Chapter 3: Duodenum – Pancreas
Chapter 3: Duodenum – Pancreas
- Mobile Part:
- Occupies 2/3 of the upper part (duodenal bulb).
- The remaining part is fixed.
- Duodenal Bulb:
- Smooth mucosa.
- The remaining part has many folds.
- Arteries:
- Gastroduodenal artery.
- Splenic artery.
- Superior mesenteric artery.
- Structure:
- Has 3 surfaces: Anterior surface, posterior surface, inferior surface.
- Has 3 borders: The anterior border has a peritoneal fold attached to it.
- Pancreatic Duct:
- It is the main digestive duct.
- The acinar cells have a shape like a leaf vein.
Relationship between Duodenum and Pancreas:
- Mobile part and pylorus: Located in front of the pancreas.
- Fixed portion of the upper part: Divides the pancreas into two parts:
- Anterior to the groove is the anterior lobe.
- Posterior to the groove is the peritoneal lobe.
Relationship of the Pancreatic Block:
- Relationship to peritoneum:
- Posterior surface: Duodeno-pancreatic fold.
- Anterior surface: The root of the transverse mesocolon attaches, dividing the pancreas into upper and lower parts.
- The mesentery of the small intestine adheres to the duodenojejunal angle, forming the retroduodenal recess.
- Relationship to organs:
- The superior mesenteric artery impresses on the inferior surface of the pancreas, creating the pancreatic notch.
- Relationship of the pancreatic notch:
- Posterior: Abdominal aorta, portal vein.
- Superior: Celiac trunk.
- Inferior: Superior mesenteric artery.
Blood Vessels:
- Superior Pancreatic Vein: Drains into the portal vein.
- Inferior Pancreatic Vein: Drains into the superior mesenteric vein.
- Body and Tail Pancreatic Veins: Drain into the splenic vein.
- Superior Pancreatic Vein: Drains into the portal vein.
- Use bullet points to create a clear layout.
- Capitalize the first letter of specialized nouns.
- Use simple and easy-to-understand language.
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