Abdominal Quadrant Anatomy
Right Upper Quadrant:
- Right lobe of the liver
- Gallbladder
- Right kidney (upper pole)
Epigastric Region:
- Left lobe and part of the right lobe of the liver
- Pylorus and lesser curvature of the stomach
- Duodenum (1st and 2nd parts)
- Body and head of the pancreas (upper portion)
- Right and left adrenal glands
Left Upper Quadrant:
- Body and fundus of the stomach
- Splenic flexure of the colon
- Left kidney (upper 2/3)
- Tail of the pancreas
Right Flank:
- Ascending colon
- Right colic flexure
- Right kidney (lower pole)
- Part of the small intestine
Umbilical Region:
- Middle portion of the transverse colon
- Bifurcation of the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava
Left Flank:
- Descending colon
- Left kidney (lower 1/3)
- Another part of the small intestine
Right Inguinal Region:
- Lower part of the cecum
- Appendix
Hypogastric Region:
- Urinary bladder
- Part of the sigmoid colon
Left Inguinal Region:
- Junction of the left colon and sigmoid colon
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