Stillbirth: What You Need to Know

Stillbirth: What You Need to Know

Stillbirth: What You Need to Know

Stillbirth is a tragic event where a baby dies in the womb before delivery. This is a serious complication that can severely affect a mother’s health.

Here is essential information about stillbirth to help you understand the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management:

1. Causes:

  • Postmaturity: The fetus dies due to aging, and the body is unable to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother.
  • Preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy): High blood pressure affects blood flow to the fetus, leading to oxygen and nutrient deprivation.
  • Diabetes: High blood sugar levels can cause complications affecting the fetus.
  • Blood clotting disorders: Decreased fibrinogen is a primary cause of blood clotting disorders in stillbirth.
  • Umbilical cord knot: A knotted umbilical cord restricts blood flow to the fetus.
  • Blood type incompatibility between mother and baby: When mother and baby have different blood types, the mother’s body may produce antibodies against the fetus.
  • Infection: Infections during pregnancy can cause fetal death.

2. Symptoms:

  • No fetal movement: This is the earliest sign of stillbirth, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.
  • Decreasing belly size: The uterus may stop growing or even shrink as the fetus deteriorates.
  • Vaginal bleeding: Vaginal discharge may be brown, dark red, non-clotting, and may include amniotic fluid.
  • Soft uterus not corresponding to gestational age: The uterus may be soft, and the ability to contract strongly is reduced.

3. Diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound: This is the primary method to confirm stillbirth by checking fetal heart activity and movement.
  • hCG test: hCG levels in urine decrease after fetal death.
  • Blood clotting tests: Tests assess blood clotting factors to identify clotting disorders.
  • Amniotic fluid testing: Amniotic fluid may be brown or black with a foul odor.

4. Management:

  • Stillbirth under 20 weeks: Dilation and curettage (D&C) is an effective treatment.
  • Stillbirth over 20 weeks:
  • Induction of labor: Medication is used to induce uterine contractions to deliver the fetus.
  • Cesarean delivery: This is performed in cases of abnormal fetal presentation, a closed cervix, or dangerous complications.

5. Complications:

  • Blood clotting disorders: Can cause vaginal bleeding and postpartum hemorrhage.
  • Infection: Postpartum uterine infection (endometritis).
  • Psychological impact: May cause stress and depression in the mother.

6. Considerations:

  • Stillbirth is a serious complication that requires timely medical attention and treatment.
  • Mothers need close monitoring after a stillbirth to prevent complications.
  • Stillbirth can have a severe impact on a mother’s health; therefore, timely diagnosis and management by a specialist are crucial.

7. Action to take if you suspect stillbirth:

  • Immediately consult a gynecologist for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding treatment and healthcare.
  • Relax and maintain a positive mental state.

8. Prevention:

  • Regular prenatal checkups to detect early risk factors for stillbirth.
  • Effective management of chronic conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Adhering to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

9. Additional information:

  • Stillbirth can occur at any point during pregnancy but is most common in the later stages.
  • The causes of stillbirth can stem from factors related to the fetus, the mother, or a combination of both.
  • Stillbirth is a challenging experience that requires empathy and support from family and friends.

Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge and does not replace professional medical advice. Consult a specialist for personalized advice and treatment.

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