2 Product Quizzes: Physiology and Menstrual Disorders
2 Product Quizzes: Physiology and Menstrual Disorders
1. Which of the following ages for women who have never had their first menstruation is considered primary amenorrhea, even though they have reached adulthood and have normal secondary sexual characteristics?
A. After 13 years old
B. After 16 years old
C. After 18 years old
D. After 25 years old
Answer: C
2. Primary dysmenorrhea is common in the following women, EXCEPT:
A. Endometriosis
B. Cervical stenosis after cervical cauterization
C. Excessive uterine anteflexion or retroflexion
D. History of cervical insufficiency
Answer: D
3. Uterine adhesions can lead to which of the following consequences:
A. Menorrhagia
B. Dysmenorrhea
C. Amenorrhea
D. Oligomenorrhea
Answer: C
4. Common causes of ovarian amenorrhea include the following, EXCEPT:
A. Bilateral oophorectomy
B. Ovarian dysgenesis
C. Tubal ligation
D. Turner syndrome
Answer: C
5. Ovulatory cycles occur when there is synergy between which of the following hormones:
A. hCG and FSH
B. FSH and Estrogen
C. FSH and LH
D. LH and FRF
Answer: C
6. Secondary amenorrhea is the condition of continuous absence of menstruation for:
A. 3 months or more
B. 6 months or more
C. 9 months or more
D. 1 year or more
Answer: A
7. Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome; EXCEPT:
A. Headache
B. Edema
C. Breast tenderness
D. Shortness of breath, dizziness
Answer: D
8. Premature puberty is considered when menstruation begins from:
A. < 8 years old
B. From 10 to 12 years old
C. From 13 to 16 years old
D. When breast development is not fully complete
Answer: A
9. Premature menopause is considered when menstruation is absent before:
A. 35 years old
B. 40 years old
C. 45 years old
D. From 45 to 50 years old
Answer: B
10. Oligomenorrhea is considered when the menstrual cycle is longer than:
A. 30 days
B. 35 days
C. 40 days
D. 45 days
Answer: B
11. Polymenorrhea is considered when the menstrual cycle is shorter than:
A. < 20 days
B. < 21 days
C. < 25 days
D. < 28 days
Answer: B
12. Menorrhagia is the duration of menstrual bleeding in a menstrual cycle that lasts:
A. > 4 days
B. > 5 days
C. > 7 days
D. > 10 days
Answer: C
13. Physiological amenorrhea is considered correct in all of the following cases, EXCEPT:
A. Pregnancy
B. Lactation
C. Menopause
D. Imperforate hymen
Answer: D
14. The following are correct principles for managing menorrhagia, EXCEPT:
A. Blood transfusion if there is significant anemia
B. Uterine contraction medications, uterine curettage if married
C. Hormonal treatment for young unmarried women
D. Hormonal treatment for perimenopausal women is a mandatory indication
Answer: C
15. The following causes are all associated with secondary dysmenorrhea; EXCEPT:
A. Abnormal uterine position due to adhesions
B. Uterine fibroids obstructing the menstrual outflow
C. Cervical stenosis
D. Easily excitable, easily emotional
Answer: D
16. The following preventive measures for secondary dysmenorrhea are all correct, EXCEPT:
A. Hygiene during menstruation and sexual intercourse
B. Prenatal hygiene
C. Delivery must be ensured to be aseptic
D. Use intrauterine contraceptive devices to prevent uterine adhesions
Answer: D
17. FSH and LH levels in the blood of menopausal women change as follows:
A. FSH increases and LH increases
B. FSH increases and LH decreases
C. FSH decreases and LH decreases
D. FSH decreases and LH increases
Answer: A
18. For postmenopausal women, an ultrasound diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia is made when the endometrial thickness is:
A. >10 mm
B. > 09 mm
C. > 06 mm
D. > 04 mm
Answer: D
19. The following causes can all cause prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding, EXCEPT:
A. Intrauterine device placement
B. Use of contraceptive pills
C. Pelvic inflammatory disease
D. Uterine fibroids
Answer: B
20. All of the following statements are physical causes of menstrual disorders, EXCEPT:
A. Genital cancer
B. Genital tuberculosis
C. Hormonal disorders
D. Uterine fibroids
Answer: C
21. The main cause of anovulatory cycles is:
A. Prolonged luteal phase
B. Ovarian insufficiency
C. Absence of estrogen with changes in progesterone levels
D. Absence of progesterone with changes in estrogen levels
Answer: D
22. In cases of anovulatory cycles, patients often come to see a doctor because of:
A. Difficulty conceiving
B. Abdominal pain
C. Excessive vaginal discharge
D. Heavy menstrual bleeding
Answer: A
23. Treatment of anovulatory cycles can induce ovulation through one of the following methods in all cases:
A. Use of Clomiphene citrate
B. Ovarian wedge resection
C. hCG
D. Depending on the specific case, there is a suitable method
Answer: D
24. Functional menorrhagia is:
A. Abnormal bleeding from the genital tract
B. Due to excessive curettage or aspiration of the uterus
