Chest X-ray in Tuberculosis: A Guide to Interpretation
Chest X-ray in Tuberculosis: A Guide to Interpretation
This article will provide basic information on how to interpret chest X-rays in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
1. Signs on the X-ray:
- Signs of Hilum Opacity:
- Opacity obscures the hilum but the vessels behind the opacity are still visible.
- Found in cases of lymph node inflammation, mediastinal tumor.
- Signs of Hilum Convergence:
- Vessels converge in front of the opacity.
- Commonly found in vascular diseases.
- Difference between upright and recumbent films:
- Recumbent film: X-rays pass from front to back, unable to evaluate the width of the mediastinum.
- Upright film: X-rays pass from back to front, allowing for evaluation of the width of the mediastinum (wide mediastinum, no air shadow, enlarged heart shadow).
- Comparison between right and left oblique films:
- Lesions on the side are tilted towards that side.
- Two hemidiaphragms are parallel: Right tilt.
- Two hemidiaphragms intersect: Left tilt.
- Digital film technical standards:
- Films are neither too hard nor too soft.
- Pulmonary vessels behind the diaphragm and behind the heart are clearly visible.
- Order of film interpretation:
- Heart, pulmonary vessels, mediastinum, hilar regions on both sides, both lungs, cavity areas, lines in the lungs, pleural space, bones and chest wall.
2. Cavity areas:
- Behind the heart, behind the hilar region, behind the diaphragm, lung apex.
3. Common TB lesions:
- Active stage:
- Nodule: Round or oval opacity, well-defined border, high density.
- Infiltration: Dense opacity, uneven density, unclear borders, area > 1cm.
- Cavity: Circular or oval lucency, closed border, appearing in the middle of a homogeneous opacity or surrounding it.
- Late stage:
- Fibrosis: Linear shape, pulling on the trachea, bronchi, heart, mediastinum, diaphragm.
- Calcification: Usually seen in nodules, infiltration, old cavities.
4. Post-TB treatment sequelae:
- Post-TB bronchiectasis with hemoptysis.
- Fungal ball (recurrent cough).
- Lung cancer (on top of higher lesions).
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
5. Differentiating lesions:
- Solitary nodule:
- Cancer, arteriovenous malformation, TB nodule, benign lung tumor, lung fluke, round pneumonia.
- Reticulonodular syndrome:
- Miliary TB, congestive heart failure, interstitial pneumonia, fungal pneumonia, pneumoconiosis.
- Miliary TB: 3 uniformities (density, size, distribution).
- Infiltration:
- Oval shape, cloudiness, triangular shape.
- Upper lobe predominance.
- New cavity:
- Thick wall, irregular border, surrounded by infiltration.
- Old cavity:
- Thin wall, fibrosis around, retraction.
- Differentiating cavity from air cyst:
- Pneumothorax, air cyst.
- Two forms: Blue bloater (obese, large, pale lips) and pink puffer (thin, pink lips, pursed lips breathing).
- Fibrosis, calcification:
- Linear shape, pulling on the trachea, bronchi, heart, mediastinum, diaphragm.
- Pleural effusion:
- Homogenous opacity in the lung base, loss of costophrenic angle, displacement of the heart and mediastinum.
6. Localized effusion:
- Differentiate from lung collapse.
7. Damaseau’s curve:
- Principle: Negative pressure in the pleural space, surface tension of pleural fluid.
- Hyperpol appearance.
- Conditions: Moderate effusion, upright position, free effusion, fluid permeation.
- Significance: Free fluid, exudate, moderate.
8. Pneumothorax:
- Image of excessive lung opacity, loss of lung markings, lung tissue retracts towards the center, visible visceral pleural line.
- Mediastinum shifts to the opposite side, diaphragm lowers, bronchi dilate.
9. Classification of pneumothorax severity:
- Minimal: No intervention required (only oxygen therapy, spontaneous resorption).
- Extensive: Thoracentesis …
10. Three characteristics of TB lesions on X-rays:
- Upper lobe predominance.
- Polymorphic lesions.
- Slowly progressing lesions.
11. TB lesion classification:
- Grade 1: No cavity, combined width of lesions does not exceed the horizontal line through the 2nd costosternal joint.
- Grade 2: Scattered, total area does not exceed 1 lung, if lesions are connected, no more than 1/3 of 1 lung, if there is a cavity, total diameter of the cavities < 4cm.
- Grade 3: Exceeds Grade 2.
Note: This article is intended only to provide basic information on interpreting chest X-rays in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. For accurate results, consult a specialist doctor.
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