Biology Exam Review 7

Biology Exam Review 7

Biology Exam Review 7

Biology Exam Review 7

1. Ammonifying bacteria are involved in the conversion of:

  • Nitrogen in compounds to NH4+

2. Which chamber does blood get pushed into the aorta from when the ventricle contracts?

  • Left ventricle

3. Which chamber does blood get pushed into the pulmonary artery from when the ventricle contracts?

  • Right ventricle

4. What is the composition of chromosomes?

  • DNA

5. What method can be used to create multiple new plant varieties from a single initial plant that are homozygous for all gene pairs?

  • Pollen culture

6. Vascular plants and terrestrial animals emerged in the:

  • Paleozoic (Silurian)

7. Expanding the ecological niche is a form of competition:

  • Intraspecific

8. Plants photosynthesize during the:

  • Day

9. Narrowing the ecological niche is a form of competition:

  • Interspecific

10. The dark phase of C3 plant photosynthesis releases:

  • Glucose and absorbs CO2

11. The light phase of C3 plant photosynthesis releases:

  • O2

12. When the body loses blood, blood pressure:

  • Decreases

13. Increasing heart rate will increase:

  • Blood pressure

14. Larger organisms tend to have a slower:

  • Heart rate

15. When the atrium contracts, it pushes blood into the:

  • Ventricles

16. When the ventricles contract, they push blood into the:

  • Arteries

17. Blood pressure depends on:

  • Blood volume

18. When talking about the age structure of a population:

  • A population is growing when the pre-reproductive group is smaller than the reproductive group.

19. A pre-reproductive group smaller than the pre-reproductive group which is smaller than the reproductive group will lead to:

  • Population decline

20. Compared to a species with a narrow distribution, the age structure of a species with a wide distribution is generally…

  • More complex

21. The genes in the cell nucleus have the same number of:

  • Replications

22. Genes in mitochondria and chloroplasts are independent from genes in the:

  • Nucleus, so they can have different numbers of replications

23. Genes in mitochondria and chloroplasts can have:

  • Multiple copies

24. Transcription does not cause:

  • Gene mutations

25. Random factors can completely eliminate:

  • Aa and aa

26. Larger individual size means a smaller:

  • Population size

27. When a population reaches its maximum size, the number of individuals will … with environmental conditions:

  • Be balanced

28. If a population size falls below the minimum, the process of … is more likely to occur:

  • Inbreeding

29. The phenomenon of … helps to maintain population size stability:

  • Biological control

30. Remoras living attached to larger fish is an example of:

  • Commensalism

31. Below the minimum level, populations usually become extinct, not immediately, but through …:

  • Inbreeding

32. Factors that lead to decreased reproduction and increased mortality:

  • Inbreeding, intraspecific competition, disease, natural disasters

33. Remoras and microorganisms are an example of:

  • Commensalism

34. Microorganisms do not have … with each other:

  • Relationship (specifically commensalism)

35. Commensalism is:

  • One species benefits, one species is neutral

36. If the remora is eliminated:

  • Microorganisms will detach from the larger fish

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