**Acute Kidney Injury**
Acute Kidney Injury
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a sudden decrease in kidney function, often reversible within a few hours to days.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome with varying severity over different stages, characterized by acute decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (increased blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine) within hours to days.
Definition: AKI is a syndrome characterized by:
- Rapid decline in GFR, hours to days
- Retention of nitrogenous waste products such as urea, creatinine
- Progression through different stages in terms of time, severity, onset, progression, and recovery
- Recovery depends on the cause, pre-existing kidney disease, and treatment
Non-oliguric form: Urine volume > 500ml/24h, rapid decline in GFR.
Causes of non-oliguric AKI:
- Antibiotics
- Contrast media
- Acute interstitial nephritis
- Acute glomerulonephritis
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Obstructive kidney disease
Markers used in AKI:
- Serum creatinine
- Urea, BUN
- Cystatin C
- Biomarkers in acute kidney injury
Serum creatinine:
- Filtered through the glomerulus
- Secreted in the renal tubules
- Not reabsorbed
Factors affecting creatinine without affecting kidney function:
- Increased creatinine due to inhibition of secretion:
- Trimethoprime
- Cimetidine
- Increased creatinine due to measurement effects:
- Ascorbic acid
- Cephalosporins
- Other factors:
- Age, gender, nutrition, volume of distribution
- Race
- Nutrition
- Amputation
- Increased reabsorption with dehydration
- Increased BUN without affecting kidney function:
- Increased catabolism
- High protein intake
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- High doses of corticosteroids
- Low BUN found in:
- Low protein diet, malnutrition, severe liver disease
Cystatin C:
- A protein produced by nucleated cells
- Freely filtered in the glomerulus
- Completely reabsorbed in the proximal tubules
- Not secreted
Advantages of Cystatin C over Creatinine:
- Related to muscle mass
- More variable than creatinine in AKI
Biomarkers of AKI:
- Urinary Interleukin 18 (IL18)
- Kim-1
Characteristics of AKI biomarkers:
- Secreted into blood and urine when acute kidney injury occurs (similar to troponin after myocardial infarction)
- Higher sensitivity and specificity than urea and creatinine
Diagnosis of AKI according to KDIGO 2012:
- When at least one of the following criteria is present:
- Increased Cr ? 0.3mg/dl within 48h
- Increased Cr ? 1.5 times baseline within 7 days
- Urine volume < 0.5ml/kg/h for 6h
RIFLE criteria in diagnosing AKI:
- Risk:
- Crea increased 1.5 times or GFR decreased > 20%
- UO: < 0.5ml/kg/h for 6h
- Injury:
- Creatinine increased 2 times
- GFR decreased > 50%
- UO: 0.5ml/kg/h for 12h
- Failure:
- Creatinine increased 3 times
- GFR decreased 75%
- UO: < 3ml/kg/h for 24h or anuria for 12h
- Complete loss of kidney function for 4 weeks
- End stage:
- End-stage kidney disease
AKI in the community:
- Accounts for 1%
- Often accompanied by chronic kidney disease
- Pre-renal 70%
- Post-renal 17%
AKI acquired in hospital:
- According to RIFLE, 20% of hospitalized patients have AKI
- Causes: Anemia, hypovolemia, medications, contrast media.
Pre-renal injury is common in outpatient settings.
Tubular necrosis is common in the ICU.
AKI is a risk factor:
- Independent of mortality in hospital, and correlated with length of stay.
Differentiating between acute and chronic kidney failure:
- History: urea creatinine level, ultrasound shows kidney atrophy, loss of cortical medullary border
- Normocytic, normochromic anemia not explained by other diseases with GFR < 30
- Hypocalcemia
Causes of acute kidney injury:
- Pre-renal 50-60%
- Renal 35-40%
- Post-renal < 5%
Pre-renal acute kidney injury is also known as: Pre-renal azotemia.
Pre-renal acute kidney failure includes:
- True intravascular volume depletion
- Effective intravascular volume depletion
- Hemodynamic changes in the kidneys
True intravascular volume depletion includes:
- Hemorrhage
- Fluid loss through the gastrointestinal tract, through the kidneys (diuretics, osmotic diuretics, …)
- Fluid loss into the third space: burns, pancreatitis, decreased albumin, inflammatory response
- Loss through the skin: burns, sweating, hyperthermia
- Decreased intake: poor diet
Effective intravascular volume depletion includes:
- Decreased cardiac output: congestive heart failure, cardiogenic shock, acute cardiac tamponade, severe pulmonary embolism
- Peripheral vasodilation: Sepsis, anaphylactic shock, antihypertensive drugs, anesthesia
Hemodynamic changes in the kidneys include:
- Constriction of afferent arterioles
- Dilation of efferent arterioles
Groups of drugs that cause constriction of afferent arterioles:
- NSAID anti-inflammatory drugs
- Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus
- Hypercalcemia
Drugs that dilate efferent arterioles:
- ACE inhibitors
- Angiotensin receptor blockers
Response of the glomerulus and body when there is a decrease in circulatory volume:
- Sympathetic stimulation
- RAA stimulation
- Increased ADH release
- Release of vasoconstrictors of internal organs
- Autoregulation mechanism in the kidneys
Autoregulation mechanism in the kidneys:
- When BP drops to 70-80, there will be dilation of afferent arterioles and constriction of efferent arterioles to maintain GFR.
