Chapter 22: Acute Diarrhea in Children
1. Definition
Acute diarrhea is a condition characterized by passing loose or watery stools more than 3 times in 24 hours, lasting no more than 14 days (usually less than 7 days), with watery or loose stools without blood.
2. Classification
Acute diarrhea is classified based on symptoms and causes:
2.1. Non-Dysenteric Acute Diarrhea:
- Symptoms: Loose or watery stools, no blood, often accompanied by vomiting and fever.
- Causes: Caused by various pathogens, most common being Rotavirus, ETEC, Shigella, Campylobacter Jejuni, Cryptosporidia, Vibrio cholerae 01, Salmonella, and E Coli (EPEC).
2.2. Dysentery Syndrome:
- Symptoms: Bloody stools, potentially accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, and mucosal damage.
- Causes: Primarily caused by Shigella, some cases by Campylobacter Jejuni, invasive E.coli (ETEC), Salmonella, and E.Histolytica.
2.3. Persistent Diarrhea:
- Symptoms: Acute onset but abnormally prolonged (at least 14 days), can be acute diarrhea or dysentery syndrome, causing significant weight loss.
- Causes: No specific single microbe causes persistent diarrhea, but E.Coli adherence (EAEC), Shigella, and Cryptosporidia may play a more significant role than other agents.
3. Importance
Acute diarrhea is a major public health concern, especially among children:
- Leading Cause of Morbidity and Mortality: It is a leading cause of death in children under 2 years, peaking between 6-24 months. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are the main causes of mortality.
- Causes Malnutrition: Acute diarrhea reduces nutrient absorption, leading to malnutrition.
- Economic Burden: Acute diarrhea incurs costs on families and society due to treatment expenses and lost productivity.
4. Epidemiology
4.1. Transmission:
- Primary Mode: Fecal-oral route.
- Transmission Methods: Through contaminated food or water, direct contact with infected feces.
4.2. Practices Increasing Risk:
- Not breastfeeding exclusively for the first 4-6 months.
- Weaning early before 1 year of age.
- Bottle feeding and leaving cooked food at room temperature.
- Using water contaminated with intestinal bacteria.
- Not washing hands after using the toilet, after cleaning feces, or before preparing food.
- Not disposing of children’s feces hygienically.
4.3. Risk Factors:
- Malnutrition: Malnourished children are more susceptible to persistent and severe diarrhea, with a higher risk of death.
- Measles: Children with measles or recently recovered from measles within 4 weeks are more prone to diarrhea due to a weakened immune system.
- Immunosuppression or Immunodeficiency.
4.4. Seasonality: Acute diarrhea does not have a seasonal pattern.
5. Assessing and Classifying Dehydration:
- Mild Dehydration: Child is alert, eyes normal, thirst normal, skin turgor returns quickly.
- Moderate Dehydration: Child is restless, irritable, eyes sunken, drinks eagerly, skin turgor returns slowly.
- Severe Dehydration: Child is lethargic, comatose, eyes very sunken, unable to drink, skin turgor returns very slowly.
6. Treatment Principles:
6.1. Rehydration and Electrolyte Replacement:
- Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS): Replenish fluids and electrolytes for children with diarrhea, dosage depending on the level of dehydration.
- Intravenous Fluids: Administered to children with severe dehydration or inability to drink.
6.2. Medication:
- Antibiotics: Only used in cases of Shigella and cholera-related dysentery, not routinely used in acute diarrhea.
- Antiparasitic Medications: Used for amoebic dysentery or Giardia infections.
- Avoid these Medications: Anti-motility drugs, anti-emetics, adsorbent agents.
7. Prevention:
- Breastfeeding: Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 4-6 months strengthens the child’s immune system.
- Improve Weaning Practices: Introduce solid foods correctly, ensuring food safety.
- Use Clean Water: Use clean water for hygiene and drinking.
- Handwashing: Wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet and before preparing food.
- Use Toilets: Dispose of children’s feces hygienically.
- Measles Vaccination: Measles vaccination protects children from measles, reducing the risk of diarrhea.
8. Notes:
- Seek Medical Attention: Take your child to the doctor if they experience severe diarrhea, blood in stools, high fever, or signs of severe dehydration.
- Monitor Child’s Condition: Keep track of the child’s fluid intake and stool frequency.
- Adequate Fluid and Electrolyte Replacement: Replenishing fluids and electrolytes is crucial for children with diarrhea.
- Follow Doctor’s Instructions: Adhere to the doctor’s instructions on medication and child care.
9. Multiple Choice Questions:
- Question 1: Which of the following medications can be used for diarrhea EXCEPT:
- A. Anti-emetics.
- B. Adsorbent agents.
- C. Antibiotics.
- D. Anti-motility drugs.
- Question 2: Which of the following diarrhea patients requires IV fluids:
- A. Moderate dehydration but unable to drink.
- B. Severe dehydration.
- C. Mild dehydration with blood in stools.
- D. Mild dehydration with coma.
- Question 3: Which statement is incorrect regarding diarrhea treatment:
- A. Fluid and electrolyte replacement.
- B. Adding nutritional supplements.
- C. Weaning correctly.
- D. Continuing breastfeeding.
- Question 4: Antibiotics are indicated for:
- A. Viral diarrhea.
- B. All cases of diarrhea.
- C. Dysentery and cholera-related diarrhea.
- D. Absolutely not used for diarrhea.
10. Answers:
- Question 1: D. Anti-motility drugs.
- Question 2: C. Mild dehydration with blood in stools.
- Question 3: B. Adding nutritional supplements.
- Question 4: C. Dysentery and cholera-related diarrhea.
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