drugs in rheumatoid arthritis
- Helps improve prognosis
LXX. Chronic phase of rheumatoid arthritis
- Should: perform physical therapy; use braces, appropriate devices, exercise
- SHOULD NOT: put patients on complete bed rest
LXXI. The earliest criterion for detecting kidney damage
- Urine volume
LXXII. Conditions that increase urea more than normal
- Patients with gastrointestinal bleeding
LXXIII. Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the community
- 10%
LXXIV. Which urine sample is used for Addis sediment?
- Urine sample kept for 3 hours
LXXV. The most common cause when a patient with acute kidney injury is in an emergency
- Acute tubular necrosis
LXXVI. The most accurate assessment of proteinuria from the glomeruli
- 24-hour urine protein test
LXXVII. Indication for kidney biopsy
- Hematuria with kidney failure:
- Primary corticosteroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
- Microscopic hematuria + red blood cell casts
- Hematuria with proteinuria > 1g/24 hours
- NO: gross hematuria with blood clots
LXXVIII. Generalized edema
- Bilateral symmetrical edema of the body, must occur in at least 2 places on the body
LXXIX. Hematuria in glomerulonephritis lasting
- About 1 year after the disease is cured
LXXX. Neurological symptoms in high blood urea syndrome
- Restless legs syndrome, cramps:
- Memory and sleep disorders
LXXXI. Criteria for acute interstitial nephritis syndrome
- White blood cell casts
LXXXII. Oral asthma rescue medication
- Short-acting beta-2 agonist inhaled:
- Formoterol/Budesonide
- Ipratropium
- Magnesium sulfate
LXXXIII. Risk factors for acute asthma attacks
- Previous history of intensive care unit admission, intubation due to acute asthma attack:
- Having >= 1 severe asthma attack in the past 12 months
- Uncontrolled asthma
- Having psychological or socioeconomic problems
- Incorrect inhaler technique
LXXXIV. Functional symptoms suggestive of asthma
- Wheezing for about 1-2 hours in the morning
LXXXV. Risk of fixed airway obstruction
- Not using inhaled corticosteroids:
- Continued smoking, exposure to chemicals, pollution
- Increased sputum production
- Increased blood eosinophils
- NO: increased blood IgE
LXXXVI. Cells that do not participate in the pathogenesis of asthma
- IgG
LXXXVII. Goals of asthma management
- Symptom control:
- Maintain normal active function
- Reduce risk of exacerbations, risk of fixed obstruction
- Reduce drug side effects
LXXXVIII. The most common test to assess kidney function
- Blood creatinine
LXXXIX. Acute glomerulonephritis syndrome consists of symptoms
- Hematuria:
- Increased blood creatinine
- Generalized edema
- Hypertension
- NO: positive renal percussion
XC. Nephrotic syndrome completely recovers with corticosteroids when
- 3 consecutive negative urine dipstick tests
XCI. Paraclini
cal features consistent with average post-streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis
- Anti-Streptolysin O positive
XCII. Colitis management
- Cancer surveillance when the disease lasts longer than 8 years
XCIII. Ulcerative colitis is colitis caused by
- Unknown etiology
XCIV. Ulcerative colitis care
- Gastrointestinal nutrition:
- Treatment with monoclonal antibodies
- Contraindicated: antidiarrheal drugs
XCV. Acute interstitial nephritis symptoms
- Fever:
- Rash
- Joint pain
XCVI. The most common lung injury from heroin
- Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
XCVII. Side effect of dry cough from ACE inhibitors
- Occurs in 5-25%:
- Appears 1 week – 15 months after taking medication
- Women > Men
- Stop medication -> cough stops in 1 week – 3 months
XCVVIII. Lung injury from Amiodarone
- Phospholipid accumulation in cells:
- Chest X-ray shows lung lesions that are less dense than the surrounding tissue
XCIX. Triad that helps identify aspirin-induced asthma
- Asthma – allergic rhinitis – nasal polyps
C. Nitrofurantoin lung injury
- Due to hypersensitivity reaction:
- Immune-mediated damage
- 2/3 of cases have cough
CI. Cells that DO NOT participate in inflammation of the joints
- Smooth muscle cells
CII. Acute interstitial nephritis caused by agents
- Acyclovir
CIII. Fanconi Syndrome
- Tenofovir:
- Antiviral drugs
- Expired tetracyclines
CIV. Iron deficiency microcytic hypochromic anemia
- Give the patient iron supplements
CV. Patient with unmeasurable blood pressure, lethargy, low urine output
- Pre-renal cause
CVI. Which factor is included in the MDRD formula for calculating glomerular filtration rate?
- Race
CVII. Minimum tests to diagnose chronic kidney disease
- Blood creatinine, urinalysis, kidney ultrasound
CVIII. Drugs that cause tachycardia
- Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride:
- Diuretics
- Minoxidil
- Theophylline
- Thyroxine (thyroid hormone)
- Anticholinergic antagonists
CIX. Drugs that prolong QT
- Quinidine:
- Procainamide
- Haloperidol
- Macrolides
- Phenothiazines
General Notes:
- All information above is for reference only and does not replace medical advice from a healthcare professional.
- Contact your doctor for advice and timely treatment if you have any health problems.
- Keep up-to-date on information about diseases and medications to enhance your own knowledge.
Hope this information is helpful!
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