Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) # Definition NSAIDs are a group of non-steroidal drugs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects. They all have common side effects. # Side effects To remember the side effects of NSAIDs, you can use the following mnemonic: N: Nausea, dyspepsia S: Swelling…
New Drug Development: From Preclinical Research to Clinical Trials New Drug Development: From Preclinical Research to Clinical Trials New Drug Development: From Preclinical Research to Clinical Trials Developing a new drug requires demonstrating its safety and efficacy. Questions: Is combining two known drugs with circulating doses considered a new drug? Yes. Is it necessary for…
Neurotransmission Neurotransmission Neurotransmission 1. Number and Classification of Neurotransmitters: There are currently about 40 known neurotransmitters. They are divided into two main groups: Small molecule group: Includes substances with non-peptide structures, usually act quickly and cause most of the acute responses of the nervous system. Large molecule group: Includes peptides, act slower but stronger and…
Nervous System: An Overview Nervous System: An Overview Nervous System: An Overview This article will provide an overview of the nervous system, including its structure, function, and major components. The nervous system plays a crucial role in controlling and coordinating bodily functions, from simple reflexes to the most complex actions. # Structure of the Nervous…
Necrosis and Apoptosis Necrosis and Apoptosis Necrosis and Apoptosis Necrosis is an abnormal process of cell death that causes inflammation and affects tissue function. Morphological patterns of necrosis: Coagulative necrosis: Due to lack of oxygen, the cells become cloudy white, persist for a short time and then turn into liquefactive necrosis due to heterolysis. Cause:…
Myelopathy – Lumbar Disc Herniation Myelopathy – Lumbar Disc Herniation Myelopathy – Lumbar Disc Herniation Transverse Myelopathy Common Location: Transverse myelopathy often occurs in the lumbar and thoracic spinal cord enlargements. MRI Findings: Increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images and an increase in the spinal cord diameter. Differentiation from Polyneuropathy: Transverse myelopathy usually presents with…
Mumps Mumps Mumps Mumps is a viral infection that typically affects the salivary glands. It is spread through direct contact with saliva from an infected person. Infectious Period: The virus can be isolated in saliva from 6 days before swelling of the parotid gland to 9 days after the swelling. Transmission is less likely to…
Mitral Stenosis: Anesthesia and Care Guide Mitral Stenosis: Anesthesia and Care Guide Mitral Stenosis: Anesthesia and Care Guide Mitral stenosis is a condition where the mitral valve narrows, obstructing blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle. This article provides information on mitral stenosis, including severity, pathophysiology, risks, anesthesia priorities, and essential considerations.…
Microscopic Description of Tophi in Gout Microscopic Description of Tophi in Gout The microscopic image shows a typical tophi in gout. Key components: Tophi: Marked by the yellow arrows, are areas containing urate crystals. Urate crystal deposits: Marked by the yellow arrows, are pale pink-purple crystal deposits resembling cotton candy. Inflammatory cells: Marked by the…
Metal Chemistry Metal Chemistry Metal Chemistry # Properties of Metals 1. Physical Properties: General properties: Conductive of electricity and heat, metallic luster, malleable. Specific properties: Density: Lowest: Lithium (Li) Highest: Osmium (Os) Melting point: Lowest: Mercury (Hg) Highest: Tungsten (W) Hardness: Softest: Cesium (Cs) Hardest: Chromium (Cr) 2. Chemical Properties: Reducing Property: Metals are easily…