The Medicinal Properties of Some Traditional Herbs

The Medicinal Properties of Some Traditional Herbs

This article will provide detailed information on the medicinal properties of some commonly used traditional herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Please note that this information is for reference only and you should consult with a doctor or healthcare professional for advice tailored to your specific health condition.

1. Herbs for Rheumatism

  • Cốt khí (Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae): Dispels dampness, stops cough, transforms phlegm, disinfects.
  • Đau xương (Radix Angelicae Pubescentis): Dispels wind and dampness, relieves pain, removes blood stasis, eliminates counterflow.
  • Độc hoạt (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae): Dispels wind and dampness, relieves pain.
  • Hy thiêm (Herba Siegesbeckiae): Dispels wind and dampness, soothes the liver, nourishes the yang.
  • Ké đầu ngựa (Radix Sophorae Flavescentis): Dispels wind and dampness, opens the spleen orifices.
  • Khương hoạt (Radix Notopterygii): Dispels wind and dampness, relieves pain, disperses cold.
  • Lá lốt (Piper lolot): Dispels wind and dampness, strengthens the spleen and stomach.
  • Mộc qua (Fructus Trichosanthis): Harmonizes wind and dampness, regulates digestion.
  • Ngưu bàng chim (Radix Arctii Lappae): Eliminates wind and dampness, strengthens tendons and bones, detoxifies.
  • Ngưu bàng gai (Radix Arctii Lappae): Eliminates wind and dampness, strengthens tendons and bones, nourishes.
  • Nhàu (Fructus Morindae Officinalis): Dispels wind and dampness, lubricates the bowels.
  • Tang chi (Fructus Mori): Eliminates wind and dampness, stops cough, benefits urination.
  • Tang ký sinh (Herba Cuscutae): Dispels wind and dampness, strengthens tendons and bones, nourishes blood, calms the mind, promotes lactation.
  • Mã tiền (Semen Strychni): Dispels wind and dampness, reduces pain, strengthens tendons and bones.
  • Hoàng nàn (Radix Linderae): Dispels wind and dampness, opens meridians, relieves pain, strengthens tendons and bones, detoxifies.
  • Tần giao (Cornu Cervi): Eliminates wind and dampness, activates blood circulation, relieves pain.
  • Mắc cỡ (Mimosa pudica): Dispels wind, relieves pain, calms the mind, soothes the nervous system.
  • Thiên niên kiện (Radix Polygoni Multiflori): Dispels wind and dampness, relieves pain, strengthens the spleen and stomach.
  • Chìa vôi (Fructus Averrhoae Carambolae): Dispels wind and dampness, reduces pain, detoxifies, lubricates the bowels.
  • Uy linh tiên (Radix Clematidis): Dispels wind and dampness, opens meridians, relieves pain, eliminates jaundice.
  • Hoắc hương (Herba Agastaches): Regulates qi, transforms dampness, clears heat, stimulates appetite, stops vomiting.
  • Thương truật (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae): Dispels dampness, strengthens the spleen, dispels wind, disperses cold, improves vision.
  • Ngưu tất (Radix Achyranthis): Activates blood circulation, opens meridians, relaxes tendons, nourishes liver and kidney, strengthens tendons and bones.

2. Herbs for Activating Blood Circulation

  • Hồng hoa (Flos Carthami): Activates blood circulation, opens meridians, detoxifies.
  • Xuyên khung (Radix Angelicae Sinensis): Activates blood circulation, opens meridians, clears heat, moves qi, relieves stagnation.
  • Ích mẫu (Herba Leonuri): Activates blood circulation, opens meridians, benefits urination, reduces swelling.
  • Đan sâm (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae): Activates blood circulation, regulates menstruation, relieves pain.
  • Cỏ xước (Herba Leonuri): Activates blood circulation, dispels wind and dampness, benefits urination.
  • Huyền hồ (Radix Scrophulariae): Activates blood circulation, moves qi, relieves pain.
  • Tạo giác thích (Radix Puerariae Lobatae): Activates blood circulation, reduces swelling, removes pus.
  • Kê huyết đằng (Caulis Kadsurae): Activates blood circulation, relaxes tendons, opens meridians.
  • Nhũ hương (Resina Boswelliae): Activates blood circulation, moves qi, opens meridians.
  • Một dược (Radix Angelicae Pubescentis): Activates blood circulation, removes blood stasis, relieves pain.
  • Đào nhân (Semen Persicae): Activates blood circulation, removes blood stasis, lubricates the bowels, promotes bowel movements.
  • Huyết giác (Cornu Cervi): Activates blood circulation, removes blood stasis, dispels wind, stops bleeding.
  • Khương hoàng (Rhizoma Curcumae): Breaks up blood stasis, promotes blood circulation, relieves stagnation.
  • Nga truật (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae): Breaks up blood stasis, moves qi, removes food accumulation, eliminates stagnant food.
  • Tô mộc (Lignum Sappan): Breaks up blood stasis, clears heat, stops dysentery.
  • Tam lăng (Radix Saposhnikoviae): Breaks up blood stasis, moves qi, eliminates stagnation.

