Biology 2 Summary
Cellular Basis of Tissue and Cell Culture:
- Based on the principle of chromosome duplication and equal segregation during mitosis.
Photosynthesis Intensity:
- Plant leaves absorb all light wavelengths except green, therefore photosynthesis intensity is weakest in the green light region.
Analyzing Cross Results:
- Phenotype ratio of F1: 3:3:1:1 can be analyzed as (3: 1) x (1: 1).
- The 3: 1 ratio is the result of the cross Aa x Aa or Bb x Bb.
- The 1: 1 ratio is the result of the cross Bb x bb or Aa x aa.
Digestion and Exercise:
- Right after a main meal, if you engage in strenuous exercise, the blood flow to the digestive tract will decrease, affecting the process of food digestion.
Structure of mRNA:
- One mRNA molecule is synthesized based on the template strand of the gene, with the nucleotides T, A, X on the template strand corresponding to A, T, G on the complementary strand of the gene.
Gamete Ratio:
- Gene AaBbddEe produces abde gamete with a ratio of 1/8, calculated by the product of probabilities of each gene pair: 1/2 . 1/2 . 1 . 1/2 = 1/8.
Natural Selection:
- Natural selection is the main driving force behind evolution, eliminating less adapted individuals and preserving those that are more adapted to the environment.
Start Codon:
- In prokaryotes, the start codon for polypeptide synthesis is formylmethionine.
- In eukaryotes, the start codon for polypeptide synthesis is methionine.
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