Definition: Anemia is a condition in which there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells and/or hemoglobin in the blood.
- Oxygen transport disorder: The body lacks oxygen, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and pale skin.
- Changes in red blood cell structure: Red blood cells can be deformed, easily broken, or have abnormal sizes.
- Manifestations of underlying diseases: Some types of anemia can be symptoms of other diseases, such as cancer or infection.
Mechanism: Anemia occurs due to an imbalance between red blood cell production and destruction.
Life Cycle of Red Blood Cells:
- Production in the bone marrow: Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.
- Lifespan in the body 120 days: Red blood cells have an average lifespan of 120 days.
- Initiation of red blood cell destruction by phagocytes: After 120 days, old red blood cells are destroyed by phagocytes.
- Degradation process:
- Globin: Degraded into amino acids.
- Hem: Degraded into free bilirubin (250mg/day), not soluble in water.
- Free bilirubin – albumin complex: Free bilirubin binds to albumin, is taken up by the liver, and forms conjugated bilirubin by glucuronyl transferase.
- Conjugated bilirubin: Excreted through the kidneys as urobilinogen and through the intestines, transformed by bacteria, and excreted in feces.
Classification of Anemia:
- Blood loss anemia:
- Acute blood loss: Due to trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding… causing a sudden decrease in blood volume and red blood cells.
- Chronic blood loss: Due to hookworms, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia… causing a gradual decrease in blood volume and red blood cells.
- Hemolytic anemia: Red blood cells are destroyed earlier than normal.
- Intrinsic hemolysis:
- Red blood cell membrane defects: Hereditary spherocytosis (Minkowski Chauffard).
- Enzyme deficiency: G6PD deficiency.
- Hemoglobin synthesis disorders: Hemoglobinopathies.
- Extrinsic hemolysis: Due to antibodies, drugs, infections, toxins, trauma…
- Anemia due to decreased production: The bone marrow does not produce enough red blood cells.
- Lack of red blood cell production materials: Lack of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid…
- Bone marrow diseases: Leukemia, myelofibrosis…
Characteristics of each type of anemia:
- Acute blood loss anemia:
- Sudden decrease in blood volume and red blood cells.
- Controlling blood loss, supplementing iron and nutrients helps red blood cells recover after 3-4 weeks.
- Chronic blood loss anemia:
- Gradual decrease in blood volume and red blood cells.
- Red blood cells are small, polymorphic, multicoloured, and of various sizes.
- Serum iron is decreased.
- Hemolytic anemia:
- Red blood cells are destroyed earlier than normal.
- Free hemoglobin in the blood is increased.
- Hemoglobinuria (hemoglobin in urine).
- Serum iron is increased.
- Free bilirubin is increased.
- Increased bilirubin metabolism leads to increased stercobilinogen, urobilinogen.
- Reticulocytes are increased.
- Anemia due to lack of red blood cell production materials:
- Bone marrow is normal but lacks materials to produce red blood cells.
- Lack of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid…
- Treating the cause: Addressing the underlying cause of the anemia.
- Iron supplementation: Supplementation with iron in cases of iron deficiency anemia.
- Supplementation with vitamin B12 and folic acid: Supplementation with vitamin B12 and folic acid in cases of vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency anemia.
- Hemolysis treatment: Using medications to suppress hemolysis.
- Blood transfusion: Blood transfusion in cases of severe anemia.
- Anemia is a serious condition that can cause many complications.
- It is essential to see a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.
- Medical literature on anemia.
- This article only provides general information about anemia.
- Do not self-diagnose or treat anemia.
- Consult with a doctor for appropriate advice and treatment.
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