Cough Syrup: Mechanism of Action and Common Types

Cough Syrup: Mechanism of Action and Common Types

Cough Syrup: Mechanism of Action and Common Types

Cough syrup is used to treat the symptoms of coughing, a natural reflex of the body to remove irritants from the respiratory tract. Cough syrups work through various mechanisms, including:

1. Peripheral Action:

  • Eucalyptol, Camphor, Menthol group: These active ingredients provide a cooling sensation, soothing the respiratory mucosa, reducing irritation and cough.

2. Central Action:

  • Morphine derivatives:
  • Codeine, Dextromethorphan, Noscapin: Suppress the cough center in the brain, reducing the urge to cough.
  • H1 Antihistamines:
  • Chlorpheniramine, Alimemazine: Block the action of Histamine, reducing inflammation and allergy-induced cough.

3. Expectorants:

  • Terpin hydrate, Glyceryl guaiacolate (Guaifenesin): Increase the fluidity of mucosal secretions, helping to thin phlegm and make it easier to expectorate.

4. Mucolytics:

  • N-acetylcysteine, Carbocystein, Bromhexin, Ambroxol: Break down mucus, clear mucus, and regulate the secretion of mucus in the bronchi.

Central Cough Suppressants:

  • Opiate alkaloids:
  • Codeine, Noscapin: Suppress the cough center, have sedative and analgesic effects.
  • Synthetic:
  • Dextromethorphan: Suppresses the cough center, equivalent to Codeine but without analgesic effects and less addictive.

Classification and Effects of Common Cough Syrups:

Codeine phosphate:

  • Main effect: Suppresses the cough center, sedative, analgesic.
  • Side effects: Respiratory depression, constipation, nausea.
  • Contraindications: Respiratory failure, asthma, children under 30 months old.


  • Main effect: Suppresses the cough center, reduces cough similar to Codeine, non-addictive.
  • Side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness.
  • Contraindications: No clear contraindications.


  • Cough syrup is used to treat symptoms, not cure the disease.
  • Consult a doctor before using any cough syrup, especially for children and pregnant women.
  • Depending on the type of cough and its cause, the doctor will choose the appropriate medication.

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