Reticular System Physiology
1. Where is serotonin secreted from?
- Midline Raphe Nucleus
2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the reticular activating system?
- B. Decreases spinal reflexes
3. Which region can induce sleep when electrically stimulated?
- D. Nucleus of the solitary tract
4. What hormone is secreted from the locus coeruleus?
- Norepinephrine
5. What will happen if the brainstem is cut above the point where the V nerve enters the pons?
- E. Frequent coma
6. What structure, if destroyed, will cause insomnia?
- D. Midline Raphe Nucleus
7. What neurotransmitter is secreted from the magnocellular nucleus?
- Acetylcholine
8. Which statement is true about the inhibitory reticular system?
- Decreases antigravity muscle tone when stimulated
9. What are the phenomena when sleeping?
- Decreased muscle tone, decreased total body energy metabolism
10. Damage to which part will cause an organism to be awake and unable to sleep?
- B. Midline Raphe Nucleus
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