Medicinal Plants – What You Need to Know
This article provides basic information about medicinal plants, including the structure, characteristics, and active ingredients of some common medicinal plants.
1. Areca Nut:
- Active ingredient: Arealin
- Characteristic of ripe fruit: Splits into two pieces of shell
2. Root Structure of Plants:
- Primary structure: Root hair layer, primary cortex, central cylinder
3. Carrot Root:
- Origin: Formed from the main root into a root tuber
4. Saigon Earth:
- Easy to confuse with: Forest Tea plant
5. Pre-Flowering Stage of Citrus:
- Type of pre-flowering: Valve
6. North Leaf:
- Location: Leaves grow in the axils of a flower
7. Red Polygonum Multiflorum:
- Plant family: Polygonaceae (Smartweed)
8. Latin in Science:
- Period of use: Renaissance
9. Thick Tissue:
- Location: At the 4 corners of the mint family (Lamiaceae) or the petiole corners of some plants like lemon basil
10. Job’s Tears:
- Scientific name: *Coix lachryma-jobi*
- Family: Poaceae
11. Calyx of Pomegranate Family Plants:
- Characteristic: 5-6 sepals
12. Parenchyma:
- Function: Connects different tissues, assimilation or storage
13. Chlorenchyma:
- Type of tissue: Assimilative parenchyma
14. Conservation Methods:
- Method: In-situ, ex-situ, on-farm conservation, field gene banks, in vitro gene banks
15. Root of *Stephania tetrandra*:
- Type of root: Root tuber
16. Root of Orchid Plants:
- Characteristic: Adhering firmly to the stem, aerial roots
17. Non-living Components:
- Components: Microtubules, plastids
18. Stem of the Gourd Family:
- Shape: Pentagonal
19. Single-flowered Plants:
- Example: Plantain, mustard
20. Latin Name of Plants:
- Requirement: Must have the ending “aceae”
21. Root of Plantain:
- Root form: Fibrous root
22. Leaf of *Leonurus japonicus*:
- Growth pattern: Opposite leaves
23. White Celosia:
- Flower shape: Spike
24. Laydon Plant:
- Stem type: Poisonous bulbous stem
25. Inner Procambium:
- Location: Inside the stele (central cylinder)
26. Phloem Fibre:
- Function: Support
27. Onion:
- Missing tissue: Thick tissue
28. Star Anise Fruit:
- Fruit type: Aggregate fruit
29. Pre-Flowering Type:
- Number of types: 7 types: spiral, valve, overlapping, five-point, banner, spoon
30. Floral Appendages:
- Appendage: Bract, nectar glands, corolla appendages
31. *Hedyotis corymbosa*:
- Type of root: Fibrous
32. Characteristics of Monocotyledonous Plants:
- Characteristics: Tap root type, parallel leaf venation type, number of petals 3, 6; 1 cotyledon, herbaceous stem type, column
33. Missing Parenchyma:
- Characteristic: Composed of uneven cells, leaving large, wide intercellular spaces filled with air
34. Berry:
- Example: Orange
35. Polygonum Multiflorum:
- Family: Polygonaceae (Smartweed)
36. Wax Layer on Gourd Skin:
- Origin: Due to the waxification of the cell wall
37. Name of Plant Division:
- Symbol: Ales
38. Rectangular Pattern:
- Type of tissue: Chlorenchyma
39. Parts of the Root:
- Order from top to bottom: Root collar, periderm region, root hair region, growth region, root tip
40. Supporting Part in the Stem of Onion:
- Part: Vascular bundle sheath, sclerenchyma ring
41. Active Ingredient in Areca Nut:
- Active ingredient: Arealin
42. Spongy Thick Tissue:
- Characteristic: Has intercellular spaces
43. Stoma Cells:
- Classification:
- Subsidiary cells: Stoma is surrounded by subsidiary cells similar to epidermal cells.
- Guard cells: Stoma is surrounded by two guard cells that are perpendicular to the stomatal pore.
- Accessory cells: Stoma is surrounded by 3 subsidiary cells, one of which is smaller than the other two.
- Companion cells: Stoma is surrounded by two subsidiary cells parallel to the two stomatal pores.
44. Flower of the Smartweed Family:
- Floral diagram: Bisexual, 5-6 sepals, no petals, 3-6 whorls of stamens, 3 whorls of pistils, superior ovary
45. Didynamous Stamen:
- Characteristic of family: Mint
46. Lateral Root:
- Origin: Pericycle
47. Growth Pattern of Flowers:
- Raceme: Unbranched inflorescence axis, bearing many pedicellate flowers, each flower located in the axil of a bract. The lower flowers bloom first, followed by the upper flowers in succession. The inflorescence is cone-shaped and long.