Diagnosis of pre-renal acute kidney failure:
- Clinical presentation suggestive of dehydration, heart failure
- Laboratory tests:
- BUN/ serum creatinine > 20
- U Na < 20 meq/L
- FE Na < 1%
- Concentrated urine
- Specific gravity 1.018
- Osmolality > 500 mOsmol/ Kg H2O
- Clean urine sediment, no casts
Post-renal acute kidney failure due to:
- Bilateral obstruction of ureters or unilateral obstruction on a single kidney
- Obstruction of the urethra or bladder neck
Obstruction of 2 ureters or obstruction of one side on a single kidney includes:
- Within the ureter: stones, blood clots, pus, or renal papillae, edema after retrograde ureterography, transitional cell carcinoma
- Outside the ureter: Abdominal tumors, pelvis, retroperitoneal fibrosis, ureteral misplacement or trauma during abdominal surgery, pelvis
Obstruction of the urethra or bladder neck includes:
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Bladder or prostatic cancer
- Neurogenic bladder, or use of anticholinergics causing urinary retention
- Urethral stricture
- Bladder stones
- Fungal infection
- Blood clots
Diagnosis of post-renal AKI includes:
- Clinical presentation
- Ultrasound: hydronephrosis, cause of obstruction
- Non-contrast CT scan
- Urinary MRI
Renal acute kidney failure includes:
- Blood vessels
- Glomerulus
- Interstitial tissue
- Renal tubules
Renal acute kidney failure due to blood vessels:
- Large and medium-sized blood vessels such as: Renal arteries: Embolism or thrombosis, renal artery clamping, bilateral renal artery embolism
- Polyarteritis nodosa
- Small blood vessels: Microangiopathic thrombosis, malignant hypertension, HELLP syndrome
- HUS/ TTP: increased blood urea nitrogen/ thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Athrombolisic dieases Atherosclerosis
- Scleroderma
Renal acute kidney failure due to glomerulus:
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Acute glomerulonephritis
- Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Renal acute kidney failure due to interstitial tissue:
- Drug-induced interstitial nephritis
- Infection-related interstitial nephritis
Drug-induced interstitial nephritis includes:
- Antibiotics
- Diuretics
- Anticonvulsants
- Allopurinol
Antibiotics causing interstitial nephritis:
- Methicillin, cephalosporins, rifampicin, sulfonamides, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin
Diuretics causing interstitial nephritis:
- Furosemide, thiazide, chlorthalidone
Anticonvulsants causing interstitial nephritis:
- Phenytoin, carbamazepine
Infection-related interstitial nephritis includes:
- Bacteria: Streptococcus, Staphylococcus
- Viruses: CMV, EBV
- Tuberculosis
Renal acute kidney failure due to renal tubules:
- Renal tubular ischemia
- Toxic substances
Renal tubular ischemia causing acute kidney failure due to renal tubular injury:
- Shock
- Hemorrhage
- Trauma
- Septic shock
- Acute pancreatitis
- Hypotension
Toxic substances causing renal tubular injury:
- Exogenous toxins: Medications
- Endogenous toxins:
Exogenous toxins causing renal tubular injury:
- Myoglobin rhabdomyolysis
- Hemoglobin hemolysis
- Uric acid
Exogenous toxins causing tubular necrosis/ renal AKI:
- Aminoglycosides
- Amphotericin B
- Acyclovir
- Indinavir
- Pentamidine
- Foscarnet
- Contrast media
Cancer treatment drugs causing tubular necrosis:
- Cisplatin
Anesthetic drugs causing tubular necrosis:
- Enflurane
Drugs used in colonoscopy preparation causing tubular necrosis:
- Phospho soda
Mechanism of decreased glomerular filtration rate in acute tubular necrosis:
- Renal tubular injury: Fluid leakage into the interstitial space, compression of the renal tubules, obstruction of the lumen of the renal tubules
- Hemodynamic changes in the kidneys
- Inflammatory response in the kidneys
- Vasoconstriction in the kidneys
Clinical presentation of acute tubular necrosis:
- Onset
- Spread
- Maintenance
- Recovery
Onset phase:
- Hours, days
- Decreased glomerular filtration rate due to decreased renal blood flow
Spread phase:
- Prolonged ischemia causes cellular polarization, apoptosis, necrosis of renal tubular cells
- Cell shedding, sticking together, causing obstruction of the lumen, interstitial edema
Maintenance phase:
- Lasts 1-2 weeks
- Despite decreased renal blood flow, the injury continues to progress
- Prolonged oliguria, severe decrease in glomerular filtration rate
Recovery phase:
- Marked by increased urine volume
