Sleep-Wake Regulation Mechanisms:
Wakefulness Maintenance System:
- Consists of 4 main nuclei within the Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS): PPT, Rache, LC, TMN.
- The hypothalamus secretes orexin, playing a crucial role in maintaining wakefulness.
Sleep Initiation System:
- The Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus (VLPO) plays a major role in triggering sleep.
- Serotonin modulates the activity of VLPO, contributing to sleep onset.
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep:
- Characterized by dreaming and abnormal bodily activity.
- Brain waves in this stage resemble Beta waves, typical of wakefulness.
Non-Rapid Eye Movement (non-REM) Sleep:
- A period of rest and recovery for the body.
- Includes 4 stages with distinct brain wave and bodily activity characteristics.
Insomnia Classification and Treatment:
- Transient insomnia (<3 days): Often due to stress or anxiety. Treatment involves low-dose sleep medication for 2-3 nights.
- Short-term insomnia (<3 weeks): May be caused by environmental or psychological factors. Treatment involves sleep medication for 7-10 days, taken intermittently.
- Long-term insomnia (>3 weeks): Typically associated with mental health disorders. Requires assessment of the patient’s condition and treatment of the underlying cause.
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