MD Pathophysiology: Review Exercises
1. Complement:
- Intersection of the 3 complement activation pathways: C3b
- Complement factors (C2-C5): when activated, they are cleaved into two fragments, a and b, with fragment b usually binding to the target cell, except: C2b
- Alternative complement activation pathway: the equivalent complex to C4b2a in the lectin pathway is C3bBb
- C5 convertase of the alternative complement activation pathway: C3bBb3b
- Opsonization: associated with FcRgamma
2. Absorption and Digestion:
- Absorption is not affected when a patient has secretory diarrhea: sodium absorption is coupled with glucose
- Decreased serum albumin in patients with cirrhosis:
- Decreased synthesis and degradation
- Decreased supply from diet (due to decreased absorption)
- Albumin loss into ascites fluid
- Decreased number of liver cells due to fibrosis
3. Jaundice:
- Pre-hepatic jaundice:
- Increased free bilirubin
- Associated with newborns
- Hepatic and post-hepatic jaundice:
- Increased conjugated bilirubin
- Cases of biliary obstruction
4. Blood Lipids:
- Lipids are mainly elevated due to excessive intake of saturated fat: triglycerides
5. Asthma:
- Disorder in ventilation due to airway obstruction
6. Inflammation:
- Biological properties of endogenous pyrogens: increased leukocyte chemotaxis, increased CRP
- Vascular disturbances in inflammation that occur latest: circulatory stasis
7. Anemia:
- Hemolytic anemia due to red blood cell membrane defect, spherocytosis: Minkowski Chauffaud disease
- Primary polycythemia:
- Proliferative clone of stem cells
- Living at high altitude
- Decreased erythropoietin
8. Circulating Volume:
- Causes of decreased volume:
- Diabetes insipidus due to ADH, Aldosterol deficiency
- Renal failure
- Mechanism of edema leading to increased effective circulating volume: increased osmotic pressure
- Clinical laboratory result for diagnosis of true hyponatremia: decreased plasma osmotic pressure
9. Hormones:
- Adrenal medulla hormone that increases blood glucose: adrenaline
10. Diabetes:
- Changes in the number of insulin receptors in diabetes: downregulation
- Symptom that is NOT CORRECT for hyperosmolar coma complications in diabetic patients: usually in young patients, adolescents
- HbS mutation in sickle cell disease: reduced solubility of deoxy HbS
- Hemolytic anemia in sickle cell disease occurs in: reticulocytes
- Fingerprint technique in sickle cell disease: there is a mutation in the beta chain of Hb
11. Immunity:
- Under normal conditions, it can be a hapten: pure mycobacterial lipid acid
- Thymus-independent antigen: polysaccharide
- Non-immunogenic substances: polystyrene, asbestos, hapten, polypeptide composed entirely of D amino acids
- Cause NOT leading to hypoglycemia: alpha islet cell tumor, liver enzyme deficiency, ACTH deficiency, adrenal hyperplasia, alcohol
- Insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes: impaired glucose transport
- Antibody with the highest efficiency in activating complement via the classical pathway: IgG
- Antigen receptor of B lymphocytes: s-Ig
- Difference in isotype of antibodies: different heavy chain structure
Note: The above article is compiled from the provided data, may be incomplete or inaccurate.
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