**Pharmacology: Lesson 17: Antimalarial Drugs**

**Pharmacology: Lesson 17: Antimalarial Drugs**

I. Introduction

Malaria is a dangerous infectious disease caused by the *Plasmodium* parasite, transmitted through the *Anopheles* mosquito. It can be fatal if not treated promptly.

II. Types of Antimalarial Drugs

1. Classification based on the Plasmodium life cycle stage:

  • Sporontocidal drugs: Prevent or inhibit the formation of oocysts and sporozoites, blocking disease transmission.
  • Examples: Primaquine, Proguanil.
  • Gametocytocidal drugs: Destroy gametocytes before they enter red blood cells.
  • Example: Primaquine (only effective against *P. falciparum*).
  • Blood schizonticidal drugs: Act against the parasite stage within red blood cells (often when fever occurs), reducing fever episodes.
  • Tissue schizonticidal drugs: Target the extra-erythrocytic stage of *Plasmodium spp.*, preventing relapses and achieving radical cure.
  • Example: Primaquine.
  • Hypnozoitocidal drugs: Act against hypnozoites, the dormant stage of the parasite, for preventive treatment.
  • Example: Proguanil.

2. Classification based on mechanism of action:

  • Group I: Fast-acting drugs:
  • 4-aminoquinolines: Chloroquine, Amodiaquine, Piperaquine.
  • Amino-alcohols: Quinine.
  • Group II: Slow-acting drugs:
  • Folinic acid antagonists: Proguanil, Pyrimethamine.
  • Folic acid antagonists: Sulfonamides, Sulfones.
  • Plasmodium respiratory inhibitors: Atovaquone.
  • Drugs acting on the peroxide group: Artemisinin and its derivatives.

3. Classification based on origin:

  • Natural antimalarial drugs: Quinine, Artemisinin.
  • Synthetic antimalarial drugs:
  • 4-aminoquinoline derivatives: Chloroquine, Amodiaquine, Piperaquine.
  • 8-aminoquinoline derivatives: Primaquine.
  • Aryl-amino-alcohol derivatives: Quinine and its derivatives.
  • Biguanide derivatives: Proguanil, Cycloguanil.

4. Antibiotic Antimalarials:

  • Cyclines: Tetracycline, Doxycycline, TIGECYCLIN.
  • Macrolides and their analogs: Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Lincomycin.
  • Fluoroquinolones: Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin.
  • Rifampicin.

III. Common Antimalarial Drugs

1. Chloroquine:

  • Group: 4-aminoquinoline derivative, Group I: fast-acting.
  • Mechanism of action:
  • Increases the pH within the parasite’s cell vacuole.
  • Interferes with nucleoprotein synthesis.
  • Inhibits key enzymes in DNA and RNA production.
  • Effect: Destroys blood schizonts, reducing fever episodes.
  • Combined use: Amodiaquine + Sulfadoxine + Pyrimethamine.

2. Quinine:

  • Group: Aryl-amino-alcohol derivative.
  • Mechanism of action:
  • Binds to ferriprotoporphyrin IX, produced during hemoglobin degradation, making it toxic to the parasite.
  • Agglutinates hemozoin, a pigment derived from hemoglobin, depriving the parasite of a food source.
  • Note:
  • Quinidine is effective against the malaria parasite and is 2-3 times more potent than quinine, but its side effect of cardiac arrhythmias is very dangerous, so it is only used for severe malaria treatment.

3. Primaquine:

  • Group: 8-aminoquinoline derivative.
  • Mechanism of action: Destroys gametocytes, tissue schizonts, prevents relapses, and achieves radical cure.
  • Note:
  • Not used for malaria treatment because of its poor effect on schizonts.
  • Contraindicated in individuals with glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.

4. Proguanil:

  • Group: Biguanide derivative.
  • Mechanism of action: Destroys hypnozoites, providing preventive treatment.
  • Note:
  • Not used for malaria treatment, only used when other drugs cannot be used.

5. Artemisinin:

  • Main active ingredient: Sweet Wormwood herb.
  • Mechanism of action: Free radical effect, altering the morphology of the parasite membrane.
  • Note:
  • Artemisinin and its derivatives are poorly absorbed in short-wave UV (< 210 nm), so they cannot be directly quantified using UV spectroscopy.

6. Malarone® (GSK):

  • Main ingredients: Atovaquone – Proguanil.
  • Effect: Prevents chloroquine-resistant malaria (Malaria CQR).

7. Fansidar®:

  • Main ingredients: Sulfadoxine + Pyrimethamine.
  • Effect: Inhibits folic acid metabolism, with a long-lasting effect.

IV. Precautions

  • Use drugs as prescribed by a doctor: Do not self-medicate or use drugs incorrectly.
  • Adhere to dosage and treatment duration: Use drugs according to the doctor’s instructions, do not discontinue treatment prematurely or overdose.
  • Monitor drug side effects: Inform your doctor of any side effects that occur.
  • Note contraindications: Some antimalarial drugs are contraindicated in individuals with glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.
  • Use mosquito control measures: Use mosquito nets, apply insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants, and sleep in an air-conditioned room.

V. Conclusion

Malaria is a dangerous disease, but it can be effectively prevented and treated if detected and managed promptly.

Note: This article provides information only and does not replace the advice of a doctor. You should consult with a doctor for appropriate advice and treatment.

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