List of Acupuncture Points
Below is a list of common acupuncture points along with their locations:
Point | Location
——- | ——–
Di Zhi | Intersection of the nasolabial fold and the horizontal line of the corner of the mouth (0.4F)
Jia Xa | Highest part of the masseter muscle
Feng Chi | Depression between the origin of the upper trapezius and the levator scapulae muscles
Bai Hui | 5 cun B from the anterior hairline
Yin Tang | Inner edge of the two eyebrow arches
Tai Yang | (Ok – needs further detail on the specific location)
Lian Quan | On the nail bone
Ying Xiang | Inside the nasolabial fold, level with the root of the nasal ala
Feng Fu | Occipital protuberance
Cheng Xiang | Middle of the chin lip groove
He Gu | Midpoint of the second metacarpal bone
Shou San Li | 2 cun B down the Yang Xi line from the Qu Chi point
Qu Chi | Midpoint of the lateral elbow, between the olecranon process and the lateral epicondyle
Ti Zhu | 7 cun B above the Qu Chi point
Jian Yu | Acromion process and greater tubercle
Zu San Li | 3 cun B below the lateral edge of the patella, 1 finger-breadth lateral to the tibial tuberosity
Feng Long | 8 cun B above the highest point of the lateral malleolus, on the lateral border of the tibialis anterior muscle (16 cun B from the lateral malleolus to the upper end of the fibula)
Tai Xi | The depression between the highest point of the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon
Wei Zhong | Midpoint of the popliteal crease
Pi Yang | 7 cun B above the lower edge of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle and the Achilles tendon
Huan Jiao | 1/3 lateral and 2/3 medial between the greater trochanter and the iliac crest
Yang Ling Quan | Depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula
Du Bi | Depression below and lateral to the patella
Cheng Shan | Depression between the Achilles tendon and the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle
Qi Hai | 1.5 cun B above the midpoint between the pubic symphysis and the umbilicus
Zhi Shi | (Needs further detail on the specific location)
- F: Fen (unit of measurement in traditional Chinese medicine)
- B: Cun (unit of measurement in traditional Chinese medicine)
- The location of the points is measured based on the patient’s body size.
Please consult a healthcare professional for accurate advice on the location and use of acupuncture points.
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