- Spike: No pedicels. The flowers are closely attached to the inflorescence axis.
48. Endodermis:
- Location: Innermost layer of the cortex
49. Adhering Roots, Breathing Roots:
- Adhering roots: Grow from stem fragments to help the plant cling to other plants or trellises.
- Breathing roots: Found in many plants living in swamps.
50. Fan Palm Leaf:
- Leaf type: Ribbon-shaped leaf, with a sheath that grows against the stem and spreads out like a fan
51. Mint Family:
- Characteristic: Stamen whorl consists of many separate stamens, with long filaments that push the anthers out (stamen with rough filaments). Under the leaf epidermis or in parts of the flower, there are oil glands of the meristematic type.
52. Anise Family:
- Characteristic: Pistil consists of 5-21 separate carpels arranged in a circle like a star, forming an aggregate fruit composed of many achenes.
53. Umbelliferae and Ginseng Family:
- Difference: Lifestyle
54. Umbelliferae:
- Characteristic: Herbaceous, fragrant, stem often hollow, with longitudinal grooves. Compound leaves with sheaths. Compound umbel inflorescence, 5-membered, inferior ovary.
55. Fabaceae Flower:
- Characteristic: No ovary consists of 3 separate carpels arranged in a circle
56. Dianthus Fruit:
- Characteristic: The fruit originates from a flower with a one-celled ovary, central placentation, a node at the tip of the fruit, while the base of the fruit remains united, and the seeds are carried by a column in the middle of the fruit.
57. Meristematic Tissue Not Found in Rice:
- Tissue type: Lateral meristem
58. Saponin:
- Characteristic component of the family: Araliaceae
59. Protoplasm:
- Characteristic: A viscous mass, high viscosity, and elasticity, water content accounts for about 70-80%
60. Mitochondria:
- Function: Respiration to generate energy
61. Chloroplasts:
- Main function: Assimilation in green plants
62. Starch:
- Common storage material: Type of inclusion
63. Meristematic Tissue:
- Important characteristic: Consists of undifferentiated cells
64. Cellulose Pectin:
- Structure: Two layers belong to the structure of the plant cell wall
65. Corner Thick Tissue:
- Location: At the 4 corners of the mint family stem or the petiole corners of some plants like lemon basil
66. Petal:
- Parts: Blade, claw
67. Growth Region:
- Location: Meristem of the root
68. Vascular System:
- Arrangement pattern: Phloem outside, xylem inside
69. Leaf with One Vein:
- Example: *Cycas revoluta*
70. Incision in Dissected Leaf:
- Shape: Reaching the leaf vein
71. Leaf Transformed into Spine:
- Function: Reduce water transpiration
72. Bract Transformed:
- Example: *Pinellia ternata*, *Colocasia esculenta*, *Kaempferia galanga* … bracts often transform into spathes that enclose the inflorescence
73. Pedicel:
- Location: In the axil of the bract
74. Latin Name of *Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata*:
- Latin name: *Sêmn*
75. Latin Name of Onion Stem:
- Latin name: *Bulbus*
76. Latin Name of Petal:
- Latin name: *Petalum*
77. Spongy Thick Tissue:
- Characteristic: Has intercellular spaces between thick tissue cells
78. Function of Vacuoles:
- Function: Sacs containing water and dissolved substances in water
79. Thick Tissue Different from Sclerenchyma:
- Difference: The nature of the thickening material on the cell walls
80. Chlorenchyma:
- Structure: Narrow and elongated cells containing chloroplasts tightly packed together and perpendicular to the epidermis
81. Companion Cells:
- Function: Secrete enzymes that prevent the coagulation of the protoplasm of the vessels
82. Tracheid with Trapezoidal Shape:
- Characteristic of species: Pine and Ipecac root
83. Consonants in the Latin Alphabet:
- Consonants: B, h, k, l, m, p, r, v, c, d, f, g, q, qu, s, t, x, z, kh, chl, ph, rh, th, w
84. Concept Not Found in Latin:
- Concept: Diphthong
85. Diphthongs in Latin:
- Diphthongs: Ae, oe, au, eu
86. Consonant Clusters in Latin:
- Consonant clusters: Th, kh, chl, ph, rh, th
87. Latin Name of the Buttercup Family:
- Latin name: *Ranunculaceae*
88. Latin Name of Rhizome:
- Latin name: *Rhizoma*
89. Tracheid and Vessel:
- Function: Wrong, they conduct elaborated sap
90. Oil Secreting Tubes and Secreting Cells:
- Correct
91. Sclerenchyma Fibre:
- Correct: Long, spindle-shaped cells, very thick walls, and very narrow lumens
