Intussusception in Infants
1. Overview
Intussusception is a common medical emergency in infants, particularly those under the age of 2.
2. Causes
- Thin infants: Thin infants are more susceptible to intussusception due to their thinner intestinal walls, which are more prone to spasms.
- Well-nourished infants: Breastfed infants may have a higher risk due to the nutrient-rich nature of breast milk, which stimulates strong intestinal motility.
- Formula-fed infants: Formula-fed infants can also experience intussusception, but at a lower rate than breastfed infants.
- Summer: Intussusception is more prevalent in summer due to hot and humid weather, which intensifies intestinal motility.
3. Symptoms
3.1 Clinical Symptoms
- Currant jelly stool: The infant cries, draws their legs towards their abdomen, then extends them and draws them back again.
- Palpable intussusception mass: The intussusception mass can often be felt in the lower right abdomen, with the right iliac fossa being empty.
- Constipation: The infant may not have a bowel movement or have infrequent stools, which may contain blood.
- Vomiting blood: Vomiting blood can be a sign of intestinal obstruction or necrosis.
3.2 Functional Symptoms
- Vomiting milk: Vomiting milk usually occurs early, and the infant is not feverish.
- Vomiting bile: Vomiting bile occurs later and may be accompanied by brown, bloody stools.
- Bright red blood in the stools: Bright red blood in the stools typically occurs late and may be accompanied by high fever.
- Brown blood in the stools: Brown blood in the stools typically occurs late and may be accompanied by vomiting bile.
3.3 Physical Symptoms
- Palpable intussusception mass: Palpating the intussusception mass is a late sign, often accompanied by rectal bleeding.
- Abdominal distention: Abdominal distention is a late sign, and the intussusception mass may be palpable.
- Rectal examination reveals the leading edge of the intussusception: Rectal examination revealing the leading edge of the intussusception is a late sign.
- Brown blood in the rectal examination: Brown blood in the rectal examination is a late sign and may be accompanied by vomiting bile.
4. Differential Diagnosis
- Congenital megacolon: This condition presents with bloody stools but differs from intussusception.
- Rectal polyps: This condition also presents with bloody stools but typically lacks other symptoms of intussusception.
- Enteritis: This condition also presents with bloody stools but is usually accompanied by high fever and abdominal pain.
- Dysentery: This condition also presents with bloody stools but is typically accompanied by diarrhea and high fever.
5. Treatment
- Pneumatic reduction: Pneumatic reduction is an effective treatment method for intussusception.
- Indications: Pneumatic reduction should be performed when the infant presents to the hospital early.
- Contraindications: Pneumatic reduction should not be performed when the infant arrives at the hospital more than 48 hours after onset or shows signs of peritonitis.
- Barium enema: Barium enema is now commonly used as a replacement for pneumatic reduction.
- Surgery: Surgery is indicated when pneumatic reduction is not feasible or fails.
6. Underlying Causes
- Intestinal polyps: Intestinal polyps can be a cause of secondary intussusception.
- Meckel’s diverticulum: Meckel’s diverticulum can be a cause of secondary intussusception.
- Mesenteric lymphadenitis: Mesenteric lymphadenitis can be a cause of secondary intussusception.
- Duplication of the bowel: Duplication of the bowel can be a cause of secondary intussusception.
7. Associated Viruses
- Rotavirus: Rotavirus is considered to be associated with acute intussusception in infants.
8. Underlying Causes Not Leading to Secondary Intussusception
- Intestinal adhesions: Intestinal adhesions do not cause secondary intussusception.
9. Type of Intussusception in Breastfed Infants
- Acute intussusception: Intussusception in breastfed infants is generally classified as acute intussusception.
10. Components of the Intussusception Mass
- Intussusceptum: The intussusceptum is the primary cause of complications.
11. Reasons for Intussusception in Breastfed Infants Occurring Often in the Ileocecal Region
- This is a region rich in lymphatic tissue and is sensitive to infection: This region contains abundant lymph nodes and is prone to infections.
- This is the boundary between the mobile and fixed segments of the intestine: This region is susceptible to spasms.
- This region often exhibits motility responses from the terminal ileum: This region exhibits significant motility.
12. Earliest Functional Symptom
- Colic: Colic is the earliest functional symptom of acute intussusception.
13. Location Where the Intussusception Mass Can Be Felt
- Lower right abdomen: The intussusception mass is often felt in the lower right abdomen.
14. Findings on Rectal Examination
- Blood-tinged stool: This is a common finding during rectal examination in intussusception.
15. Most Important Clinical Symptom Indicating Late-Presenting Intussusception
- High fever: High fever is the most important clinical symptom indicating late-presenting intussusception.
16. X-ray Findings Indicating Intestinal Necrosis
- Crescent sign: The crescent sign is an X-ray finding indicating intestinal necrosis.
17. Most Important Sign Indicating that the Intussusception Mass Has Been Reduced
- The intussusception mass is no longer palpable: This is the most important sign indicating that the intussusception mass has been reduced.
18. Most Common Age Group
- 4-8 months: This is the most common age group for infants with intussusception.
19. X-ray Findings of Late-Presenting Intussusception
- Crescent sign: The crescent sign is an X-ray finding of late-presenting intussusception.
20. Typical Ultrasound Imaging of Intussusception
- Sandwich sign: The sandwich sign is a typical ultrasound image of intussusception.
21. Characteristic Feature of Vomiting in Late-Presenting Intussusception
- Vomiting bile: Vomiting bile is a characteristic feature of vomiting in late-presenting intussusception.
22. Clinical Symptoms of Late-Presenting Intussusception
- Abdominal distention with no palpable intussusception mass: This is a clinical symptom of late-presenting intussusception.
Case 3:
- An 8-month-old boy, weighing 12 kg, was admitted to the hospital with a high fever of 39-40°C, lethargy, a drawn appearance, a rapid pulse of 140 bpm, significant abdominal distention, vomiting bile, and brown, bloody stools.
1. First step to take:
- Fluid and electrolyte replacement: The infant is dehydrated and requires immediate fluid and electrolyte replacement.
2. Possible diagnosis:
- Late-presenting intussusception: The boy exhibits classic symptoms of late-presenting intussusception, including high fever, lethargy, abdominal distention, vomiting bile, and brown, bloody stools.
3. To confirm the diagnosis:
- Abdominal ultrasound: Abdominal ultrasound is the most effective diagnostic method for intussusception.
- Intussusception is a medical emergency and requires prompt treatment to prevent serious complications.
- If you suspect intussusception in an infant, immediately take the infant to the hospital.
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