C. Often seen in adolescence or perimenopause
D. Often seen in people with blood disorders
Answer: C
25. One of the following statements is incorrect about the general characteristics of functional menorrhagia:
A. Menstrual cycles are more or less disrupted
B. Bleeding from the uterus is excessive, treatment is very difficult, often requiring hysterectomy
C. General condition shows signs of anemia due to excessive bleeding
D. 30% of functional menorrhagia in menopause needs monitoring for precancer
Answer: B
26. Which of the following should not be done in diagnosing functional menorrhagia:
A. Ask about history, examine the whole body
B. Gynecological examination
C. Uterine curettage
D. Laparoscopy to diagnose
Answer: D
27. The average age of menopause:
A. From 40 to 45 years old
B. From 45 to 50 years old
C. From 40 to 50 years old
D. From 45 to 55 years old
Answer: D
28. Dysmenorrhea usually:
A. Only occurs in women who have never given birth
B. Abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa
C. May have abdominal pain before, during menstruation
D. Severe, intermittent abdominal pain, feeling like fainting
Answer: C
29. The menstrual cycle is calculated from:
A. The end of menstruation to the first day of the next menstrual cycle
B. The first day of this menstrual cycle to the end of the next menstrual cycle
C. The first day of this menstrual cycle to the first day of the next menstrual cycle
D. The end of this menstrual cycle to the end of the next menstrual cycle
Answer: C
30. FSH and LH are hormones of:
A. Hypothalamus
B. Pituitary gland
C. Ovary
D. Adrenal gland
Answer: B
31. Choose a correct statement about amenorrhea:
A. Primary amenorrhea is considered when menstruation has not occurred by age 18
B. Pseudomenorrhea is considered when the cause is from the ovaries rather than the uterus
C. One possible cause is adrenal hyperplasia
D. It can only be treated with hormones
Answer: C
32. In the case of polymenorrhea (short cycles), what is the direction of treatment?
A. Use estrogen at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, add progesterone when menstruation is about to begin
B. Use progesterone at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, add estrogen when menstruation is about to begin
C. Use estrogen in the middle of the menstrual cycle
D. Use progesterone in the middle of the menstrual cycle
Answer: A
33. Menstruation is the phenomenon of bleeding due to….. (Decreased Estrogen and Progesterone) … leading to … (Shedding of the endometrial lining )… of the uterus, causing (Bleeding) … from the uterus to the outside.
35. The presence of monthly menstruation in women of reproductive age may require:
A. Decreased progesterone
B. Decreased estrogen and progesterone
C. Increased progesterone
D. Increased estrogen
Answer: B
36. Blood hormone levels are found to be: low estrogen, low progesterone, high FSH, high LH. Which of the following conclusions is most accurate:
A. Pituitary insufficiency
B. Ovarian insufficiency
C. Hypothalamic insufficiency
D. None of the conclusions are suitable
Answer: B
37. A 25-year-old woman has missed her period for 3 months, the first thing to do is:
A. Induce artificial menstruation
B. Measure sex hormones
C. Rule out pregnancy
D. Identify gynecological diseases
Answer: C
38. Of the following causes of amenorrhea, the cause that can be treated with the highest success rate is:
A. Due to uterine adhesions
B. Due to pituitary gland
C. Due to ovaries
D. Due to imperforate hymen
Answer: D
39. Scanty menstruation can occur due to:
A. Prolonged use of antibiotics
B. Prolonged use of combined estrogen and progestogen contraceptives
C. Prolonged use of progestogen contraceptives
D. Prolonged use of corticosteroids
Answer: C
40. In cases of anovulatory cycles, patients often come to see a doctor because of:
A. Difficulty conceiving
B. Abdominal pain
C. Excessive vaginal discharge
D. Heavy menstrual bleeding
Answer: A
41. Functional menorrhagia is:
A. Abnormal bleeding from the genital tract
B. Due to excessive curettage or aspiration of the uterus
C. Often seen in adolescence or perimenopause
D. Often seen in people with blood disorders
Answer: C
42. Causes of delayed puberty include:
A. Hypothalamic causes
B. Pituitary causes
C. Ovarian causes
D. B and C are correct
Answer: D
43. Menstruation is due to:
A. Increased FSH
B. Increased LH
C. Decreased Gn-RH
D. Sudden decrease in Estrogen and Progesterone
Answer: D
44. Menorrhagia in adolescence is usually treated by which method?
A. Progesterone
B. Estrogen
C. Androgen
D. Vitamin K
Answer: A
45. Treatment of anovulatory cycles can induce ovulation through one of the following methods in all cases:
A. Use of Clomiphene citrate
B. Ovarian wedge resection
C. hCG
D. Depending on the specific case, there is a suitable method
Answer: D
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