Organic Chemistry: Basic Concepts

Organic Chemistry: Basic Concepts

Organic chemistry is the branch of science that studies the structure, properties, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds. Here are some basic concepts in organic chemistry:

1. Starch:

  • The main component of starch is amylopectin.

2. Boiling Point:

  • Acids have the highest boiling point.
  • Hydrocarbons (CxHy) have the lowest boiling point.
  • Boiling point increases with molecular weight: compounds with larger molecular weights have higher boiling points.
  • Boiling point of unsaturated compounds is higher than that of saturated compounds: For example, the boiling point of an alkene is higher than that of the corresponding alkane.

3. Special Organic Compounds:

  • C6H7O2(ONO2)3 (cellulose trinitrate) is the main component of smokeless powder.
  • Formic acid reacts with Cu(OH)2.
  • Glucose (Glu) is oxidized by AgNO3 and reduced by H2.
  • Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants use light energy to synthesize glucose from CO2 and H2O, releasing O2: CO2 + H2O -> C6H10O5 + O2.
  • Methyl methacrylate decolorizes bromine solution.
  • Silk contains ?-amino acid residues.
  • Acetic acid reacts with Cu(OH)2 to form a blue precipitate.
  • Cellulose has a linear structure.


  • This article provides only some basic concepts of organic chemistry.
  • For a deeper understanding, you should refer to more advanced organic chemistry materials.

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