Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction

Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction

Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction

1. Clinical Signs:

  • No meconium passage, abdominal distension
  • Bloody stools
  • Vomiting
  • Respiratory distress

2. Physiological Characteristics of the Neonatal Gastrointestinal Tract:

  • Meconium should be passed within 6 hours of birth.
  • Meconium is formed by ingested milk and bile.
  • Meconium is dark green in color.
  • If meconium is not passed within 24 hours, it is considered delayed meconium passage.

3. Causes of Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction:

  • Membranous obstruction within the intestines
  • Ladd’s bands
  • Meconium plug
  • Postoperative adhesions

4. Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction is:

  • A surgical emergency.
  • A condition involving intestinal blockage in infants under 1 year old.
  • A condition that can be diagnosed early in the fetal period.
  • Caused by various factors, often accompanied by other birth defects; without surgical intervention, the infant will die.

5. Abdominal Radiography in Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction:

  • The shape and location of the air-fluid level can help diagnose the location and severity of the bowel obstruction.
  • Two air-fluid levels located on either side of the spine are typical of ileal obstruction.
  • A double-bubble image on prenatal ultrasound is suggestive of duodenal obstruction.
  • Gastrointestinal contrast studies are not helpful in diagnosing the presence and location of obstruction.
  • Barium enema is valuable in diagnosing congenital megacolon.

6. In Duodenal Obstruction:

  • Annular pancreas is an internal cause of duodenal obstruction.
  • Obstruction above the ampulla of Vater results in clear vomitus.
  • Ladd’s bands form due to abnormal intestinal rotation.

7. Preparing Neonatal Patients for Surgery for Intestinal Obstruction:

  • Keep the patient warm and maintain a stable body temperature using an incubator.
  • Insert a nasogastric tube and aspirate periodically to prevent reflux into the lungs.
  • Provide fluid and electrolyte replacement and broad-spectrum antibiotics.

8. During Surgery for Duodenal Obstruction Due to Ladd’s Bands:

  • Sever Ladd’s bands.
  • Perform an appendectomy (prophylactic, as the appendix is mislocated in the epigastric region).
  • Widen the common mesentery.
  • Move the colon to the right side and the small bowel to the left side.

9. Postoperative Care for Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction:

  • Leave the nasogastric tube in place until the drainage is clear and the volume is minimal.
  • Start feeding 3 days after surgery.
  • Provide fluid and electrolyte replacement based on the infant’s weight.
  • Monitor pulse, temperature, respiratory rate, weight, nasogastric drainage, and urine output.
  • Administer intravenous fluids immediately after surgery; start oral feeding once gastric drainage is clear or the infant has passed meconium.

10. Postoperative Complications of Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction:

  • Anastomotic stricture is a complication requiring immediate reoperation.
  • Peritonitis due to anastomotic leak is a complication requiring immediate reoperation.
  • Severe pneumonia due to reflux is a serious complication that can lead to death.
  • Malabsorption due to short bowel syndrome occurs when only 1-2 meters of small bowel remain.

11. Factors That Predict a Poor Prognosis in Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction:

  • Birth weight between 2500-3000g.
  • Associated birth defects such as Down syndrome and heart defects.
  • Resection of bowel with less than 40 cm remaining.
  • Postoperative complications.

12. Multiple-Choice Questions:

  • How long after birth is meconium passage considered delayed? C. 24 hours
  • Which of the following clinical manifestations suggests neonatal intestinal obstruction? D. Absence of meconium on rectal examination
  • Which of the following imaging studies is most practical in diagnosing neonatal intestinal obstruction? A. Plain abdominal radiography
  • Which of the following images on plain abdominal radiography is characteristic of intestinal atresia? A. Typical air-fluid levels in the small bowel
  • Which of the following images on plain abdominal radiography is typical of duodenal obstruction? D. Air-fluid levels located on either side of the spine
  • What is the functional cause of neonatal intestinal obstruction? D. Congenital megacolon
  • Which of the following conditions requires a gastrointestinal contrast study? C. Duodenal stenosis
  • What is the plain abdominal radiography image for fetal peritonitis? C. Opaque abdomen with calcification
  • Neonatal intestinal obstruction occurs in infants younger than? C. 1 month old
  • What is the characteristic of vomiting in duodenal obstruction above the ampulla of Vater? B. Vomiting clear fluid.
  • Which form of intestinal atresia has the worst prognosis? D. Atresia of multiple segments of the small bowel
  • In which of the following situations is a bowel resection necessary? B. Atresia of a segment of the small bowel
  • A 4-day-old male infant, born vaginally at term with a birth weight of 3100g. The infant passed meconium once after birth and has vomited bile-stained fluid. Examination revealed abdominal distension, and the anus is normal.
  • What should you do for the infant? C. Provide fluid and electrolyte replacement, antibiotics, nasogastric tube, and rectal enema.
  • What is the first imaging study needed to diagnose the condition? D. Plain abdominal radiography.

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