3. Herbs for Stopping Bleeding

  • Tam thất (Radix Notopterygii): Removes blood stasis, stops bleeding, relieves pain, reduces inflammation.
  • Tam thất gừng (Radix Notopterygii with Ginger): Disperses blood stasis, reduces swelling, activates blood circulation, stops bleeding.
  • Ngải cứu (Herba Artemisiae Vulgaris): Stops bleeding, warms the uterus, disperses cold, calms the fetus, aids digestion, relieves cold symptoms.
  • Bồ hoàng (Radix Arnebiae): Removes blood stasis, stops bleeding, reduces inflammation.
  • Bạch cập (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae): Stops bleeding, nourishes the lungs, disinfects, promotes wound healing.
  • Trắc bá diệp (Folium Sapium Sebiferum): Cools blood, stops bleeding.
  • Hòe hoa (Flos Sophorae Japonicae): Cools blood, stops bleeding, calms the liver, clears the lungs.
  • Cỏ mực (Herba Polygonum Multiflorum): Cools blood, stops bleeding, nourishes yin, replenishes kidney.
  • Huyết dụ (Radix Angelicae Sinensis): Cools blood, stops bleeding, disperses blood stasis, relieves pain.
  • Địa du (Radix Dioscoreae): Cools blood, stops bleeding, detoxifies, astringes.
  • Long nha thảo (Herba Ophiopogonis): Cools blood, astringes, stops bleeding, strengthens the spleen, eliminates stagnation, disinfects.
  • Ngẫu tiết (Radix Rubiae): Removes blood stasis, stops bleeding, detoxifies alcohol.
  • Bách thảo sương (Herba Erigerontis): Stops bleeding, treats dysentery, indigestion.
  • Quao (Radix Curcumae): Removes blood stasis, relieves swelling and pain, improves digestion, relieves constipation.

4. Herbs for Astringent Effects

  • Ngũ vị tử (Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis): Strengthens the exterior, stops sweating, astringes the lungs, stops cough, benefits the kidneys, strengthens the essence.
  • Ngũ bội tử (Fructus Terminaliae Chebulae): Stops sweating, astringes the bowels, stops diarrhea, detoxifies, disinfects.
  • Kim anh tử (Fructus Lycii): Strengthens the essence, benefits the kidneys, stops diarrhea.
  • Tang phiêu tiêu (Herba Cuscutae): Benefits the kidneys, strengthens the essence, benefits urination, promotes urination.
  • Liên tử (Semen Nelumbinis): Benefits the kidneys, strengthens the essence, strengthens the spleen, stops diarrhea.
  • Khiếm thực (Rhizoma Dioscoreae): Strengthens the spleen, benefits the kidneys, strengthens the essence.
  • Sơn thù (Fructus Corni): Nourishes liver and kidneys, strengthens the essence, astringes urine.
  • Mẫu lệ (Radix Smilacis Glabrae): Astringent, nourishes the yang, stops sweating, softens tendons.
  • Ổi (Fructus Psidii Guajavae): Astringes the bowels, stops diarrhea, tightens skin, disinfects.
  • Sim (Fructus Syzygium Cumini): Stops diarrhea, stops bleeding.
  • Ô mai (Fructus Mume): Astringes the bowels, stops diarrhea, astringes the lungs, stops cough.
  • Măng cụt (Fructus Garcinia Mangostana): Astringes the bowels, stops diarrhea, disinfects.
  • Cỏ sữa (Herba Euphorbiae): Treats dysentery, commonly used for children.
  • Kha tử (Semen Perillae): Astringes the lungs, stops coughing, stimulates appetite, harmonizes the spleen.

Please Note:

  • Information regarding the medicinal properties of traditional herbs is for reference only. You should seek the advice of a doctor or healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
  • Do not self-medicate with traditional herbs without professional guidance.
  • Choose reputable sources of traditional herbs to ensure quality and safety.
  • Avoid using traditional herbs concurrently with Western medicine without a doctor’s approval.

Besides the traditional herbs mentioned above, many other traditional herbs possess diverse and effective medicinal properties.

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