Beef Tapeworm (Taenia saginata)
Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata) is a common type of parasite that infects humans when they consume undercooked beef.
1. Source of Infection:
- Beef tapeworm is transmitted through undercooked beef.
2. Intermediate Host:
- Cattle serve as the intermediate host for beef tapeworm.
3. Disease Distribution:
- In Vietnam, beef tapeworm is more prevalent than pork tapeworm.
4. Complications:
- The most serious complication of beef tapeworm is intestinal obstruction.
5. Age of Infection:
- People typically contract beef tapeworm between the ages of 21-40.
6. Definitive Host:
- Humans are the definitive host for beef tapeworm.
7. Mode of Transmission:
- People can acquire adult beef tapeworm by consuming raw or undercooked beef.
8. Treatment:
- The best medication currently used to treat adult beef tapeworm is Praziquantel.
9. Size:
- Adult beef tapeworms can reach a length of 4 – 12 meters.
10. Life Cycle:
- The life cycle of beef tapeworm involves one intermediate host.
11. Site of Infection:
- Adult beef tapeworms reside in the small intestine.
12. Diagnosis:
- To diagnose adult beef tapeworm infection, a stool examination is conducted to detect tapeworm segments.
13. Larvae:
- When consuming undercooked beef, people can become infected with beef tapeworm larvae (Cysticercus bovis).
14. Harm:
- The primary harm caused by adult beef tapeworm to the human body is nutrient depletion & toxicity.
15. Prevention:
- The best preventive measure for beef tapeworm is eating cooked food and drinking boiled water.
Note: Consult a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.
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