Metformin: Characteristics, Activity and Applications
I. Physical characteristics:
- Melting point: 222 – 226°C
- Identification methods: Infrared spectroscopy (IR), thin-layer chromatography (TLC)
II. Chemical properties:
- Reacts with alkaline solutions to form NH3.
- Reacts with α-naphthol in alkaline medium and sodium hypobromite to form a pink color.
- Basicity: Qualitative determination by a method similar to alkaloids, quantitative determination by acid measurement in dry environment.
- HCl group combined: Qualitative determination of Cl-, quantitative determination of combined HCl using NaOH.
- Qualitative determination: IR or TLC can be used (color development with reagent mixture of sodium nitroprussiate and potassium ferricyanide).
III. Biological activity:
- Does not stimulate insulin secretion from cells.
- Increases insulin sensitivity at the receptor.
- Increases peripheral glucose utilization.
- Decreases glucose synthesis.
- Increases glycogen storage.
- Decreases glucose absorption.
- Reduces urinary sugar.
IV. Applications:
- Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
- Combination with sulfonylurea or insulin.
- Metformin can cause anemia if used for a long time due to competitive inhibition with the vitamin B12 intrinsic factor complex on its receptor.
V. Mechanism of action:
- Inhibits glucose reabsorption in the renal tubules by inhibiting the Na-glucose transferase 2 enzyme.
- Insulin independent.
VI. Side effects:
- Lactic acidosis.
- Urinary tract infection.
- Hypoglycemia.
- Vaginal Candida infection.
- Osteoporosis.
- This article provides general information about Metformin.
- Always consult a doctor before using any medication.
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