Hemolytic Anemia – Bleeding
Hemolytic Anemia
Skull bone deformities in thalassemia:
- Appearance changes: round face, large head, prominent forehead, boney bump on the top of the head, flat nasal bridge.
- X-ray: thick skull, hair-on-end appearance, osteopenia.
Laboratory findings:
- Blood test:
- Demonstrates rapid red blood cell destruction, increased hemoglobin degradation.
- Decreased red blood cells, hemoglobin.
- Free blood bilirubin > 0.6 mg/dl.
- Decreased haptoglobin.
- Increased LDH.
- Normal or increased serum iron.
- Red blood cell half-life of 7-15 days.
- Contextual test: increased erythropoiesis.
- Peripheral blood: increased reticulocytes, many young red blood cells.
- Bone marrow: increased erythroid line, increased percentage of reticulocytes in the marrow.
Indications for splenectomy in autoimmune hemolytic anemia:
- Multiple severe hemolytic episodes.
- Corticosteroid therapy is ineffective for 6 months.
Indications for splenectomy in thalassemia:
- When there is secondary hypersplenism.
- Increased blood transfusion needs.
- Presence of small gastric red blood cells due to enlarged spleen.
Classification of 4 bleeding levels:
1. Level 1: Mild bleeding, petechiae, purpura.
2. Level 2: Moderate bleeding, ecchymosis, hematoma.
3. Level 3: Severe bleeding, heavy bleeding, internal bleeding.
4. Level 4: Extremely severe bleeding, life-threatening.
Clinical signs guiding diagnosis of bleeding:
- Bleeding pattern: External, internal.
- Morphology: Petechiae, purpura, ecchymosis, hematoma, hemorrhage.
- Location: Skin, mucous membranes, internal organs.
- Bleeding: Blood volume, bleeding rate.
- Coagulation: Prothrombin time, coagulation ability.
- Platelets: Platelet count, platelet function.
- Tourniquet test: Positive or negative result.
Approaching diagnosis of anemia based on:
- Bleeding time: Prolonged bleeding time.
- PT: Prolonged PT.
- APTT: Prolonged APTT.
Laboratory findings:
- Prolonged bleeding time: Medications, high blood urea, Von Willebrand disease, platelet dysfunction.
- Prolonged PT: Factor VII deficiency, liver disease, Vitamin K deficiency.
- Prolonged APTT: Hemophilia A, B, Von Willebrand disease, Lupus, heparin.
- Prolonged PT, APTT: DIC, liver disease, Vitamin K deficiency, heparin.
Medications causing platelet dysfunction:
- Penicillin, Tetracycline, cardiovascular medications, lipid-lowering medications.
Causes of decreased platelet count:
- Peripheral:
- Platelet destruction: autoimmune disease, medications, infection.
- Increased platelet consumption: DIC, gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Bone marrow:
- Decreased platelet production: bone marrow failure, cancer.
- Hereditary:
- Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.
- Bernard-Soulier syndrome.
Combined causes of bleeding:
- Von Willebrand disease.
- Liver, kidney disease.
- Cancer.
- Hematologic malignancies.
Petechiae, purpura:
- Petechiae: < 3 mm.
- Purpura: 3-10 mm.
Positive tourniquet test:
- > 10 purpura / 10 cm2.
Factors related to Schonlein-Henoch purpura:
- Weather: Winter and spring.
- Parasites: Roundworm.
- Infection: Tuberculosis, respiratory tract infection.
- Vaccination: Diphtheria, tetanus.
- Allergies: Food, house dust.
Characteristics of Schonlein-Henoch purpura:
- Occurs in 95-100% of cases.
- Appears spontaneously, in episodes, in the same age group.
- Morphology: petechiae, purpura, papules, nodules.
- Symmetrical on limbs.
Clinical manifestations of Schonlein-Henoch purpura:
1. Purpura.
2. Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain, vomiting, hematochezia.
3. Arthritis.
4. Nephritis.
Laboratory findings of Schonlein-Henoch purpura:
- Normal coagulation tests.
- CBC: Increased BCTT, increased acidophilic.
- Increased ESR.
Progression of ITP:
- 90% complete remission within 6 months.
- 10% become chronic:
- Risk factors: female, over 10 years old, slow onset, presence of other autoantibodies.
Progression according to ITP association:
- Acute: Disease diagnosed < 3 months.
- Prolonged: 3-12 months, treated or untreated.
- Chronic: > 12 months.
- Severe: New bleeding symptoms requiring treatment, or new bleeding locations requiring increased dosage.
Differential diagnosis of ITP:
- Bone marrow failure.
- Bone marrow disorders.
- Cancer.
- Lupus.
Indications for splenectomy in ITP:
- Treatment for more than 1 year.
- Age over 5.
- Recurrent severe bleeding.
Treatment products for Hemophilia:
- Synthetic factor VIII/IX.
- Cryoprecipitate VIII.
- Fresh frozen plasma.
Hemophilia treatment dosage in each case:
- Joint, skin, muscle, mouth bleeding:
- Factor VIII: 20-25 units/kg/12 hours.
- Factor IX: 30 units/kg/24 hours.
- Continue treatment until bleeding stops.
- Severe bleeding: gastrointestinal, intracranial, surgical:
- Factor VIII: 50 units/kg every 12 hours x 3 days.
- Factor IX: 70 units/kg/12 hours x 3 days.
- Then every 24 hours for 7 days.
Prophylaxis of recurrent bleeding in Hemophilia:
- Regular factor VIII, IX infusion.
- Avoid any trauma.
- Avoid medications affecting platelet function.
- Maintain joints in functional position, combine with rehabilitation therapy.
- Monitor and prevent blood-borne diseases.
Bleeding due to Vitamin K deficiency
Treatment of bleeding due to Vitamin K deficiency:
- Inject Vitamin K 2-5 mg/day.
- Transfuse fresh frozen plasma for severe bleeding.
Prophylaxis of bleeding due to Vitamin K deficiency:
- Inject 1 mg Vitamin K1 for newborn babies.
Note: This article is for informational purposes only and cannot replace the advice of a doctor. Please consult a doctor for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
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