Digestive System
1. Definition:
The digestive system is a system of organs responsible for digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste products. The digestive system includes:
- Digestive tract: A long tube from the mouth to the anus. It includes:
- Mouth and its associated structures: lips, teeth, tongue, salivary glands.
- Pharynx: Connects the mouth to the esophagus.
- Esophagus: Connects the pharynx to the stomach.
- Stomach: Organ that stores food and secretes digestive gastric juice.
- Small intestine: Site of nutrient digestion and absorption.
- Large intestine: Site of water absorption and waste elimination.
- Accessory digestive organs: Liver, Pancreas, Salivary glands.
2. General structure of the digestive tract:
From superficial to deep, the digestive tract is composed of the following layers:
- Serosa: The outermost layer, covering most of the digestive tract.
- Subserosa: A thin layer of connective tissue, connecting the serosa to the muscularis.
- Muscularis: Smooth muscle layer, consisting of two layers of muscle fibers:
- Longitudinal fibers: Shorten the digestive tract.
- Circular fibers: Narrow the lumen of the digestive tract.
- Submucosa: A layer of connective tissue, connecting the muscularis to the mucosa.
- Mucosa: The innermost layer, in contact with food, consists of epithelium, connective tissue, and a thin layer of smooth muscle.
The structure of these layers varies in different sections of the digestive tract, adapting to the functions of each section.
3. Accessory digestive organs:
- Liver:
- Location: Right hypochondrium, epigastrium, and a small part in the left hypochondrium.
- Shape: Brownish-red, the largest organ in the abdominal cavity.
- Components: Diaphragmatic surface, visceral surface, inferior margin (anterior).
- Pancreas:
- Location: Behind the stomach, crossing the level of L2 vertebrae.
- Length: 12 to 15 cm.
- External shape: Head of pancreas, body of pancreas, tail of pancreas.
- Salivary glands: Parotid, submandibular, sublingual.
4. Mouth and its associated structures:
- Oral cavity boundaries:
- Anterior: Lips and oral fissure.
- Posterior: Oropharynx.
- Superior: Palate (hard and soft).
- Inferior: Floor of the mouth.
- Lateral: Cheeks.
- Oral cavity divisions:
- Vestibule: Space between the teeth and the lips/cheeks.
- Oral cavity proper: Space inside the teeth.
- Teeth:
- Number:
- Permanent: 32 teeth.
- Deciduous: 20 teeth.
- External shape:
- Crown.
- Root.
- Neck.
- Tongue:
- Location: Floor of the mouth.
- Function: Chewing, swallowing, speech, and taste.
- Shape:
- Tip.
- Root.
- Body.
5. Pharynx:
- Parts:
- Nasal: Connects to the nasal cavity.
- Oral: Connects to the oral cavity.
- Laryngeal: Connects to the trachea.
6. Esophagus:
- Boundaries:
- Superior: Continuous with the pharynx.
- Inferior: Empties into the stomach.
- Length: 25 cm.
7. Stomach:
- Location:
- Under the left hemidiaphragm.
- Epigastrium, left hypochondrium.
- External shape:
- Cardiac region.
- Fundus.
- Body.
- Pyloric region.
- Pylorus.
- Greater/lesser curvature.
- Boundaries:
- Superior: Continuous with the esophagus.
- Inferior: Continuous with the duodenum.
8. Small intestine:
- Components:
- Duodenum.
- Jejunum and ileum.
- Duodenum:
- Boundaries: From the pyloric orifice to the duodenojejunal flexure.
- Length: 25 cm.
- Jejunum, Ileum:
- Location: Within the peritoneal cavity.
- Length: Approximately 6 meters.
- Boundaries:
- Superior: Duodenojejunal flexure.
- Inferior: Ileocecal junction.
- Shape: Coiled into loops of intestines.
9. Large intestine:
- Location:
- Arranged in a frame-like structure.
- Peripheral to the abdominal cavity.
- Length: Approximately 1.5 meters.
- External shape:
- Haustral folds.
- Teniae coli.
- Epiploic appendages.
- Components:
- Cecum and appendix.
- Colon:
- Ascending/transverse/descending/sigmoid (located at the end of the colon).
- Rectum.
- Anal canal.
10. Peritoneum:
- The largest serous membrane in the body.
- Location: Within the abdominal cavity.
- Structure: Parietal/visceral layers and peritoneal mesentery.
Note: This document is a summary of basic information about the digestive system. To understand more about the organs, structures, and functions of the digestive system, you should refer to specialized literature.
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