- Complications can still occur, decreased blood flow can lead to recurrent kidney failure, electrolyte disturbances
Treatment goals:
- Reduce multi-organ tubular injury by early intervention in the early stages
- Treatment and prevention of complications due to high uremic levels in the oliguric and anuric phases
- Timely adjustment to changes in progression in the polyuric phase until complete recovery
Treatment of pre-renal kidney failure due to dehydration:
- 0.9% NaCl
- Infuse 1000ml in 1h or 250ml/h
- Monitor urine output, jugular venous pressure, lung sounds, blood pressure
- If central venous pressure is measured, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure is blocked
Treatment of pre-renal acute kidney failure due to heart failure:
- Diuretics
- Preload reducing drugs
- Afterload
- Increased contractility
- Antiarrhythmic drugs
- Hemofiltration may be required
Treatment of pre-renal acute kidney failure due to cirrhosis:
- It is necessary to distinguish between dehydration or hepatorenal syndrome
- Diuretics
- Paracentesis, albumin supplementation
- Portocaval shunt
- Vasopressin analogs
Treatment of pre-renal acute kidney failure due to nephrotic syndrome:
- Diuretics
- Albumin supplementation if BP drops
- Treat underlying disease (corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs)
Treatment of renal acute kidney failure due to interstitial nephritis:
- Remove the causative agent
- Antibiotics if infected
- Consider corticosteroids
Treatment of renal acute kidney failure due to acute tubular necrosis:
- Use diuretics cautiously, when enough fluid has been replenished and in the oliguric phase (80-500mg/24h)
- Low-dose dopamine is not beneficial
- Avoid nephrotoxic drugs and adjust drugs that are excreted by the kidneys
Treatment of post-renal acute kidney injury:
- Remove the cause of obstruction
- Such as urinary catheterization, JJ placement, ureteral externalization
Supportive treatment includes:
- Nutrition 30-35 kcal/kg/day
- Limit protein to 0.8g/kg/day
- Adjust medications according to glomerular filtration rate
- Renal replacement therapy
Indications for emergency renal replacement therapy:
- Manifestations of increasing uremic levels: tremor, pericardial friction rub, neurological manifestations, nausea, vomiting
- Oliguria or anuria
- Severe hyperkalemia not responsive to medical management
- Acute pulmonary edema not responsive to medical management
- Metabolic acidosis not responsive to medical management
- BUN > 100 mg/dl, Creatinine > 10 mg/dl
- Drug overdose: Removal through renal replacement therapy
Earlier dialysis should be indicated if there are severe underlying medical conditions:
- Drug overdose
- Severe burns
- Obstetrical complications
- Bee stings
- Multiple trauma
Factors that contribute to more severe hyperkalemia:
- Acidosis, insulin deficiency
- Potassium release from damaged tissue: severe trauma, rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, tumor lysis syndrome
- Medications, potassium-containing preparations such as: IV fluids, potassium-sparing diuretics
- NSAIDs, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers
Dangerous effects of hyperkalemia:
- Cardiac toxicity
- Tall T wave
- PR, QRS prolongation, delayed atrioventricular conduction, loss of P wave
- Finally ventricular fibrillation, asystole
Treatment of hyperkalemia:
- Stop sources of potassium: diet, medications, remove tissue, treat infection
- Calcium gluconate
- Insulin
- Alkalization of blood
- Beta 2 stimulation
- Actual removal of potassium such as diuretics, ion exchange resins, kayexalate, renal replacement therapy
Calcium gluconate has the effect of:
- Preventing cardiac toxicity
Dose of Calcium gluconate:
- 10% /5ml 2A diluted, slow IV
- Effect within minutes
- T1/2 30-60 minutes
Use of insulin in hypokalemia:
- 10 UI actrapid with every 25 grams of glucose
- Has the effect of moving potassium into cells
Alkalization aims to:
- Move potassium into cells
- Dose 150 mEq IV
Beta stimulation in hyperkalemia:
- Move potassium into cells
- Duration 2-4h
- Albuterol 0.5mg nebulized or 10mg inhaled
Actual removal of potassium from the body such as:
- Diuretics
- Ion exchange resin Kayexalate 1-2 packets 15g 2-3 times daily
- Renal replacement therapy
Note: This article is for general information about acute kidney injury only, and does not replace professional medical advice. Consult with a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
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