92. Secretory Epidermis:
- Location: Often found in petals
93. Chromoplasts:
- Function: Create the color of fruits when young
94. Chromoplasts:
- Main function: Attract insects
95. Glandular Hair:
- Tissue type: Secretory tissue
96. Water in Protoplasm:
- Ratio: 80-85%
97. Mulberry Family:
- Characteristic: Stipules encircle the bud and fall off early leaving a ring-shaped scar on the stem/ two stipules fall off early leaving two scars on the stem
98. Smartweed Family:
- Flower characteristic: Not forming fruits, forming fruits with 3 sides or convex lens shape
99. Inflorescence:
- Characteristic: Consists of many flowers growing on a branched floral axis
100. Inflorescence of *Amorphophallus konjac*:
- Shape: One-sided cyme
101. Draw a Stamen Diagram:
- How to draw: B shape with the concave side facing inward
102. Middle Fruit Peel:
- Origin: Parenchyma of the ovary wall creates
103. Segments of Citrus Fruit:
- Origin: Inner fruit peel
104. Root Hair Region:
- Function: Absorb water and mineral ions mainly through which structural component of the root
105. Legume:
- Characteristic: When ripe, splits into two pieces of shell
106. Asteraceae:
- Characteristic: Herbaceous plants, roots can swell into tubers. Capitulum, raceme or head of capitulum. Flowers can be regular, tubular, or irregular, with small ligulate flowers. Closed fruit.
107. Job’s Tears:
- Scientific name: *Coix lachryma-jobi*
- Family: Poaceae
108. Smartweed Family:
- Latin name: *Polygonaceae*
109. Onion:
- Missing tissue: Thick tissue
110. Stoma with Accessory Cells:
- Characteristic: Around the stoma there are 3 subsidiary cells, including 2 large cells and one small cell
111. Stoma with Subsidiary Cells:
- Characteristic: Around the stoma there are 5 subsidiary cells that have the same shape as the epidermal cells
112. Stoma with Annular Cells:
- Characteristic: The stoma is surrounded by subsidiary cells that are arranged in a continuous chain along the length
113. Zangiberaceae:
- Characteristic: Large flowers, easily crushed color
114. Plants Belonging to the Nightshade Family:
- Example: *Datura metel*, *Solanum tuberosum*, *Lycium chinense*, *Capsicum frutexcens*
115. Mint Family:
- Characteristic: Irregular flowers and didynamous stamen. Aromatic plants with essential oils. Square herbaceous stem, opposite leaves.
116. Asteraceae:
- Characteristic: Have essential oil glands. Flowers have reduced calyx and often develop into pappus. Capitulum inflorescence. Small fruit.
117. Gourd Family:
- Characteristic: Creeping or climbing stems by tendrils. Often large berries. Parietal placentation. Has *Cucumis sativus*.
118. Basic Unit in Plant Classification:
- Unit: Species
119. Many Genera Closely Related to Form:
- Classification: Family
120. Class Schizomycetes:
- Division: Bacteria
121. Symbol P in Floral Formula:
- Used when: Sepals and petals are similar
122. Raceme:
- Characteristic: The inflorescence axis bears many pedicellate flowers
123. Phellogen:
- Function: Produces cork and phelloderm in the secondary structure of the stem
124. Vascular Bundle of Stem:
- Characteristic: Arrangement of the vascular system in a centrifugal direction
125. Taro and Potato:
- Stem type: Tuberous stem
126. Dicotyledonous Plants:
- Characteristic: Have secondary structure due to procambium
127. Dicotyledonous Leaf:
- Characteristic: Two distinct upper and lower surfaces
128. Characteristic Not Belonging to Flowers:
- Characteristic: Unlimited growth
129. Receptacle:
- Carries parts: Perianth, androecium, gynoecium
130. Main Parts of the Flower:
- Parts: Perianth, androecium, gynoecium
131. Bract:
- Location: Leaf bearing flower in the axil
132. Spathe:
- Characteristic: Large bract with color and encloses the entire inflorescence
133. Buttercup Family:
- Characteristic: Convex receptacle with a hollow shape
134. Calyx Transformed into Pappus:
- Function: Suitable for wind-dispersed fruits
135. Flower with Stamen:
- Name: Male flower
136. Didynamous Stamen:
- Characteristic: Flower has 4 stamens, 2 long stamens, and 2 short stamens
Note: This article is a compilation of basic information about medicinal plants. To learn more about specific medicinal plants, you should consult specialized materials.
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