Histology – Digestive System
Histology – Digestive System
# Official Digestive Tract
The official digestive tract begins at the esophagus and ends at the anal canal.
The wall of the official digestive tract consists of 4 layers:
1. Mucosa:
– Composed of the epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosae.
– Epithelium originates from the endoderm and is classified according to each part of the digestive tract.
– The lamina propria is loose connective tissue containing blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerve fibers, and Meissner’s nerve plexus.
– The muscularis mucosae is composed of smooth muscle, except for the upper 1/4 of the esophagus, which is striated muscle. This layer helps to contract and move food.
2. Submucosa:
– Composed of elastic connective tissue, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerve fibers, and Auerbach’s nerve plexus.
– This layer connects the mucosa to the muscle.
3. Muscularis propria:
– Composed of two layers of smooth muscle: the inner circular layer and the outer longitudinal layer.
– Between the two layers is Auerbach’s nerve plexus, which controls the muscle’s contraction activity.
– In the stomach, there is an additional oblique muscle layer within the circular muscle layer.
4. Serosa:
– Composed of loose connective tissue, covering the outer surface of the digestive tract.
– The outermost layer is the mesothelium.
Parts of the official digestive tract:
1. Esophagus:
– Epithelium: stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium.
– Lamina propria: contains esophageal-gastric glands, collagen/elastic fibers, fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and lymphatic nodules.
– Muscularis mucosae: very thick.
– Submucosa: upper 1/4 is striated muscle, lower 3/4 is smooth muscle, Auerbach’s nerve plexus is located between the two layers.
– Muscularis propria: forms longitudinal folds when the esophagus is empty and stretches when swallowing food.
2. Stomach:
– Epithelium: simple columnar epithelium, with mucus-secreting cells.
– Lamina propria: contains gastric pits, pyloric glands, and cardiac glands.
– Muscularis mucosae: thin.
– Submucosa: contains 3 muscle layers: oblique, circular, and longitudinal.
– Muscularis propria: has a circular pyloric sphincter at the pylorus.
- Gastric pits:
– Secretes gastric juice, straight tubular glands with branching.
– Contains 3 sections: neck, body, and base.
– Chief cells: secrete pepsinogen, have short microvilli, and are covered with a glycocalyx layer.
– Parietal cells: secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl), react positively with PAS and muci-carmin.
– Mucous cells: secrete serotonin.
– Argentaffin cells: secrete gastrin.
- Pyloric glands:
– Similar to gastric pits, may contain argentaffin cells.
- Cardiac glands:
– Similar to the muscularis mucosae of other parts of the official digestive tract.
3. Small intestine:
– Epithelium: simple columnar epithelium.
– Lamina propria: contains absorptive cells (enterocytes), goblet cells, endocrine cells (argentaffin, chrom), and Lieberkuhn glands.
– Submucosa: contains Brunner’s glands in the duodenum.
– Muscularis propria: contains 2 muscle layers, with Auerbach’s nerve plexus.
- Absorptive cells (enterocytes):
– Oval nucleus near the base.
– Free surface has microvilli.
– Microvilli surface has a thick glycocalyx layer, alkaline phosphatase.
- Goblet cells:
– Secrete mucus.
- Endocrine cells:
– Secrete serotonin.
- Lieberkuhn glands:
– Contains absorptive cells, goblet cells, argentaffin cells, Paneth cells (exocrine gland cells).
- Brunner’s glands:
– Secrete alkaline mucus, protecting the duodenum from HCl.
4. Large intestine:
– Epithelium: simple columnar epithelium, no microvilli.
– Lamina propria: contains goblet cells, absorptive cells, endocrine cells, Lieberkuhn glands, few argentaffin cells, and no Paneth cells.
– Muscularis propria: contains 2 thin layers of smooth muscle.
– Serosa: has 3 longitudinal muscle bands protruding outward.
5. Appendix:
– Epithelium: similar to the large intestine.
– Lamina propria: contains Lieberkuhn glands, lymphatic nodules extending into the submucosa.
– Muscularis propria: thin, discontinuous, incomplete.
# Digestive Glands
Digestive glands include:
- Major salivary glands:
– Parotid gland, submandibular gland, sublingual gland.
– Exocrine glands of the acinar type.
- Liver:
– Structural and functional unit is the hepatic lobule.
– Functions: detoxification, synthesis of blood proteins, storage of glycogen, regulation of blood sugar levels.
- Pancreas:
– Includes exocrine and endocrine glands.
– Exocrine gland: secretes pancreatic juice into the duodenum.
– Endocrine gland: secretes insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide into the blood.
General characteristics of digestive glands:
- Salivary glands:
– Contains 3 types of acini: serous acini, mucous acini, mixed acini.
– Each glandular unit includes a secretory portion (acini) and an excretory portion (duct).
- Liver:
– There are 3 ways to divide hepatic lobules: classical hepatic lobule (Kiernan), portal lobule (Mall), hepatic acinus (Rappaport).
- Pancreas:
– Exocrine gland contains acini, excretory ducts.
– Endocrine gland: contains islets of Langerhans.
# Notes
– BM: epithelium.
– SI: small intestine.
– LI: large intestine.
– NP: nerve plexus.
– V: vein.
– A: artery.
– BC: blood concentration.
– LY: lymph.
– C: cell.
– Golgi: Golgi apparatus.
– IC: intracellular.
– PAS: Periodic Acid Schiff reaction.
– muci-carmin: mucus stain.
– IgA: immunoglobulin A.
This article provides an overview of the histology of the digestive system. For a deeper understanding, you should refer to more specialized materials.
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