Article about Fetal Presentation and Position
Article about Fetal Presentation and Position
This article will provide basic knowledge about the diagnosis of fetal presentation and position during labor.
1. Fetal Presentation:
- Definition: Fetal presentation refers to the part of the fetus that presents at the pelvic inlet during pregnancy and labor.
- Determining Fetal Presentation:
- Vertex Presentation: The landmark is the posterior fontanel.
- Face Presentation: The landmark is the chin.
- Shoulder Presentation: The landmark is the fetal shoulder.
- Complete Breech Presentation: The buttocks and both fetal legs present at the pelvic inlet.
2. Position of the Fetal Presentation:
- Definition: The position of the fetal presentation refers to the relationship between the landmark of the fetal presentation and the right or left side of the mother’s pelvis.
- Determining Position: The position is determined only when a vaginal examination is performed during labor.
3. Engaged Position and Expelled Position:
- Engaged Position: The position of the fetal presentation when the fetus has descended into the pelvic inlet.
- Expelled Position: The position of the fetal presentation when the fetus has been expelled.
4. Examples of Fetal Presentation and Position Diagnosis:
- Vertex Presentation:
- Engaged Position:
- Left Occiput Anterior: The posterior fontanel is at 7 o’clock.
- Right Occiput Anterior: The posterior fontanel is at 1 o’clock.
- Left Occiput Posterior: The posterior fontanel is at 11 o’clock.
- Right Occiput Posterior: The posterior fontanel is at 5 o’clock.
- Expelled Position: Occiput Sacral or Occiput Coccyx.
- Face Presentation:
- Engaged Position: Right Mentum Anterior (e.g., the root of the nose is at the right iliac crest).
- Expelled Position: Mentum Sacral or Mentum Coccyx.
5. Note:
- Not all face presentations can be delivered vaginally.
- Brow presentations are usually not deliverable vaginally.
6. Methods for Diagnosing Fetal Presentation:
- Vaginal Examination: The most accurate method.
- External Palpation: Diagnoses the fetal presentation preliminarily.
7. The Number of Positions, Engaged Positions, and Expelled Positions of Vertex Presentation:
- Vertex Presentation: 2 positions, 6 engaged positions, 2 expelled positions.
8. Summary:
- Diagnosing fetal presentation and position is an important part of monitoring labor.
- Accurately determining fetal presentation and position allows the doctor to determine the appropriate management method.
9. Please note:
- This article only provides general information about diagnosing fetal presentation and position and is not a substitute for advice from a medical professional.
- If you are pregnant, consult a doctor for advice and monitoring of your fetal health.
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