10 Multiple Choice Questions about Placenta Delivery

10 Multiple Choice Questions about Placenta Delivery

1. After the baby is born, which of the following signs indicates that the placenta has detached?

A. Pushing the uterus upwards with the edge of the hand on the pubic bone, the umbilical cord is retracted into the vagina.

B. Pushing the uterus upwards with the edge of the hand on the pubic bone, the umbilical cord doesn’t move up with it.

C. After the baby is born for 30 minutes.

D. Pulling the umbilical cord easily makes it slide out.

Answer: B

2. The boundary where the placenta detaches in the detachment and expulsion phase is:

A. Between the chorionic and decidual layers

B. Between the shedding membrane and the decidual membrane

C. Between the firm (compact) layer and the spongy layer of the shedding membrane

D. Between the uterine lining and the underlying basal tissue

Answer: C

3. The detachment of the placenta is triggered by:

A. The placenta contracting and shrinking.

B. Blood clots behind the placenta.

C. The uterus contracting.

D. Holding the umbilical cord after the baby is delivered.

Answer: C

4. Which sign helps detect postpartum hemorrhage early?

A. Pulse (heart rate) above 90 beats per minute.

B. Uterus above the umbilicus.

C. Soft uterus.

D. Blood loss over 300 ml.

Answer: A

5. When should the mother start breastfeeding after delivery?

A. ≤ 30 minutes

B. 6 hours

C. 24 hours

D. When milk comes in

Answer: A

6. After the placenta is delivered, if bleeding occurs, what should be done first?

A. Immediately inject uterine contraction medicine.

B. Immediately check the uterus.

C. Measure pulse, blood pressure, and check the source of bleeding.

D. Catheterize immediately.

Answer: C

7. Choose the most accurate statement about the Baudelocque type of placenta detachment:

A. Detaches from the center to the periphery

B. Detaches from the periphery to the center

C. Detaches from one edge of the placenta to the opposite edge

D. Often causes bleeding

Answer: A

8. How many ways can the placenta be expelled after detachment?

A. 4 ways

B. 3 ways

C. 2 ways

D. 1 way

Answer: C

9. The most important mechanism for controlling bleeding during the placental expulsion phase is:

A. Increased clotting factors during pregnancy

B. Clotting in the blood vessels in the uterine wall due to vasoconstriction

C. Contraction of the interwoven muscle bundles in the uterine body

D. Significant reduction in blood pressure in the uterine arterioles

Answer: C

10. Choose the most appropriate management: during placental delivery, if the placental membranes are not fully detached:

A. Lower the placenta into the palm of the hand and rotate the placenta to detach the remaining membrane.

B. If not successful, insert a hand into the uterine cavity to remove the remaining membrane.

C. The placenta can be held with both hands and pulled out.

D. It is not necessary to remove the remaining membrane.

Answer: A

11. Determine the correct statement about the number of ways the placenta can detach and be expelled:

A. 2 types of detachment and 2 types of expulsion

B. 2 types of detachment and 1 type of expulsion

C. 2 types of detachment and 3 types of expulsion

D. 1 type of detachment and 2 types of expulsion

Answer: A

12. Aggressive management in the third stage of labor includes:

A. Intramuscular injection of 10 UI oxytocin after baby delivery, controlled pulling of the umbilical cord, and uterine massage after placenta delivery.

B. Manual removal of the placenta.

C. Intravenous infusion of 500 ml dextrose 5% solution with 5 UI oxytocin.

D. Respecting the physiological rest time after the baby is delivered.

Answer: A

13. The Baudelocque type of placenta detachment accounts for:

A. 60%

B. 70%

C. 75%

D. 80%

Answer: C

14. The Duncan type of placenta detachment accounts for:

A. 50%

B. 45%

C. 35%

D. 25%

Answer: D

15. The average surface area of the placental villi is:

A. 12 – 14 m2

B. 8 – 10 m2

C. 6 – 9 m2

D. 5 – 7 m2

Answer: A

16. The uterine safety barrier forms after placenta delivery and lasts for:

A. 1 hour

B. 2 hours

C. 6 hours

D. 24 hours

Answer: B

17. Choose the correct statement about the following types of placenta expulsion:

A. Baudelocque type: The maternal side of the placenta comes out first.

B. Duncan type: The fetal side of the placenta comes out first.

C. The Ducan type of expulsion is rare, less likely to cause placental retention.

D. The Baudelocque type of expulsion is more common and causes less bleeding.

Answer: D

Note: These multiple choice questions are for reference only and should not replace professional knowledge from credible sources.

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