3 Reproductive Multiple Choice Questions: Fertilization, Implantation and Development of the Egg
3 Reproductive Multiple Choice Questions: Fertilization, Implantation and Development of the Egg
This article includes 29 multiple-choice questions about fertilization, implantation, and the development of the egg, aiming to help you understand more about the important aspects of female reproduction.
- Question 68: Where does fertilization most often take place?
- Answer: The outer 1/3 of the fallopian tube (B)
- Question 85: What is fertilization actually?
- Answer: The mixing of the oocyte cytoplasm and the sperm cytoplasm (D)
- Question 91: When does normal fertilization occur?
- Answer: Only one sperm penetrates the zona pellucida of the oocyte and gets fertilized (D)
- Question 119: When a sperm enters the oocyte, what substance changes the structure of the oocyte membrane?
- Answer: Fertilysine (C)
- Question 120: What kind of enzyme helps sperm penetrate the cumulus cells and the inner membrane surrounding the oocyte?
- Answer: Hyaluronidase (A)
- Question 69: How long does it take for the egg to travel to the uterine cavity?
- Answer: 3 – 4 days (B)
- Question 70: What hormonal change corresponds to the time when the egg implants in the uterine cavity?
- Answer: It coincides with the time when progesterone levels are highest (D)
- Question 71: When the egg enters the uterine cavity and is ready for implantation, what stage is it in?
- Answer: Blastocyst (D)
- Question 73: When does the egg usually implant in the uterine lining?
- Answer: 6 days after fertilization (C)
- Question 93: Choose the INCORRECT statement about egg implantation:
- Answer: After implantation, the decidua differentiates into multiple cell layers and forms the first chorionic villi (C)
Fetal Development:
- Question 72: How long does the embryonic stage last?
- Answer: From the 3rd week to the 8th week after fertilization (B)
- Question 74: When does the ossification point at the lower end of the fetal femur appear?
- Answer: Week 36 (C)
- Question 75: What is the average weight of the placenta in a full-term pregnancy?
- Answer: 500 g (B)
- Question 76: How is the exchange of O2 and CO2 between maternal blood and fetal blood mainly carried out?
- Answer: Simple diffusion (A)
- Question 77: What is the molecular weight of substances that can easily diffuse through the placental membrane?
- Answer: Under 500 (A)
- Question 78: Identify the hormone that is not secreted by the placenta:
- Answer: Prolactin (D)
- Question 104: What is the physiological function of hCG?
- Answer: Maintains corpus luteum activity, stimulates the production of sex steroids (B)
- Question 79: What circulatory system does the fetus use to exchange substances with the mother?
- Answer: Placental circulation (C)
- Question 97: During the organization period of the fetus, what circulatory system nourishes the fetus?
- Answer: The vitelline circulation (B)
- Question 80: What chromosome set does each type of gamete contain?
- Answer: Haploid chromosome set (B)
- Question 81: When does spermatogenesis begin in males?
- Answer: It begins at puberty (C)
- Question 82: When does oogenesis begin in females?
- Answer: It begins during the embryonic stage (C)
- Question 83: Choose the most accurate statement about the sex chromosomes of sperm:
- Answer: Both types contain either X or Y sex chromosomes (B)
- Question 84: Choose the most accurate statement about the sex chromosomes of the oocyte:
- Answer: It only has X sex chromosome (B)
- Question 88: What is the chromosome set of the cell before differentiating into sperm?
- Answer: In spermatogonia it is 46XY and in secondary spermatocytes it is 23X or 23Y (D)
- Question 89: Where is the oocyte released from?
- Answer: Graafian follicle (B)
Other questions:
- Question 90: What factor causes the oocyte to be drawn into the fallopian tube?
- Answer: Due to the combined effects of various factors in the fallopian tube and hormones (D)
- Question 92: After the sperm enters the oocyte, what chromosome set does the male pronucleus have?
- Answer: n chromosomes (A)
- Question 94: When the egg implants, what does the uterine lining develop into?
- Answer: Decidua (C)
- Question 95: Where does the decidua develop from?
- Answer: Some cells of the outer chorion (A)
- Question 96: During the organization period of the fetus, what types of decidua are distinguished?
- Answer: Decidua vera, decidua capsularis, decidua basalis (D)
- Question 103: According to theory, on what day could ovulation occur in a woman with a 36-day menstrual cycle?
- Answer: Day 22 (D)
- Question 105: When does vernix caseosa start to appear on the fetal skin?
- Answer: From week 16-18 (A)
- Question 106: When can the external genitalia of the fetus be clearly seen on ultrasound?
- Answer: Week 16 (C)
- Question 107: From week 28 of pregnancy, how much does the fetus’s weight increase on average each month?
- Answer: 700 g (D)
- Question 108: When does the placenta become the main source of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy?
- Answer: Starting from the middle three months of pregnancy (B)
- Question 109: What does hCG stand for?
- Answer: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (B)
- Question 110: Which immunoglobulin crosses the placenta to provide passive immunity to the fetus?
- Answer: IgG (D)
- Question 111: During pregnancy, what is the main source of estriol in maternal urine?
- Answer: Fetal adrenal glands (C)
- Question 112: What causes the egg to move?
- Answer: The egg is pushed into the uterine cavity by the muscles, the lining of the fallopian tube, and the fluid current from the fimbriae of the fallopian tube (D)
- Question 113: What is normally present in the cervical canal in the fetal membrane?
- Answer: Decidua vera and decidua basalis (D)
- Question 114: Where are sperm produced?
- Answer: From the seminiferous tubules (C)
- Question 115: What is the maximum lifespan of sperm in the female reproductive tract?
- Answer: 2-3 days (C)
- Question 116: When does the mother start to feel fetal movements?
- Answer: When the fetus is ≥16 weeks (C)
- Question 117: Which component is capable of fertilization?
- Answer: Secondary oocyte (B)
- Question 118: According to theory, how long does it take sperm to reach the site of fertilization from the vagina?
- Answer: 90 – 120 minutes (C)
- Question 121: What is the pH of amniotic fluid towards the end of pregnancy?
- Answer: 7,1 – 7,3 (D)
- Question 122: Which description is most accurate for a normal placenta and umbilical cord at full term?
- Answer: Divided into lobes on the maternal side, weighing 500 g, with three umbilical blood vessels (D)
- Question 123: Which factor cannot cross the placental barrier?
- Answer: IgM antibodies (D)
- Question 124: What is the maximum percentage of abnormal sperm allowed for fertilization?
- Answer: 30% (D)
- Question 125: What are all parts of the fetus formed from?
- Answer: 3 germ layers (B)
- Question 126: What is the decidua vera formed from?
- Answer: Small germ cells (B)
- Question 127: How many types of cells make up a chorionic villus?
- Answer: Two types of cells (B)
- Question 128: How many types of chorionic villi are there in the intervillous space?
- Answer: Two types of chorionic villi (B)
- Question 129: After fertilization, when does the egg implant in the uterine lining?
- Answer: Day 20-22 of the menstrual cycle (C)
Note: This information is for reference only. To understand more about reproductive issues, you should consult a specialist.
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