Chapter 3: Liver
1. Liver Fixation:
- Means of fixation:
- Falciform ligament (inferior to liver)
- Venous ligament
- Hepatic-diaphragmatic ligament, coronary, triangular p-t, falciform, round
- Lesser omentum
2. Morphology:
- Visceral surface: Has 3 grooves forming a H-shape:
- Right vertical groove: Gallbladder fossa and inferior vena cava groove
- Left vertical groove: Round ligament notch and ligamentum venosum fissure
- Horizontal groove is the porta hepatis: Includes proper hepatic artery, common bile duct, portal vein
3. Structure:
- Encapsulation:
- Serous membrane
- Fibrous layer inside
- Fibrous layer:
- At the porta hepatis, the fibrous layer moves blood vessels and bile ducts into the liver, forming a fibrous sheath around the vessels.
- Lobule space:
- Branch of hepatic artery
- Portal vein
- Bile duct
4. Main interlobar fissure:
- Diaphragmatic surface: Connects gallbladder notch to left border of IVC
- Visceral surface: Connects gallbladder fossa to left border of IVC
5. Intersegmental fissure:
- Right intersegmental fissure: Divides the right lobe into anterior and posterior segments. Runs from right border of IVC, parallel to the interlobar fissure, 3 fingerbreadths away.
- Left intersegmental fissure: Divides the left lobe into medial and lateral segments.
- Diaphragmatic surface is the falciform ligament.
- Visceral surface corresponds to the left vertical groove.
6. Accessory fissure between left lobes:
- Diaphragmatic surface: Connects left border of IVC with the point where the posterior 1/3 and anterior 2/3 of the lower border of the left lobe meet.
7. Segments:
- Medial segment:
- Diaphragmatic surface: Inferior segment IV
- Visceral surface: Inferior segment IV and I (caudate lobe)
- Lateral segment:
- Inferior segments II, III
- Right lobe:
- Anterior segment: Inferior segments V and VIII
- Posterior segment: Inferior segments VI, VII
8. Portal vein:
- Source of supply: Superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein.
- Additionally: Cystic vein, right-left gastric vein, prepyloric vein, periumbilical veins.
9. Hepatic pedicle:
- Components: Portal vein (runs obliquely to the right, forward into the lesser omentum), proper hepatic artery (in the middle), common bile duct (the shallowest).
10. Portal-Caval anastomosis:
- There are 4 anastomoses:
- 1. Esophageal anastomosis: Left gastric vein – esophageal veins (single vein).
- 2. Rectal anastomosis: Superior rectal vein connects to middle and inferior rectal veins (internal iliac veins).
- 3. Periumbilical anastomosis: Round ligament vein connects to superior and inferior epigastric veins and internal thoracic vein.
- 4. Transperitoneal anastomosis: Intestinal veins – inferior vena cava.
11. Common bile duct:
- Divided into 4 segments:
- Supraduodenal segment: To the left is the proper hepatic artery, behind is the portal vein.
- Retroduodenal segment.
- Retropancreatic segment.
- Intraduodenal segment: Empties into the lower 1/3 and upper 2/3 of the duodenum.
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